Add your tips on eric3 here! ------------ This is a little tutorial that is a bit outdated (the sample source has to be changed in some points, but I don't remember them, sorry): ------------ OK, here is the 5-minute introduction. I've just installed eric3 and pyQt on debian; the command {{{ apt-get install eric eric-api-files pyqt-tools}}} will do the trick. On Ubuntu, "apt-get install eric" is sufficient. Just to be sure, you can try {{{ apt-get install eric python-kde3 qt3-assistant qt3-designer qt3-linguist qt3-doc pyqt-tools python-xml}}} which will install eric and all the optional packages that it requires. Then, a very important thing to do is to set up QTDIR correctly in Settings->Preferences->Qt or else a lot of problems will crop out later. I've mine set to /usr/share/qt3 Restart eric and everything (hopefully) will work as explained below... == Create_Project == First, select '''Project->New''' to create a new project. Name it 'Hello', ensure that the '''UI Type is QT''', and press '''OK'''. == Create_Dialog == Run Qt Designer ('''Extras->Tools->Designer''') and create a new form using '''File->New...''' and selecting '''Dialog''' from the wizard. Set the name of the dialog form '''hello_form''' and change the caption to 'hello' (or whatever). Add a '''PushButton''' to the form and the change the text to 'Close' (or, again, whatever). Hit '''F3''' or the '''Connect Signals/Slots''' button. Create a connection from the '''PushButton pressed''' signal to the '''hello_form 'close()' slot'''. Save the form as '''hello_form.ui''' and exit Qt designer. == Add Dialog To Project == The project Browser is the tabbed or notebook widget in on the upper left of the Eric3 IDE. It has a tab with a snake, a (drawing) compass, a fish, a piece of paper saying IDL, and a blank piece of paper; these represent the project Sources, Forms, Translations, Interfaces, and Others. Go to the Forms tab in the Project Browser. '''Right-click on the tab''' to get the Forms context menu ; '''select 'New Form', then 'Dialog' '''. When the file dialog comes up, select 'hello_form.ui' and press OK. The 'hello_form.ui' file will appear in the Forms tab. ''' Right-click on it and select 'Compile Form' '''. This will create '' and add it to the Sources tab in the Project Browser. == Generate Subclass For Form == '''Right-click on 'hello_form.ui' ''' in the Forms tab of the Project Browser and '''choose 'Generate Subclass' '''. When prompted for a name, enter 'hello_form_impl'. This will open an untitled python script window with the subclass implementation in it. '''Save the script as '' '''. Go to the Sources tab of the Project Browser and right-click on the background. '''Choose 'Add source file...' and select '' ''' in the file dialog, then press OK. == Create A Main Script == Open a new python script. Enter the following code: {{{ #!python #!/usr/bin/env python import sys from qt import * from hello_form_impl import hello_form_Impl # create Qt application app = QApplication(sys.argv) # create and show Qt form form = hello_form_Impl() # enter Qt event-handling loop app.exec_loop() }}} Save the script as '' Go to Project->Properties Set the 'Main script' property to '' and press OK; this will add '' to the Sources tab of the Project Browser. == Wrapping It Up == Use '''Debug->Run Project''' to run the scripts and show the dialog.