= PyCon India 2010 Action Plan = * Overall calendar * Get site up * Sponsor talks * Finalise foreign delegates and money * Call for proposals * Filter proposals/notification * Actual conference! * Venue : Possibilites? * Chennai : They've already done work (how much?) * Bangalore : Two times in a single city. * Sponsorships * Google * ZeOmega * Others from last year? (DUXSoft has still not paid). * Budget * Larger Budget (possible expenditures) * Foreign delegates * Bigger venue * Professional wifi * Accomodation * Financial aid for remote people? * Pull some numbers? * Around 1L left over. * Coordinators We need separate coordinators for each major area. * Delegates * Sponsors * Logistics * Speakers * Others? * Accommodations * Subsidised accommodations for people travelling from afar. * A/V * Let's pay for a good professional one. * Website * Simple wiki/static HTML + scheduling app (like Ruby Conf India). * Payment online * Delegate registration to doattend.com. Great job with Ruby Conf India Will take this up, Shalin Jain who runs doattend.com is a good friend ~ kausikram * WiFi * Let's hook in someone like AirTel? * '''Hire enterprise grade wireless routers''' - Sriram from !ThoughtWorks suggested this.