pyperl is a module for integrating Perl in Python.


 * [[|PyPerl at ASPN]]
 * [[|perlmodule documentation at ASPN]]
 * [[|Download latest PyPerl module]]
 * pyperl is currently unmaintained. There is an unofficial version distributed by Felix Schwarz named [[|1.0.1c]] which fixes some compilation errors on newer systems.

* Recent patches by Per Øyvind Karlsen with fixes for python 2.5 as well as some other useful stuff is available at [[|Mandriva SVN]]
 * [[|Mailing list for support questions]]

See also:

 * [[|pyperl: Perl & Python is True!]]
 * [[|original PyPerl 1.0 distribution on the CPAN]]
 * [[|Inline::Python]] allows the reverse: calling Python code from Perl