#acl All:read
= About the Audio and/or Video Recording of Presentations =

List of Volunteer Recording Coordinators:

 * Jeff Rush <jeff@taupro.com>

 * LD Landis <ldlandis@gmail.com>

 * Nick Bastin <nick.bastin@gmail.com>

 * Mitch Chapman <mitchchapman@earthlink.net>

 * (add your name here)

== Legality and Obtaining Permission ==

The conference organizers are, in general, in favor of recording the sessions but we
need each presenter to either sign a release or verbally agree on tape at the start
of his session.  Personally I think a paper release is better as it spells out the
usage, and that such a paper should be included in the paperwork given to the presenters
at the registration desk.

However, someone needs to coordinate with whomever has the list of presenters and
check off names as forms are received, and nag those who haven't returned one yet.
And indeed someone needs to be formal holder of those pieces of paper.

Technically speaking, I hope and believe that we can record *all* of the sessions
and only remove those for whom we lack permission during the post-processing phase.
It just makes life easier than trying to turn on/off recording equipment at the right

== Distribution of Material ==

After post-processing, I presume the material would be freely available to the participants
and to the public.  Another possibility is to charge a small fee for the benefit of PSF
or to keep it simple, just ask donations to the PSF if you enjoy the recordings.

No reimbursement of expenses should be expected.  Everyone is donating their time and equipment.

== Contact Information for GWU Staff ==

(someone has already been in touch with GWU.  Can they post their info?)

The Manager of Audio-Visual Services for the Cafritz Conference Center 
is Anthony J. Arrington <anthonyj@gwu.edu>.

== Duration of Recordings ==

There are a total of 26 hours of presentations, 10 hours the first two days and
six hours on the last day.  I don't think it worth the effort to start/stop the
recording around lunchtime to save time.

There are three tracks, plus the open track, for a maximum of 104 potential hours
of material.

== Post-Processing ==

Still undecided is who will step forward and help with the post-processing.  I think it may be best to distribute the raw material to a few volunteers and competitively see who can produce the best work.  Failing that, I'll be post-processing my own recordings.

The first step of post-processing will be to chop up the recording into presentations
and tag them with information about the presentation.

The second step will be to adjust the signal for quality and clarity.

== Approaches Taken ==

Some want to record just the audio and some want to record video as well.  Some want
to record by hooking into the room audio system "the board" and some detached.  Now
there's nothing wrong with some redundancy in case of mishap but obviously we can't
have multiple people hooking into the audio system and trying to coordinate with the
GWU staff.

I think there is no issue with having multiple free-standing recorders in the rooms
and then perhaps sharing material afterward to obtain the best quality signal.

=== My Approach (Jeff Rush) ===

I know nothing about the issues of video recording and am just planning on capturing
audio.  I also am unsure of the capabilities of the room audio system, and besides
I thought it a good idea to try to capture audio from the audience when the questions
start flying.  Perhaps foolish and noisy.

I don't particularly want to babysit a pointable microphone or start/stop recording for
each presentation.  I'd rather be off enjoying the conference.  So my approach is to drop
a "black box recorder" in the presentation rooms, leave them running all day and pick
them up each night for storage and perhaps offloading if sufficient space/bandwidth
can be found.  I would place each box off to one side of the podium, with a stereo
pair of omnidirectional mics clipped to the wall/curtain in some manner.  From such
a position I hope to capture both the speaker and audience.

Each box is a Kuro Box (www.kurobox.com) running Linux, with a 60 GB or larger harddisk.
Plugged into it is an
[[http://www.griffintechnology.com/products/imic/index.php|iMic USB audio I/O device]]
from Griffin Technology.  For microphones I chose the
[[http://www.soundprofessionals.com/cgi-bin/gold/item/SP-BMC-3|SP-BMC-3 omnidirectional]].
I have two such boxes; not enough to cover three tracks and the open talk area.

Still open is the question of capture sample rate, resolution and storage format (i.e.
whether to compress and risk quality loss, or not).  For those interested in the details,
I'm using the PyALSA extension, and keeping it _very_ simple.  The software will switch
to a new storage file every few hours, so that we don't have to edit one huge file
and provide some safety in case of file corruption/deletion.

=== (other approaches???) ===

= PyCon 2005 - Anticipated Equipment / Owner =

==== LD Landis <ldlandis@gmail.com> ====

  * Equipment:
    * Panasonic GS-14 MiniDV
    * Tripod
    * Sony U170 (?) Firewire/USB DVD writer
    * ThinkPad w/firewire PCMCIA, CDRW
  * Arrival/Departure:
    * Staying at Hilltop Hostel (on Metro) in North corner of DC
    * Friday Mar 18 (afternoon)
    * Saturday Mar 26 (~7am)
  * Geographic Home:
    * St Paul side of Minneapolis, MN (in "exile")
    * Las Cruces, NM

==== Nick Bastin <nick.bastin@gmail.com> ====

 * 2x Octava MK-012 condenser mics (requiring phantom power)
 * Audio Technica AT-4050 condenser mic (requires phantom power)
 * DigiDesign Mbox USB audio interface (2x XLR input)
 * Various stands and cables as required
 * 250GB firewire hard disk
 * CD/DVD writer for masters

==== Mitch Chapman <mitchchapman@earthlink.net> ====

 * Equipment:
   * Sony DCR-TRV 220 Digital8
   * Tripod
   * 250GB firewire hard drive
   * CD/DVD writer for masters
 * Arrival/Departure Dates:
   * Staying at Best Western / Key Bridge
   * Arriving 22 March (evening)
   * Departing 26 March (mid-day)
 * Geographic Home:
   * Santa Fe, NM

==== Peter Kropf <pkropf at gmail.com> ====

 * Equipment:
   * KuroHG w/ 100GB hard drive
   * USB 200GB hard drive
   * JVC GR-D30U MiniDV Camcorder
   * Tripod
   * MiniDV Tapes
 * Arrival/Departure Dates:
   * Arriving 21 March (evening)
   * Departing 26 March (morning)
 * Geographic Home:
   * San Jose, CA

==== Jeff Rush <jeff@taupro.com> ====

 * Equipment:
   * (2) KuroHG w/ 60GB hard drives
   * (2) [[http://www.griffintechnology.com/products/imic/index.php|iMic USB audio I/O device]] from Griffin Technology.
   * (1) [[http://www.griffintechnology.com/products/powerwave/|PowerWave USB audio I/O]]
   * (1) [[http://www.soundprofessionals.com/cgi-bin/gold/item/SP-SPSB-1|mic battery module]] for phantom power
   * (1) [[http://www.soundprofessionals.com/cgi-bin/gold/item/SP-BMC-3|SP-BMC-3]] omnidirectional stereo microphone
   * (1) [[http://www.soundprofessionals.com/cgi-bin/gold/item/SP-BMC-2|SP-BMC-2]] omnidirectional stereo microphone

 * Arrival/Departure Dates:
   * Arriving 18 March (evening)
   * Departing 25 March (evening)
 * Geographic Home:
   * Dallas, TX

= PyCon 2005 - Allocation of Responsibilities =

 * Pre-conference setup/testing

 * Dissemination, collection and tracking of presenter release forms

 * Coordination of volunteer use of cameras on a selective basis

 * Morning setup

 * Evening teardown

 * Evening duplicate of day's recording

= PyCon 2005 - Availability of Recordings =

To see what recordings are available, you can go to [[http://www.pycon.org/talks/|http://www.pycon.org/talks/]].