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Revision 5 as of 2004-10-22 11:37:57
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Revision 100 as of 2021-07-03 01:46:04
Size: 10285
Editor: RayHuang
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This is a list of web log("blog") software written in Python. Please feel free to add to the list or add details.

 * [http://pyds.muensterland.org/ Python Desktop Server]
 * [http://bdash.net.nz/2004/08/02/snurf-a-python-based-blogging-system/ Snurf]: Snurf is a Python-based blogging system. It differs from many similar systems in that it uses the file-system for data storage, and generates static HTML files which are then served by a standard web-server.
 * Firedrop
 * Kaa
 * [http://coreblog.org/ COREBlog]: Zope based
 * [http://www.kryogenix.org/code/vellum/ Vellum]
 * [http://roughingit.subtlehints.net/pyblosxom/ PyBlosxom]
 * [http://newsbruiser.tigris.org/ NewsBruiser]
 * [http://www.logarithmic.net/pfh/aether Aether]
This is a list of web log ("blog") software written in Python, organised by category. Please feel free to add to the list or add details.

To start a feature comparison, use the following keys within braces:

a = authentication / authorization b = integrated admin backend for editors (CMS) c = comments h = caching k = pingback / traceback m = markup support n = notifications p = plugin architecture u = multi-user blog system (Twitter-like) r = RSS feed s = data export / import (schema migration) t = topics / categories

== Tools ==
 * [[http://pyljclient.sourceforge.net|pyLJclient]]
  * wxPython LiveJournal client

 * [[https://pyblogger.wordpress.com|pyblogger]]
  * wrapper for the Blogger API

 * [[https://www.drbeat.li/py/plagg|plagg]]
  * a RSS/Atom aggregator for (Py)Blosxom

== web2py Based ==
 * [[https://code.google.com/p/instant-press/|Instant Press]]
  * Instant Press is an open source CMS developed in the web2py framework. Instant Press is simple, easy to use and attractive.
   * Last Updated Dec 2010

 * [[https://code.google.com/p/blogitizor|Blogitizor]]
  * A blog system developed with web2py. Offers posts, pages,caching, comments, file uploads, import your wordpress data.
   * Last Updated May 2010

 * [[http://web2py.com/appliances/default/show/36|PyPress]]
  * Wordpress Clone made with web2py framework (can run on Google App Engine)

 * [[https://techfuel.net/zblog/default/web2py|TechFuel blog]]

== web.py Based ==
 * [[https://www.daltonlp.com/blog_my|blog_my]]

== Zope Based ==
 * [[https://coreblog.org/|COREBlog]] // COREBlog was Zope based, COREBlog2 was Plone based, coreblog3 is currently developed and it's [[https://coreblog.org/aha|Google App Engine]] based.
 * [[https://www.codesyntax.com/bitakora/download|Bitakora]]
 * [[http://pyds.muensterland.org/|Python Desktop Server]] // This is a bad link
 * [[https://www.zope.org/Members/chrisw/Squishdot|Squishdot]]
 * [[https://plone.org/products/simpleblog|simpleblog]] [[https://pypi.python.org/pypi/Products.SimpleBlog/|PyPI]]
  * Zope/plone

 * [[https://plone.org/products/quills|quills]] [[https://pypi.python.org/pypi/Products.Quills/|PyPI]]
  * Zope/plone

== Django Based ==
 * [[https://github.com/hmarr/django-mumblr/|Mumblr]] - utilises MongoDB for storage
  * last updated 2010-09-13

 * [[https://svn.pardus.org.tr/projeler/zangetsu/|Zangetsu]]
  * last updated 2009 (?)

 * [[https://cekirdek.pardus.org.tr/~caglar/|Demo]]
  * "Gone with the wind..." - dead link.

 * [[http://trac.piranha.org.ua/|Byteflow]] - {ckmrt}
  * last updated 2011-03-10 (active)

 * [[https://code.google.com/p/blogmaker/|Blogmaker]] [[https://pypi.python.org/pypi/Blogmaker|PyPI]]
  * last updated 2009-12-09

 * [[https://developeradvocate.appspot.com/id/1005/AppEngineBlog-("AEB")-Version-1.1.0-Released|App Engine Blog]]
  * last updated 2010-04-28

 * [[https://www.pylucid.org|PyLucid CMS]] has a built in blog plugin [[https://pypi.python.org/pypi/PyLucid/|PyPI]] - {chmr}
  * last updated 2011-01-25 (active)

 * [[https://www.hoydaa.com/products/blog/|Hoydaa Blog]] - An extensible Django based blogging software running on Google App Engine.
 * [[https://isotopesoftware.ca/software/blogengine2/|BlogEngine2]] - Versatile blogging framework based on the [[http://isotopesoftware.ca/software/django-hotsauce/|django-hotsauce]] toolkit. - {achmnpst}
  * last updated 2017-02-15 (active)
  * [[https://bitbucket.org/tkadm30/blogengine2|Source code]]

 * [[https://github.com/vicfryzel/collective|collective]] - Blog engine with minimal core feature set.
  * last updated 2011-01-08

 * [[http://mezzanine.jupo.org/|Mezzanine]] - CMS with integrated Blog engine.

