= Create a server that tests uploaded packages on PyPI. =

== Work to be done ==

The work is separated into three steps:

 1. a solution capable of running scripts when an event occurs (a new release of project X is available on PyPI)
 2. a Continuous integration server able to run the testsuite for those distributions
 3. a quality mesurement tool, able to provide feedback and indicators on the code (compliance PEP8, pyflakes, potentially malicious softwares etc.)

== Resources ==

- [[http://tarekziade.wordpress.com/2010/03/21/another-gsoc-idea-a-pypi-testing-infrastructure/|2010 idea]] and [[https://bitbucket.org/mouad/pypi-testing-infrastructure-pyti/overview|code]]

- [[http://tarekziade.wordpress.com/2011/02/21/qa-portal-ideas/|2011 updated idea]]

- On this wiki: [[PyPITestingInfrastructure]]

== What do people want ==

=== What do people what to run ===

 * Run quality indicators about the code
 * Run quality indicators about the packaging (compat with du2 standards for instance)
 * Run Test
 * Run setup.

=== What do people what to know ===

 * Report about the run itself (does the test pass ? does the install went well ?)
 * Report about system access done (FS network)
 * Report about resource used ? (bonus)