= Publicity =

These are just some of the things that the publicity team is responsible for:

 * Spread the word about the conference to as many people interested in Python and its various implementations.

 * Get the Call for Proposals out to as many outlets as possible. (done, CFP closed 5/15/2009)

 * Get Blog Badges for people to advertise the conference on their blogs.

 * Get flyers together to be handed out at user groups, events, etc.

 * Get a PR pack together for distribution.

 * List the event on community calendars:

  * [[http://wiki.python.org/moin/PythonEvents|Python Events Calendar]]

  * [[http://www.communitymegaphone.com|Community Megaphone]]

  * [[http://tinyurl.com/clevtecheventscalendar|Cleveland Tech Events]]

  * [[http://www.meetup.com/techlifecolumbus/calendar/|TechLife Columbus]]

 * Set up various social networking sites:

  * [[http://www.linkedin.com/groups?gid=1895625|LinkedIn (networking group)]]

  * [[http://events.linkedin.com/PyOhio/pub/77211|LinkedIn (event)]]

  * [[http://www.twitter.com/pyohio|Twitter]]

  * [[http://pyohio.crowdvine.com|CrowdVine]]

  * [[http://www.facebook.com/home.php#/event.php?eid=70963182191&ref=ts|Facebook]]

Some of the things that we would like to do include:

 * Get the word out to local bloggers to have them blog about the conference and generate hype.

 * Once talks are confirmed, do interviews with some of the speakers to get people curious about what's going on.

 * Do spotlights on some of the things we're doing at the conference. Feature things like:

  * What are sprints?

  * What are lightning talks?

  * What are open spaces?