== TurboGears Based ==
 * [[https://turboblog.devjavu.com/|TurboBlog]] [[https://pypi.python.org/pypi/turboblog/|PyPI]]
 * [[http://quoins.net/|Quoins - A TurboGears Blogging System]]

== Pocoo Libs Based ==
 * [[http://zine.pocoo.org/|Zine]] (formerly [[http://dev.pocoo.org/projects/textpress/|Textpress]])
  * An open source personal publishing platform that inherits many ideas of [[https://wordpress.com|WordPress]]
  * Written in Python and developed with a focus on security and usability
  * Built on top of Werkzeug, Jinja2 and SQLAlchemy, with [[http://dev.pocoo.org/projects/zine/|plugins]]
  * last released 2009-01-11

 * [[https://bitbucket.org/codekoala/hgblog/|HgBlog]] [[https://pypi.python.org/pypi/hgblog/|PyPI]]
  . is a "set of modifications to the Sphinx project to make it slightly more suitable as a blogging engine". See also [[https://pypi.python.org/pypi/hgblog/|its page on PyPI]].

 * [[https://blohg.org/|Blohg]] [[https://pypi.python.org/pypi/blohg/|PyPI]]
 * [[https://github.com/eugenkiss/Simblin|Simblin]]
 * [[https://github.com/riquellopes/micro-blog|micro-blog]]

== Snakelets Based ==
 * Frog running on [[https://www.razorvine.net/projects/SnakeletsServer.html|Snakelets]],
  * As of 20100607, there is only a [[https://www.razorvine.net/projects/Frog.html|Wikipage discussing a Frog reimplementation]]. Frog and Snakelets are no longer publicly available.
  * calendar
  * image embedding or linking
  * multi-user
  * active article overview
  * permalinks
  * Unicode compatible
  * data as XML files on filesystem
  * CSS-based valid layout

== Static ==
 * [[https://crotal.org|Crotal]]
  * Generate Static site using jinja2 template engine, markdown syntax
  * Simple, Static and Fast
  * Easy to use
  * Incremental generation.
   * last updated 2014-02

 * [[https://hyde.github.io|Hyde]]
  * Generate static HTML using jinja2 template, markdown syntax,...
  * Based on Python and Django, heavily inspired by Jekyll
   * last updated 2011-05

 * [[https://github.com/jeffknupp/blug|Blug]]
  * Static site generator for Markdown based posts, including RSS feed and sitemap generation
  * Deep microdata integration - automatic Google Author information support
  * Third party support: Disqus, Google Analytics, Clicky, GitHub, Twitter, Facebook, Google+
  * Includes built-in pure Python web server optimized for static sites
   * last updated 2013-07

 * [[https://bitbucket.org/haard/blaag/|Blaag]]
  * Minimalistic blogging software that generates static HTML from RST source
  * Uses Mercurial for version control
  * Disqus and Google Analytics integration
   * last update 2013-02

 * [[https://github.com/vladris/tinkerer|Tinkerer]]
  * Based on Sphinx
  * Disqus comments, Google Analytics, RSS feed, search function, sidebar widgets

 * [[https://github.com/posativ/acrylamid|Acrylamid]]
  * yet another static blog compiler with fast incremental builds
  * flexible, view-controller inspired configuration
  * Disqus comments, RSS/Atom Feeds, tags, pages, static content, various markup extensions

 * [[https://github.com/wmark/thot|Thot]]
  * Supports YAML; Mako and Jinja2 for templating…
  * … and several markup formats for input: Markdown, RST, Creole, Trac, plaintext, HTML
  * Can be used with Github for storing articles.
  * RSS/ATOM feed, sitemap.xml, tags and categories, scheduled publication, server-side hyphenation, LaTeX formulas

 * [[https://getnikola.com/|Nikola]]
  * Creates static files with reStructuredText, Markdown, IPython Notebook (and more!) as input
  * Themeable with [[https://www.makotemplates.org/|Mako]] or [[http://jinja.pocoo.org/|Jinja2]]
  * Supports multi-language sites, image galleries, the creation of RSS feeds, syntax highlighting, DISQUS and other services for comments
  * Fast builds, thanks to [[https://python-doit.sf.net/|doit]] (doesn't rebuild the entire site at once)

