#format rst

PyOhio open space

Notes (mostly questions) jottted down during the PyOhio planning huddle held as an open-space at PyCon 2009.


  * Will they allow Wearable Python to come & sell?
  * Rooms - enough Open Spaces?  Break up main hall?  Need a report

  * OSU's policy on bringing in pizza, etc.?  (I believe I discussed this with 
    John L. earlier and it was OK, but will confirm)
  * Microsoft has a large Columbus office - perhaps it would be available for other (pre-conference?) activities  

  * Food Coordinator
  * Sponsorship Chair
  * Publicity - Sarah D. 

  * Lodging Coordinator - William McVey (will gather hotel info for attendees)
  * Photographer

  * After-party Coordinator


  * Hooray to Sarah D.

  * Put together a "PR package" with brouchure, blog badge, poster...
  * Publicize through ACM and IEEE - both adult and student chapters
  * Arrange talks at local meetings of other groups to publicize PyOhio & Python
    ( a Speakers' Bureau? ).  Make a "Python for PHP programmers" talk.  Bring
    Jython to the Java User Groups.
  * Make screencasts that include a PyOhio "ad"
  * Spread word through EdgeCase, eRubyCon - & get advice from Joe O'Brian
  * Tech Columbus
  * Arrange a Pylons evangelism sprint

  * We already have a Twitter feed.  Should we get a LinkedIn group, too?


  * AGI was our primary sponsor last year - hopefully they'll repeat

  * Excellent possibility of Microsoft Sponsorship.  Could we also make use of MS's large Columbus building?  

  * Far from certain, but Oracle Technical Network may sponsor

  * We need a sponsor prospectus - see those for PyCon, CodeMash for examples


  * Call For Propoals (generic)
  * Later - targeted call for specific talk types


  * A Beginners' Track
  * Balance of open-spaces, sprints, traditional talks?  A full day of open-spaces?
    Probably better to mix - give nobody an excuse to skip a day
  * After-party - still very undetermined.  (What about a trip to the zoo?)
  * A GiveCamp?  (sprinting to produce product(s) for nonprofit/good cause)
  * CREM - Matt Arnold's conference-powering software, useful for scheduling

  * Keynotes?
Photography - We should make sure to take & publish photos this year.  They're good for reminiscing and for 2010 publicity.

Fluffy, the world's largest python, lives at the Columbus Zoo.  How can we capitalize
on this?  A live FluffyCam?  Can she be our mascot?