## page was renamed from PyOhio
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.. image:: attachment:pyohio2.png
   :height: 200


**Summer 2009**

**Columbus, OH**

**PyOhio 2008 (July 26) was great!  Thanks to all volunteers, speakers, attendees, and sponsors!**

See `this year's wiki page <PyOhio>`_

Planning has begun for PyOhio 2009.  

Main PyOhio_ page is now online.

 .. _PyOhio: http://pyohio.org

You can join a GroupChat_ during the event.

 .. _GroupChat: http://www.meebo.com/room/pyohio

PyOhio is a daylong regional miniconference.  PyOhio 2008 was held from 9:00 AM to 6:00 PM at the `Columbus Metropolitan Library`_ (map_) in beautiful Columbus, OH.

 .. _map: http://maps.google.com/maps?f=q&hl=en&geocode=&q=96+S.+Grant+Ave.+Columbus,+OH+43215&sll=37.0625,-95.677068&sspn=42.310334,117.949219&ie=UTF8&ll=39.965773,-82.990637&spn=0.010032,0.028796&z=15&iwloc=addr
 .. _Columbus Metropolitan Library: http://www.columbuslibrary.org/ebranch/index.cfm?pageid=30&bldgid=730

Watch this page for news on PyOhio!  To receive PyOhio announcements, please join the PyOhio mailing list: http://mail.python.org/mailman/listinfo/pyohio 

To help make PyOhio happen, please join the organizers' mailing list: http://mail.python.org/mailman/listinfo/pyohio-organizers 


PyOhio will be free of charge for attendees.


Thank you, WearPython, for the beautiful swag!  (Nosy kitty not included)

.. image:: attachment:wearpythonswag.jpg
   :height: 400

(That little silver-and-blue thingy at the bottom?  That's a `1 GB USB drive with the Python logo`_.  Sweet!)

.. _`1 GB USB drive with the Python logo`: http://www.wearpython.com/catalog/product_info.php?products_id=47&osCsid=3d20cd712a1d1f9d8555292595f8b531

Thank you, Apress, for the beautiful swag!

.. image:: attachment:apressswag.jpg
   :height: 400

The `Agile Python`_ and Django_ books are *very* new - both published *in June*!

.. _`Agile Python`: http://apress.com/book/view/1590599810

.. _Django: http://apress.com/book/view/1590599969

Thank you, Python Magazine, for free July issues for everyone!


 * Talks_

  .. _Talks: PyOhio2008/Talks

 * `Open Spaces`_

  .. _Open Spaces: PyOhio2008/OpenSpaces

 * `Lightning Talks`_

  .. _Lightning Talks: PyOhio2008/LightningTalks

 * `Poster session`_

  .. _Poster session: PyOhio2008/PosterSession

Getting There

`Driving Directions`_

.. _Driving Directions: http://www.columbuslibrary.org/ebranch/index.cfm?pageid=31&bldgid=730

The library has an attached parking garage (maximum charge $10/day), and there are several privately-managed surface lots around the library.

Carpool_ to save on gas and parking!

.. _Carpool: PyOhio2008/Carpool

`From the Columbus Greyhound station`_, exit the station, turn east (right) on Town Street, walk three blocks to Grant Ave, and turn left. 

.. _From the Columbus Greyhound station: http://maps.google.com/maps?daddr=96+S+Grant+Ave,+Columbus,+OH+43215+(Columbus+Metropolitan+Library)&geocode=17469270175289288627,39.959178,-82.996678&dirflg=&saddr=111+E+Town+St,+Columbus,+OH+43215+(Greyhound+Bus+Lines:+Cols)&f=d&dq=greyhound+loc:+96+S+Grant+Ave,+Columbus,+OH+43215+(Columbus+Metropolitan+Library)&sll=39.961165,-82.990625&sspn=1.254027,1.660946&ie=UTF8&hl=en&z=17

Megabus_ runs from Chicago to Columbus through Indianapolis.

.. _Megabus: http://megabus.com/us/


Our planning notes have been moved to a separate wiki page:

 * Planning_

  .. _Planning: PyOhio2008/Planning

 * Budget_

  .. _Budget: PyOhio2008/Budget