#acl All:read #pragma section-numbers off Here is a quick index of the talks from PyCon 2003, and links to the papers and/or any other information I could find. Though this started as an index of the scheduled talks, I an expanding it to include resources for lightning talks, open space sessions,etc. --[[mailto:kuncej@mdc.conservation.state.mo.us|Jeff Kunce]] See also [[../OpenSpaceSessions]] and [[../SprintPlan]]. ---- '''''Speakers by First Name, with Presentation Titles''''' == Steve Holden: Introduction from the Chair == * [[PyConSpeakers#IntroChair|PyConSpeakers Entry]] * PyConSteveHolden == Aahz: Threads tutorial == * [[PyConSpeakers#ThreadsTutorial|PyConSpeakers Entry]] http://www.python9.org/p9-aahz.pdf ( a tutorial by Aahz) == Aahz: Objects vs classes == * [[PyConSpeakers#ObjectsVsClasses|PyConSpeakers Entry]] * [[http://www.python.org/2.2.2/descrintro.html|Unifying types and classes in Python 2.2]] on python.org == Allen Short: Twisted Reality: A Flexible Framework for Virtual Worlds == * [[PyConSpeakers#TwistedReality|PyConSpeakers Entry]] * [[http://www.twistedmatrix.com/|Twisted]] == Benjamin Saller: CMFTypes: Next Generation Content Type Development for Zope 2 == * [[PyConSpeakers#CmfTypes|PyConSpeakers Entry]] * [[http://sourceforge.net/projects/archetypes/|Archetypes SourceForge Project]] * [[http://plone.org/documentation/CMFTypesBook|CMFTypes]] (predecessor of Archetypes) == Brett Cannon: Using ReStructured Text == * [[http://www.ocf.berkeley.edu/~bac/rest_tutorial.html|Slides from the talk]] (html) * [[PyConSpeakers#ReST|PyConSpeakers Entry]] * PyConBrettCannon * [[http://docutils.sf.net/rst.html|ReStructured Text]] documentation at docutils.sf.net == Brian Warner: Build``Bot: build/test automation == * [[http://www.lothar.com/tech/papers/PyCon-2003/buildbot-pycon/buildbot.html|Full Paper]] (html) * [[PyConSpeakers#BuildBot|PyConSpeakers Entry]] * PyConBrianWarner == Brian Warner: Perspective Broker: "Translucent" Remote Method calls in Twisted == * [[http://www.lothar.com/tech/papers/PyCon-2003/pb-pycon/pb.html|Full Paper]] (html) * [[PyConSpeakers#PerspectiveBroker|PyConSpeakers Entry]] * PyConBrianWarner * [[http://www.twistedmatrix.com/|Twisted]] == C. Donour Sizemore, Jacob R. Lilly, and David M. Beazley: MONDO : A Shared Library and Dynamic Linking Monitor == * [[http://systems.cs.uchicago.edu/mondo/releases/mondo-0.10/paper/Mondo-PythonDC-Presentation.pdf|Full Paper]] (This file is apparently postscript, not pdf - your mileage may vary.) * [[http://systems.cs.uchicago.edu/mondo/|Mondo Project Page]] * [[PyConSpeakers#MONDO|PyConSpeakers Entry]] == Chetan Gadgil: KOBRA - .NET (Wrapper) for Python == * [[attachment:PyConChetanGadgil/PyCON Presentation Slides.ppt|Presentation Slides]] (.ppt) * Full Paper: '''.NET for Python''' * [[attachment:PyConChetanGadgil/PyCON Paper on ".NET for Python".htm|HTML]] * [[attachment:PyConChetanGadgil/PythonConference_DotNetWrapper.doc|MS-WORD DOC]] * [[PyConSpeakers#NetWrapper|PyConSpeakers Entry]] * PyConChetanGadgil * [[http://home.attbi.com/~chetangadgil//DotNetWrapperForPython.htm|KOBRA Project Page]] == Christopher Armstrong: Managing the Release of a Large Python Project == * [[http://twistedmatrix.com/users/radix/releasing-slides/|Presentation Slides]] (html) * [[PyConSpeakers#ManagingLargeReleases|PyConSpeakers Entry]] == Christopher Blunck: Python in a Rapid Development Environment == * [[PyConSpeakers#RapidDevelopment|PyConSpeakers Entry]] * [[http://www.skipware.com/|SkipWare]] == Dana Moore: Subversion from Within. Python in a Java world == * [[http://www.infoether.com/~rich/pycon2003.pdf|Presentation Slides]] (pdf) * [[PyConSpeakers#SubversionFromWithin|PyConSpeakers Entry]] * PyConDanaMoore == David Abrahams: Introducing Boost.Python == * [[PyConSpeakers#BoostPython|PyConSpeakers Entry]] * [[http://www.boost.org/libs/python/doc/index.html|Boost.Python]] == David C. Morrill: Traits: A New Way of Adding Properties to Python Classes == * [[PyConSpeakers#Traits|PyConSpeakers Entry]] * [[http://www.scipy.org/site_content/traits|Traits: Strongly