= Creating GUI Applications with PyQt and Qt Designer =

This presentation was given as a scheduled talk at !PyCon UK 2007. The material presented covered the following subjects:

 * Generating code from user interface descriptions with {{{pyuic4}}}
 * Connecting signals and slots using auto-connection
 * Creating custom widgets with PyQt4 for use in Qt Designer

== Materials ==

The following materials are available:

 * [[http://www.boddie.org.uk/david/Projects/Python/Qt/PyCon_UK_2007_PyQt_and_Qt_Designer.pdf|Slides]] outlining how to use Qt Designer with !PyQt4
 * [[http://www.boddie.org.uk/david/Projects/Python/Qt/Software/PyCon_UK_2007_PyQt_and_Qt_Designer.zip|Example code]] used in the talk

== Examples ==

Three examples are provided:


'''The PyPI Information example shows how a graphical user interface created with Qt Designer can be accessed and used in a !PyQt4 application.'''


'''The Equation Viewer example uses a more realistic user interface, with menus, actions and toolbar buttons, and shows how these elements can be connected to features written in Python.'''


'''The Logo Maker example contains two custom widgets: the color button is described in the slides, but the logo widget itself can also be used from within Qt Designer.'''