
[[http://pypi.python.org/pypi/pytable/|PyTable's]] primary strength is its schema-driven nature.  A database plan
(schema) is created which maps the structure of the database into a
run-time introspectable data structure.

Normally the schema is created in Python code, and used to drive the
creation of the database, (though facilities are available for
extracting a basic schema from the database). The schema can include
information regarding what classes to instantiate when retrieving
records for a given table (with suitable defaults provided).  The schema
is used internally by DBRow objects to implement update and insert
queries, for instance.  In other words, the DBRow objects can look at
themselves to decide what actually needs to be done to accomplish a
given task (such as specifying their row uniquely in the table).

PyTable sits halfway between the raw DbApi (where you know only
approximate data-type, name, and a few other minimal pieces of
information) and a system such as [[PyDO]] (where the database interactions
are done through an object-oriented API).  PyTable is still very much
about generating and running SQL code, you are not forced into the
''everything is an object'' mould, you can still run raw SQL (with some
helper mechanisms to make creating complex queries easier) and integrate
those queries into your row classes.  The PyTable DBRow objects are
simply very rich introspectable wrappers around the DB-API records (you
can use non-DBRow records too).

As to Basic``Property, its purpose is to allow for defining rich
''attribute descriptors'', similar to the property objects built in to
Python 2.2 and above.  Distinction being that the Basic``Property
descriptors are far more involved, including default values/functions,
two levels of storage hooks for customizing behaviour, the ability to
auto-coerce values to/from data-types on save/restore, support for
list-of types etceteras.  Basic``Property is an extremely general
mechanism, so it's a little hard to say what particular benefit it has
without looking at particular applications.

 * In PyTable, the field descriptors are actually Basic``Property objects linked to the field schema for the table from which they were created, so they can, for instance, be used to lookup foreign keys (and their tables)
 * In PyTable's internal machinery, just about everything is a propertied object.  This allows for defining objects as a collection of properties with documentation, default-values, data-typing and coercion.  There are very few "_init_" methods, as just about everything uses the same base class which provides simple property-aware initialisation.  Adding/removing properties generally doesn't require any change to the code other than the actual property declaration.

Back to the subject at hand; In effect, PyTable is about trying to make
the nitty-gritty details of dealing with an SQL-driven application
easier by providing introspection facilities that let your code reason
about the structure of the database (as embodied in the schema objects).

'''What PyTable is not''':

    * Lightweight: compared to db_row or the like, it's very heavyweight, focused on creating interactive apps, not huge back-end processing apps that need to realise millions of rows simultaneously
    * An SQL abstraction mechanism: unlike [[PyDO]] no attempt is made to define a common SQL sub-set, i.e. it's not like ADO from Microsoft
    * An object-relational mapper: though it may seem like it, PyTable doesn't convert references to records automatically (unless you explicitly code a property to do so), it doesn't map pivot tables to pseudo-dictionaries, in general, it only executes the SQL you tell it to execute
    * Finished: there's still a lot of work to do to get to 1.0 beta 1 for PyTable