Typed Attributes for Python ]] == David C. Morrill: Chaco: A Python Plotting Package for Scientists and Engineers == * [[PyConSpeakers#Chaco|PyConSpeakers Entry]] * [[http://www.scipy.org/site_content/chaco|The Chaco Plotting Project]] == Dean W. Hall: PyMite: A Flyweight Python Interpreter for 8-bit Architectures == * [[PyConSpeakers#PyMite|PyConSpeakers Entry]] * PyMite == Francesc Alted: Processing And Analyzing Extremely Large Amounts Of Data In Python == * [[PyConSpeakers#ExtremelyLargeData|PyConSpeakers Entry]] * Presentation documents * [[http://pytables.sourceforge.net/doc/PyCon.pdf|Full paper]] * [[http://pytables.sourceforge.net/doc/pycon-slides.pdf|Slides]] * PyConFrancescAlted * PyTables == Francesco Garelli: Satine: a XML Data Binding technology for Python == * [[PyConSpeakers#Satine|PyConSpeakers Entry]] * [[http://satine.sourceforge.net/|Satine]] == Fred L. Drake, Jr. and Chris McDonough: Application Configuration Using ZConfig == * [[http://www.zope.org/Members/mcdonc/Presentations|Paper and Slides]] (link) * [[PyConSpeakers#ZConfig|PyConSpeakers Entry]] * [[http://www.python.org/doc/current/lib/module-ConfigParser.html|Python ConfigParser]] == Geoffrey S. Knauth: Lessons Learned in Converting a Large C Program into Manageable Python Modules == * [[http://knauth.org/gsk/talks/PyCon-ICIS/PyConDC.htm|Presentation Slides]] (html) * [[PyConSpeakers#ConvertingLargeCPrograms|PyConSpeakers Entry]] == George Belotsky: Flightdeck-UI -- a Cockpit on your Desktop == * [[PyConSpeakers#FlightdeckUI|PyConSpeakers Entry]] * [[http://www.openlight.com/fdui/fdui-whitepaper-html/book1.html|Flightdeck-UI]] == Glyph Lefkowitz: Generalized Deferred Execution in Python == * [[PyConSpeakers#DeferredExecution|PyConSpeakers Entry]] * [[http://www.twistedmatrix.com/|Twisted]] == Guido van Rossum: Python Regrets == * [[http://www.python.org/doc/essays/ppt/regrets/PythonRegrets.ppt|Presentation Slides]] (.ppt) * [[http://www.python.org/doc/essays/ppt/regrets/PythonRegrets.pdf|Presentation Slides]] (.pdf) == Guido van Rossum: State of the Python Union (Keynote) == * [[http://www.python.org/doc/essays/ppt/pycon2003/pycon2003.ppt|Presentation Slides]] (.ppt) == Ian Bicking: The Web Framework Shootout == * [[http://colorstudy.com/docs/shootout.html|Full Paper]] (html) * [[PyConSpeakers#WebFrameworkShootout|PyConSpeakers Entry]] == Itamar Shtull-Trauring: Tutorial: Low-level networking with the Twisted Framework == * [[PyConSpeakers#TwistedTutorial|PyConSpeakers Entry]] * [[http://www.twistedmatrix.com/|Twisted]] == Jason Abate and John Shafaee: HALL: A Domain-specific Python Middleware Package == * [[PyConSpeakers#HALL|PyConSpeakers Entry]] == Jean-Paul Calderone: Applications of the Twisted Framework == * [[http://intarweb.us:8080/PyCon/applications-0.xhtml|Presentation Slides]] (xhtml) * [[PyConSpeakers#TwistedApps|PyConSpeakers Entry]] * [[http://www.twistedmatrix.com/|Twisted]] == Jim Fulton: Zope Component Architecture == * [[PyConSpeakers#Zope3Components|PyConSpeakers Entry]] * [[http://www.zope.org|Zope]] == Jim Fulton: Tutorial: Programming with the Zope Component Architecture == * [[PyConSpeakers#Zope3Tutorial|PyConSpeakers Entry]] * [[http://www.zope.org|Zope]] == Joel Shprentz: Prevayler for Python: An alternative to relational and object-oriented databases == * [[PyConSpeakers#Prevayler|PyConSpeakers Entry]] * [[http://www.prevayler.org/index.jsp|Prevayler]] == John Aycock, David Pereira & Georges Jodoin: UCPy: Reverse-Engineering Python == * [[http://pages.cpsc.ucalgary.ca/~aycock/papers/ucpy.pdf|Full Paper]] (pdf) * [[PyConSpeakers#UCPy|PyConSpeakers Entry]] * [[http://pages.cpsc.ucalgary.ca/~aycock/|John Aycock]] == Ken Manheimer: Conversations With Zope: Interactive Debugging Using the Python Prompt == * [[http://www.zope.org/Members/klm/ZopeDebugging/FrontPage|Full Paper & related info]] (link) * [[PyConSpeakers#DebuggingZope|PyConSpeakers Entry]] == Kendall Clark, Daniel Krech, A.M. Kuchling, Bijan Parsia: Introduction to the Semantic Web == * [[http://www.amk.ca/talks/semweb-intro/|Draft