 * [[https://mynt.mirroredwhite.com/|mynt]]
  * Creates static files with markdown as input
  * Themeable with [[http://jinja.pocoo.org/|Jinja2]]
  * Supports multi-language site

 * [[https://getpelican.com/|Pelican]]
  * Creates static files with reStructuredTest / markdown / AsciiDoc as input
  * Themeable with [[http://jinja.pocoo.org/|Jinja2]]
  * Supports multi-language site

== Uncategorized ==
 * [[https://bloog.billkatz.com/|Bloog]]
  * Runs on Google App Engine
  * Exposes a REST API

 * [[https://github.com/Arachnid/bloggart|Bloggart]]
  * Runs on Google App Engine

 * [[https://snurf.bdash.net.nz/|Snurf]] // Homepage is down or has been moved
  * uses file-system or Subversion repository for data
  * generates static HTML, RSS and Atom files

 * [[https://zephyrfalcon.org/weblog/arch_Firedrop.html|Firedrop]]
  * last updated 2004-02-14

 * [[https://zephyrfalcon.org/weblog/arch_Kaa.html|Kaa]] [[https://pypi.python.org/pypi/Kaa/|PyPI]]
  * last updated 2004-04-23

 * [[https://www.kryogenix.org/code/vellum/|Vellum]]
  * {chkmnpt}
  * support for formatted Python code in posts

 * [[https://pyblosxom.bluesock.org/|PyBlosxom]] [[https://pypi.python.org/pypi/pyblosxom/|PyPI]]
  * {ckmprt}
  * really simple cgi blog with flat file blog posts.
  * lots of plugins.
  * pages load cross-site requests from pyblosxom.bluesock.org

 * [[https://newsbruiser.tigris.org/|NewsBruiser]]
  * last updated 2008-04-27

 * [[https://www.logarithmic.net/pfh/aether|Aether]]
 * [[https://insom.me.uk/blog/2004/07/25/hello-goodbye-pixie/|Pixie]]
  * uses [[https://www.quixote.ca/|Quixote]]

 * [[https://www.myelin.co.nz/bzero/|bzero]] [[https://pypi.python.org/pypi/bzero/|PyPI]]
 * [[https://www.sajjadzaidi.com/pylogger/|Pylogger]]
  * Dead link.

 * [[https://www.pyrite.org/byline/index.html|Byline Server]]
 * [[https://jtauber.com/leonardo|Leonardo]]
  * provides a "personal" wiki and weblog (including Atom feed)
  * last updated 2009-11-15

 * [[https://syncato.org/|Syncato]]
  * uses [[https://www.webwareforpython.org/|webware]] as an XML fragment management system

 * [[https://www.owlfish.com/software/PubTal/|PubTal]]
 * [[https://23.fi/kukkaisvoima/|Kukkaisvoima]] Simple one cgi file approach.
  * Multiple categories for one entry
  * No external dependencies outside Pythons standard library (no need for database engine etc.)
  * Comments
  * Nice archive pages for old entries
  * Search
  * RSS feed for all entries and for every category

 * [[https://www.blogthon.de|Blogthon]]

This is a list of web log ("blog") software written in Python, organised by category. Please feel free to add to the list or add details.

To start a feature comparison, use the following keys within braces:

a = authentication / authorization b = integrated admin backend for editors (CMS) c = comments h = caching k = pingback / traceback m = markup support n = notifications p = plugin architecture u = multi-user blog system (Twitter-like) r = RSS feed s = data export / import (schema migration) t = topics / categories


web2py Based

  • Instant Press

    • Instant Press is an open source CMS developed in the web2py framework. Instant Press is simple, easy to use and attractive.
      • Last Updated Dec 2010
  • Blogitizor

    • A blog system developed with web2py. Offers posts, pages,caching, comments, file uploads, import your wordpress data.
      • Last Updated May 2010
  • PyPress

    • Wordpress Clone made with web2py framework (can run on Google App Engine)
  • TechFuel blog

web.py Based

Zope Based

Django Based

  • Mumblr - utilises MongoDB for storage

    • last updated 2010-09-13
  • Zangetsu

    • last updated 2009 (?)
  • Demo

    • "Gone with the wind..." - dead link.
  • Byteflow - {ckmrt}

    • last updated 2011-03-10 (active)
  • Blogmaker PyPI

    • last updated 2009-12-09
  • App Engine Blog

    • last updated 2010-04-28
  • PyLucid CMS has a built in blog plugin PyPI - {chmr}

    • last updated 2011-01-25 (active)
  • Hoydaa Blog - An extensible Django based blogging software running on Google App Engine.

