= Extend Two QPixmap = On the `#pyqt` channel on freenode, iTayb asked if it was possible to merge two QPixmaps into a one QPixmap, side by side. rowinggolfer has answered him: {{{ #!python ''' combine 2 pixmaps into one. ''' from PyQt4 import QtCore, QtGui IMAGE1 = "/home/neil/www/openmolar.com/images/om_screenies/client.png" IMAGE2 = "/home/neil/www/openmolar.com/images/om_screenies/admin_welcome.png" app = QtGui.QApplication([]) pm1 = QtGui.QPixmap(IMAGE1) pm2 = QtGui.QPixmap(IMAGE2) pm = QtGui.QPixmap(400,200) label = QtGui.QLabel() left_rectF = QtCore.QRectF(0,0,200,200) #the left half right_rectF = QtCore.QRectF(200,0,400,200) #the right half painter = QtGui.QPainter(pm) painter.drawPixmap(left_rectF, pm1, QtCore.QRectF(pm1.rect())) painter.drawPixmap(right_rectF, pm2, QtCore.QRectF(pm2.rect())) label.setPixmap(pm) label.show() app.exec_() }}}