#format rst

* **done** Fill Staff_ positions

* **done** Release CFP

* **done** Confirm venue

* Sponsorship

 - **done** Create prospectus

 - **done** Find sponsors

 - Follow-through on promises to sponsors

* Publicity

 - Find contacts at individual schools to publicize

 - **done** Arrange podcasting

 - **done** Make blog badge

 - Post to calendars, mailing lists

* Lodging

 - **done** Arrange a discounted block from The Blackwell

 - **done** Compile & publish info on other nearby hotels

 - Help arrange roomshares and couchshares

 - **not this year** Can we get dorms, like YAPC:NA?  http://conferences.mongueurs.net/yn2010/

* **done** Plan Program Guide

 - **done** Sponsor ads

* **done** Budget

* Registration

 - **done** Enable registration page

* **done** Plan sprints

* Timer program for lightning talks

* Swag distribution plan

* Finalize request from OSU

 - Internet access accounts

 - **done** Food request

 - **done** Easels

 - **done** double connectors for projectors PC/Mac

* Buying 

 - Flip charts for open-space rooms (sticky?)

 - foam boards / stiff backing for easels

 - gaffers' tape

 - index cards for Open Space

 - posterboard for Open Space

 - Subway, Buckeye Donuts cards

 - OU food court vouchers

 - yardstick, square

* Bring

 - plastic-tack

 - first aid
 - markers

 - swag

 - registration lists

 - walk-in reg list

 - push pins

 - banner

 - Power cords

 - Easels

 - PSF donation bucket

 - Spare machine for speakers' emergency use

 - scotch tape

 - double-sided tape

 - scissors

 - paper

 - rock (for completeness)

 - spare USB drive

 - time signs

* Printing

 - Print programs

 - Print name badges

 - Generic blank posters

 - About PSF

* Setup tasks

 - make open space board

 - place & tape down power cords

 - make room signs

 - place easels

 - arrange reg table

 - place flipcharts