  • BlogEngine2 - Versatile blogging framework based on the django-hotsauce toolkit. - {achmnpst}

  • collective - Blog engine with minimal core feature set.

    • last updated 2011-01-08
  • Mezzanine - CMS with integrated Blog engine.

TurboGears Based

Pocoo Libs Based

  • Zine (formerly Textpress)

    • An open source personal publishing platform that inherits many ideas of WordPress

    • Written in Python and developed with a focus on security and usability
    • Built on top of Werkzeug, Jinja2 and SQLAlchemy, with plugins

    • last released 2009-01-11
  • HgBlog PyPI

    • is a "set of modifications to the Sphinx project to make it slightly more suitable as a blogging engine". See also its page on PyPI.

  • Blohg PyPI

  • Simblin

  • micro-blog

Snakelets Based

  • Frog running on Snakelets,

    • As of 20100607, there is only a Wikipage discussing a Frog reimplementation. Frog and Snakelets are no longer publicly available.

    • calendar
    • image embedding or linking
    • multi-user
    • active article overview
    • permalinks
    • Unicode compatible
    • data as XML files on filesystem
    • CSS-based valid layout


  • Crotal

    • Generate Static site using jinja2 template engine, markdown syntax
    • Simple, Static and Fast
    • Easy to use
    • Incremental generation.
      • last updated 2014-02
  • Hyde

    • Generate static HTML using jinja2 template, markdown syntax,...
    • Based on Python and Django, heavily inspired by Jekyll
      • last updated 2011-05
  • Blug

    • Static site generator for Markdown based posts, including RSS feed and sitemap generation
    • Deep microdata integration - automatic Google Author information support
    • Third party support: Disqus, Google Analytics, Clicky, GitHub, Twitter, Facebook, Google+

    • Includes built-in pure Python web server optimized for static sites
      • last updated 2013-07
  • Blaag

    • Minimalistic blogging software that generates static HTML from RST source
    • Uses Mercurial for version control
    • Disqus and Google Analytics integration
      • last update 2013-02
  • Tinkerer

    • Based on Sphinx
    • Disqus comments, Google Analytics, RSS feed, search function, sidebar widgets
  • Acrylamid

    • yet another static blog compiler with fast incremental builds
    • flexible, view-controller inspired configuration
    • Disqus comments, RSS/Atom Feeds, tags, pages, static content, various markup extensions
  • Thot

    • Supports YAML; Mako and Jinja2 for templating…
    • … and several markup formats for input: Markdown, RST, Creole, Trac, plaintext, HTML
    • Can be used with Github for storing articles.
    • RSS/ATOM feed, sitemap.xml, tags and categories, scheduled publication, server-side hyphenation, LaTeX formulas
  • Nikola

    • Creates static files with reStructuredText, Markdown, IPython Notebook (and more!) as input
    • Themeable with Mako or Jinja2

    • Supports multi-language sites, image galleries, the creation of RSS feeds, syntax highlighting, DISQUS and other services for comments
    • Fast builds, thanks to doit (doesn't rebuild the entire site at once)

  • mynt

    • Creates static files with markdown as input
    • Themeable with Jinja2

    • Supports multi-language site
  • Pelican

    • Creates static files with reStructuredTest / markdown / AsciiDoc as input

    • Themeable with Jinja2

    • Supports multi-language site


  • Bloog

    • Runs on Google App Engine
    • Exposes a REST API
  • Bloggart

    • Runs on Google App Engine
  • Snurf // Homepage is down or has been moved

    • uses file-system or Subversion repository for data
    • generates static HTML, RSS and Atom files
  • Firedrop

    • last updated 2004-02-14
  • Kaa PyPI

    • last updated 2004-04-23
  • Vellum

    • {chkmnpt}
    • support for formatted Python code in posts
  • PyBlosxom PyPI

    • {ckmprt}
    • really simple cgi blog with flat file blog posts.
    • lots of plugins.
    • pages load cross-site requests from pyblosxom.bluesock.org
  • NewsBruiser

    • last updated 2008-04-27
  • Aether

  • Pixie

  • bzero PyPI

  • Pylogger

    • Dead link.
  • Byline Server

  • Leonardo

    • provides a "personal" wiki and weblog (including Atom feed)
    • last updated 2009-11-15
  • Syncato

    • uses webware as an XML fragment management system

  • PubTal

  • Kukkaisvoima Simple one cgi file approach.

    • Multiple categories for one entry
    • No external dependencies outside Pythons standard library (no need for database engine etc.)
    • Comments
    • Nice archive pages for old entries
    • Search
    • RSS feed for all entries and for every category
  • Blogthon

PythonBlogSoftware (last edited 2023-03-12 21:39:45 by MarcAndreLemburg)

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