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Download statistics for package registered on Pypi can be obtained, in RSS format, by subscribing your favorite RSS reader (e.g. GoogleReader) with the following:$package_name



Q: I tried but got an error. Does something need to be set up for each package?

A: There is no downloads available for this package, hence no statistics on downloads.

Q: You mean no downloads since you implemented this feature, or no downloads at all?

A: Sorry for the confusion: the XMLRPC interface to Pypi returns that an error code to the effect that no 'package_data' is available. If I look at the page on Pypi [], I don't see one either i.e. a download URL is made available BUT there are no "uploaded files" to Pypi.

Q. Interesting. People tell me they use lockfile, and it actually has a score listed when you search PyPI for "lockfile". Collecting download stats must be a relatively recent phenomenon.

[ Pypi XMLRPC]. I must say that the XMLRPC interface could be augmented to make it easier to derive per-package-version statistics.

Thanks. Got it now:

>>> server.release_urls('lockfile', '0.7')
>>> server.release_urls('lockfile', '0.6')
>>> server.release_urls('lockfile', '0.5')
>>> server.release_urls('lockfile', '0.4')
>>> server.release_urls('lockfile', '0.3')
>>> server.release_urls('lockfile', '0.2')
[{'has_sig': False, 'upload_time': <DateTime '20071209T14:31:52' at 81de40c>, 'comment_text': '', 'python_version': 'source', 'url': '', 'md5_digest': 'd5fb6d5c39a791c6fd218917707651eb', 'downloads': 163, 'filename': 'lockfile-0.2.tar.gz', 'packagetype': 'sdist', 'size': 9538}]
>>> server.release_urls('lockfile', '0.1')

Kind of a weird download distribution, but it explains things (I think). Delete all this stuff when you tire of seeing it... -- Skip

I forget to mention that the service only fetches the stat for the latest package release on record. -- jld.

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