Slides]] * [[PyConSpeakers#SemanticWeb|PyConSpeakers Entry]] == Leonard Richardson: Beyond The Config File: User-Friendly Configuration For Web Apps == * [[http://www.crummy.com/devel/PyCon2003/Beyond%20The%20Config%20File.htm|Full Paper]] (html) * [[http://www.crummy.com/devel/PyCon2003/slides/|Presentation Slides]] * [[PyConSpeakers#BeyondTheConfigFile|PyConSpeakers Entry]] * PyConLeonardRichardson == Michael Bernstein: Case Study: A Faceted Classification Solution for a Reusable Digital Asset Repository == * [[PyConSpeakers#FacetedClass|PyConSpeakers Entry]] == Moshe Zadka & Andrew Bennetts: The Lore Document Generation Framework == * [[PyConSpeakers#TwistedLore|PyConSpeakers Entry]] * [[http://www.twistedmatrix.com/|Twisted]] == Nathan Yergler & Vern Ceder: Teaching Programming with Python and PyGame == * [[http://tech.canterburyschool.org/pycon/|Full Paper, Slides, etc.]] (link) * [[PyConSpeakers#TeachingPyGame|PyConSpeakers Entry]] * PyGame == Neal Norwitz: Building a Better Bug Detector == * [[PyConSpeakers#PyChecker|PyConSpeakers Entry]] * [[http://pychecker.sourceforge.net/|PyChecker]] == Paul Graham: The Hundred-Year Language (keynote) == * [[http://www.paulgraham.com/hundred.html|Article based on keynote]] * [[http://use.perl.org/~ziggy/journal/11248|Reviewed by Ziggy]] == Paul Swartz: Implementing SSH in Twisted == * [[http://www.twistedmatrix.com/users/z3p/files/conch-talk.html|Presentation Text]] (.html) * [[http://www.twistedmatrix.com/users/z3p/files/conch-slides.tgz|Presentation Slides]] (.tgz) * [[PyConSpeakers#TwistedSSH|PyConSpeakers Entry]] * [[http://www.twistedmatrix.com/|Twisted]] == Perry Greenfield, Jay Todd Miller, Jin-chung Hsu, & Rick White: numarray: A New Scientific Array Package for Python == * [[PyConSpeakers#Numarray|PyConSpeakers Entry]] * [[http://www.pfdubois.com/numpy/|Numeric and Numarray]] == Alexander Pletzer and Doug McCune: Computing magnetized plasma equilibria in a tokamak using Python == * [[PyConSpeakers#MagnetizedPlasma|PyConSpeakers Entry]] == Roman Geus and Peter Arbenz: PySparse and PyFemax: A Python framework for large scale sparse linear algebra == * [[PyConSpeakers#PySparse|PyConSpeakers Entry]] * [[http://www.inf.ethz.ch/personal/geus/pyfemax/index.html|PySparse and PyFemax]] == Shane Hathaway: Adaptable Storage (Tutorial) == * [[PyConSpeakers#AdaptableStorage|PyConSpeakers Entry]] * [[http://www.zope.org|Zope]] == Steffen Viken Valvaag, Aage Kvalnes and Kjetil Jacobsen: POSH -- Python Object SHaring == * Full Paper * [[http://poshmodule.sourceforge.net/posh/html/index.html|HTML]] * [[http://poshmodule.sourceforge.net/posh/posh.pdf|PDF]] * [[PyConSpeakers#POSH|PyConSpeakers Entry]] * PyConSteffenVikenValvaag * [[http://poshmodule.sourceforge.net/|POSH]] == Tom Bryan: Unit Testing in Python == * Presentation Slides * [[http://starship.python.net/crew/tbryan/UnitTestTalk/|View]] * [[ftp://starship.python.net/pub/crew/tbryan/|Download]] (ftp) * [[PyConSpeakers#UnitTesting|PyConSpeakers Entry]] * PyConTomBryan == Tom Olivier: A Population Simulation System Written in Python == * [[PyConSpeakers#Population|PyConSpeakers Entry]] == Travis B. Hartwell: Deployment of Twisted Web Servers == * [[PyConSpeakers#TwistedWebServers|PyConSpeakers Entry]] * [[http://www.twistedmatrix.com/users/nafai/pycon-paper/|Twisted Web Slides]] * [[http://www.twistedmatrix.com/|Twisted]] == Trent Mick: process.py - cross-platform Python module for process control (Lightning talk) == * [[http://starship.python.net/crew/tmick/pycon_lightning_talk.ppt|Presentation Slides]] (.ppt) * [[http://starship.python.net/crew/tmick/|overview and source code]] == Trent Mick and David Ascher: Smoke: an automated build, regression and performance tracking toolset == * [[PyConSpeakers#Smoke|PyConSpeakers Entry]] * [[http://www.scipy.org/site_content/chaco|Chaco]] * [[http://www.mems-exchange.org/software/quixote/|Quixote]] == Wesley J. Chun: Python in Medicine == * [[PyConSpeakers#PythonInMedicine|PyConSpeakers Entry]] == Wesley J. Chun: Python In Education == * [[PyConSpeakers#PythonInEducation|PyConSpeakers Entry]]