#acl All:read

I will be giving two talks at PyCon this year.

= BuildBot: build/test automation =

== Abstract ==

The Build``Bot is a system to automate the compile/test cycle required by most
software projects to validate code changes. By automatically rebuilding and
testing the tree each time something has changed, build problems are
pinpointed quickly, before other developers are inconvenienced by the
failure. The guilty developer can be identified and harassed without human
intervention. By running the builds on a variety of platforms, developers
who do not have the facilities to test their changes everywhere before
checkin will at least know shortly afterwards whether they have broken the
build or not. Warning counts, lint checks, image size, compile time, and
other build parameters can be tracked over time, are more visible, and
are therefore easier to improve.

The overall goal is to reduce tree breakage and provide a platform to run
tests or code-quality checks that are too annoying or pedantic for any human
to waste their time with. Developers get immediate (and potentially public)
feedback about their changes, encouraging them to be more careful about
testing before checkin.


 * run builds on a variety of slave platforms
 * arbitrary build process: handles projects using C, Python, whatever
 * minimal host requirements: python and Twisted
 * slaves can be behind a firewall if they can still do checkout
 * status delivery through web page, email, IRC, other protocols
 * track builds in progress, provide estimated completion time
 * flexible configuration by subclassing generic build process classes
 * debug tools to force a new build, submit fake Changes, query slave status
 * released under the GPL

== Presentation Notes ==

I will be walking through the basic features of the Build``Bot, demonstrating
a sample installation which runs the Twisted unit test suite on all checkins.
By that time, the code should be available on Sourceforge along with more

This presentation is currently [[http://www.python.org/pycon/pycon-schedule.html|scheduled]]
for 10am on friday March 28th.

The full paper is available at http://www.lothar.com/tech/papers/PyCon-2003/buildbot-pycon/buildbot.html .

= Perspective Broker: RPC in Twisted =

== Abstract ==

One of the core services provided by the [[http://www.twistedmatrix.com|Twisted]]
networking framework is
"Perspective Broker", which provides a clean, secure, easy-to-use Remote
Procedure Call (RPC) mechanism. This paper explains the novel features of
PB, describes the security model and its implementation, and provides brief
examples of usage.

PB is used as a foundation for many other services in Twisted, as well as
projects built upon the Twisted framework. twisted.web servers can delegate
responsibility for different portions of URL-space by distributing PB
messages to the object that owns that subspace. twisted.im is an
instant-messaging protocol that runs over PB. Applications like CVSToys use
PB to distribute notices every time a CVS commit has occurred. Using PB
allows these projects to focus on the interesting parts.

== Presentation Notes ==

I'll be walking through the main features of PB, running short sample programs
to demonstrate how it all works. The presentation is currently scheduled
for 3:15pm on wednesday March 26th.

I'd recommend attending the "Deferred Execution in Twisted" talk scheduled for
wednesday morning: PB relies heavily on Deferreds and understanding them will
make PB easier to pick up.

I'd also suggest the Twisted Tutorial which should happen just before this

The full paper is available at http://www.lothar.com/tech/papers/PyCon-2003/pb-pycon/pb.html .

= Questions? Suggestions? =

Please add any questions, suggestions, or things you'd like me to cover in
the presentation here.

 * Does the Build``Bot have a home page yet?
 * A: (22Mar2003): Yes. http://buildbot.sourceforge.net/ is the URL. It is still pretty sparse, but there is a copy of the paper and some installation hints. Join the mailing list to be notified when a release is ready.