== Getting Started with PyQt == !PyQt6: * [[https://www.pythonguis.com/pyqt6-tutorial/|PyQt6 tutorial, create a Python GUI with Qt6]] from basics to advanced topics by Martin Fitzpatrick * [[https://coderslegacy.com/python/pyqt6-tutorial-series/|PyQt6 Tutorial Series]] - A Series of PyQt6 Tutorials covering various concepts and important widgets. * [[http://zetcode.com/pyqt6/|ZetCode's PyQT6 tutorial]] !PyQt5: * [[https://build-system.fman.io/pyqt5-tutorial|PyQt5 Tutorial: Create a Python GUI in 2021]] * [[https://github.com/pyqt/examples|PyQt examples - Quickly learn to create desktop apps with Python and Qt]] * [[https://coderslegacy.com/python/pyqt5-tutorial/|PyQt5 Tutorial - Python GUI with Qt]] - A complete tutorial covering all widgets and more. * [[https://github.com/mfitzp/15-minute-apps|15 Minute Apps]] - "A collection of 15 small — minute — desktop applications written in Python using the PyQt framework." * [[http://zetcode.com/gui/pyqt5/|ZetCode's PyQT5 tutorial]] * [[https://www.pythonguis.com/pyqt5-tutorial/|PyQt5 tutorial, create a Python GUI with Qt5]] from basics to advanced topics by Martin Fitzpatrick !PyQt4: * [[https://pythonspot.com/pyqt4/|PyQt4 examples]] * [[http://www.rkblog.rk.edu.pl/w/p/introduction-pyqt4/|PyQT4 Tutorial]] - A step by step PyQt4 tutorial * [[http://zetcode.com/tutorials/pyqt4/|ZetCode's PyQT4 tutorial]] - Another step by step !PyQt4 tutorial * [[PyQt/EuroPython2006Talk|Introducing PyQt4 for GUI Application Development]] - a talk presented at EuroPython 2006 * [[PyQt/Creating_GUI_Applications_with_PyQt_and_Qt_Designer|Creating GUI Applications with PyQt and Qt Designer]] - a talk presented at !PyCon UK 2007 * [[http://www.archive.org/details/Swajanascreencast-PyQtByDevendraLaulkarBarcampPune3573|PyQt by devendra laulkar @ Barcamp pune3]] - a video of a short introduction to !PyQt * [[http://www.learningpython.com/2008/09/20/an-introduction-to-pyqt/|An Introduction to PyQt: creating GUIs with Python’s QT bindings]] - first published the December 2007 issue of Python Magazine * [[http://i-miss-erin.blogspot.com/2009/03/write-web-browser-by-python.html|write a web browser by python]] - Creating a WebKit-based browser with PyQt * [[PyQt/simple|"Simple" Editor - newbie for newbies PyQt4]] * [[https://www.udemy.com/python-gui-programming|Learn Python GUI programming using Qt framework]] Articles that seem to be no longer online: * [[http://tango.csc.smith.edu/dftwiki/index.php/PyQt4_Lab_1|PyQt4 Lab 1]] - Creating a simple editor window in Qt 4. * [[http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Ee8eRwjbcFk|PyQT Webkit Browser in 2 minutes]] - a screencast on !YouTube * [[http://lateral.netmanagers.com.ar/categories/pyqt.html|PyQt4 by Example]] - By Roberto Alsina * [[http://www.harshj.com/2009/04/26/the-pyqt-intro/|The PyQt Intro]] - a series of introductory articles in tutorial format * [[http://gumuz.nl/weblog/qt-designer-video-tutorial/|Qt Designer video tutorial]] - By Guyon Morée * [[http://lionel.textmalaysia.com/minesweeper-in-python-gui.html|Minesweeper In Python GUI]] * [[http://lionel.textmalaysia.com/a-simple-tutorial-on-gui-programming-using-qt-designer-with-pyqt4.html|PyQT-tutorial]] - Similar to below's "uses Qt Designer, very good for beginners.", but this one's for PyQt4 * [[http://sites.google.com/site/nelsonspbr/articles/pyqt-basics.pdf?attredirects=0|PyQt basics]] - Nelson Mimura Gonzalez - Aug 3, 2012 (articles page [[http://sites.google.com/site/nelsonspbr/articles|here]]) This document aims at rapidly introducing PyQt from installation to basic usage. Authors, please fix the links and move them back into the section above. == More Introductory Materials == * [[http://pypi.python.org/pypi/Getting%20Started%20With%20PyQt4/1%20(first%20draft)|Getting Started With PyQt4]] (PDF, work in progress) - a set of introductory slides about !PyQt * [[http://www.boddie.org.uk/david/Projects/Python/Qt/PyCon_Italia_2009_PyQt_for_Desktop_and_Embedded_Devices.pdf|PyQt for Desktop and Embedded Devices]] (PDF) - a general overview about !PyQt plus some basic information about Python and !PyQt4 on embedded devices * [[http://www.boddie.org.uk/david/Projects/Python/Qt/Software/PyCon_Italia_2009_PyQt_for_Desktop_and_Embedded_Devices-1.1.zip|examples and source material]] == Testing and Test Frameworks == * [[http://www.voom.net/pyqt-qtest-example/|Test PyQt GUIs with QTest and unittest]] - A complete example of how to write unit tests for PyQt using only the open source modules included in PyQt and Python * Also see the [[PyQt/GUI_Testing|GUI Testing]] and [[PyQt/Unit_Testing|Unit Testing]] pages for more on the topic of testing == Setting Up an Integrated Development Environment (IDE) == * [[http://popdevelop.com/2010/04/setting-up-ide-and-creating-a-cross-platform-qt-python-gui-application/|Setting up IDE and creating a cross platform QT Python GUI application]] Also note that the [[http://www.pydev.org|PyDev Python Development plugin]] for [[http://www.eclipse.org|Eclipse]] works really well. == Historical Records == These tutorials and resources are for Qt 3: * [[http://www-128.ibm.com/developerworks/linux/library/l-qt/?ca=dgr-linuxw02QTPyQT|IBM Qt/PyQt tutorial]] - a toy application is developed, first with Tkinter, then with !PyQt. * [[http://www.cs.usfca.edu/~afedosov/qttut/|PyQT-tutorial]] - uses Qt Designer, very good for beginners. * [[http://wiki.python.org/moin/JonathanGardnerPyQtTutorial|Jonathan Gardner's PyQt tutorial]] - writing a GUI for the `at` utility. * [[http://www.commandprompt.com/community/pyqt|GUI Programming with Python: QT Edition]] - A very complete document about !PyQt development (also mentioned in [[PyQt/Books|Books]])