== Books about PyQt ==

=== Beginning PyQt: A Hands-on Approach to GUI Programming with PyQt6 ===

Author: Joshua Willman<<BR>>
Affiliate Link: [[https://link.springer.com/book/10.1007/978-1-4842-7999-1]]<<BR>>
Published: 2nd edition (March 17, 2022)<<BR>>
Publisher: Apress<<BR>>
ISBN-10 : 1484279980<<BR>>
ISBN-13 : 978-1484279984<<BR>>
'''Notes:''' Learn GUI application development from the ground up with the latest release of PyQt. Take a practical approach by building simple projects that teach the fundamentals of using PyQt. The 2nd edition covers the basics, including widgets, layouts, MVC, and styling, as well as more advanced topics that include storing data using the clipboard, graphics and animation, support for SQL databases, creating custom widgets, multithreading applications, and an introduction to QML and Qt Quick.

=== Python and Qt: The Best Parts ===

Author: Michael Herrmann<<BR>>
Link: [[https://build-system.fman.io/pyqt6-book]]<<BR>>
Updated: March 2022<<BR>>
'''Notes:''' A fast introduction to creating desktop applications with Python and Qt. Includes a foreword by Phil Thompson, the creator of PyQt.

=== Create GUI Applications with Python & Qt6 ===

Author: Martin Fitzpatrick<<BR>>
Link: [[https://www.pythonguis.com/pyqt6-book]]<<BR>>
Published: March 2021<<BR>>
License: CC-BY-NC-SA (669 pages, 220 code examples).<<BR>>
'''Notes:''' The hands-on guide to making apps with Python, now updated for Qt 6. First principles to complete applications. Includes chapters on threads & processes, model-view MVC architecture, SQL databases, custom widgets, Qt styles amd plotting. Regularly updated.

=== Beginning PyQt: A Hands-on Approach to GUI Programming ===

Author: Joshua Willman<<BR>>
Affiliate Link: [[https://www.apress.com/gp/book/9781484258569]]<<BR>>
Published: 1st edition (May 29, 2020)<<BR>>
Publisher: Apress<<BR>>
ISBN-10 : 1484258568<<BR>>
ISBN-13 : 978-1484258569<<BR>>
'''Notes:''' Learn GUI application development from the ground up, taking a practical approach by building simple projects that teach the fundamentals of using PyQt. This guide covers the basics, including widgets, layouts, MVC, and styling, as well as more advanced topics that include storing data using the clipboard, graphics and animation, support for SQL databases, creating custom widgets, and multithreading applications. Using this knowledge, you’ll be able to build a photo editor, games, a text editor, a working web browser and an assortment of other GUIs. 

=== Modern PyQt: Create GUI Applications for Project Management, Computer Vision, and Data Analysis ===

Author: Joshua Willman<<BR>>
Affiliate Link: [[https://www.apress.com/gp/book/9781484266021]]<<BR>>
Published: 1st edition (December 9, 2020)<<BR>>
Publisher: Apress<<BR>>
ISBN-10 : 1484266021<<BR>>
ISBN-13 : 978-1484266021<<BR>>
'''Notes:''' Dive into GUI application development and create useful applications for practical and relevant topics in the fields of business, computer science, and research. Through extensive examples and hands-on projects, you will explore how to make applications for data analysis and 2D and 3D data visualization, computer vision with OpenCV and PyQt, the basics of networking, handling databases with SQL, and more!

=== Create GUI Applications with Python & Qt5 ===

Author: Martin Fitzpatrick<<BR>>
Link: [[https://www.pythonguis.com/pyqt5-book]]<<BR>>
Published: 4th Edition 2021 (1st edition 2016)<<BR>>
License: CC-BY-NC-SA (665 pages, 211 code examples. Free to share, code reusable)<<BR>>
'''Notes:''' The hands-on guide to making apps with Python. First principles to complete applications. Includes chapters on Qt threads & processes, model-view MVC architecture, SQL databases, custom widgets, Qt styles, plotting and packaging apps on Windows, macOS and Linux. Regularly updated.

=== Rapid GUI Programming with Python and Qt: The Definitive Guide to PyQt Programming ===

Author: Mark Summerfield<<BR>>
Link: [[http://www.qtrac.eu/pyqtbook.html]]<<BR>>
Published: October 2007<<BR>>
ISBN-10: 0132354187<<BR>>
ISBN-13: 978-0132354189<<BR>>
'''Notes:''' Covers all aspects of GUI application development with Python 2.5, PyQt4 and Qt 4.2/4.3.

=== GUI Programming with Python: QT ===

Author: Boudewijn Rempt<<BR>>
Link: [[http://www.commandprompt.com/community/pyqt/]]<<BR>>
Published: 2001<<BR>>
'''Notes:''' The "original" !PyQt book, covering Qt 2 and parts of the Qt 3 API at around the time when many developers were moving to Qt 3. 

=== PyQt und PySide: GUI- und Anwendungsentwicklung mit Python und Qt ===

Author: Peter Bouda<<BR>>
Link: [[https://www.opensourcepress.de/index.php?26&backPID=178&tt_products=331]]<<BR>>
Published: 2012<<BR>>
ISBN: 978-3-941841-50-5<<BR>>
'''Notes:''' In German