#format rst

We are considering a supplementary print run for 2009 PyCon T-shirts, for those who ought to have received a T-shirt but didn't.  It will have to be a different process (one-off, via CafePress or similar) because the set-up cost of an other full print run is prohibitive.

The order will be placed at the beginning of May 2009, so please add your info by the end of April.

Want a Shirt

Everyone who helped with PyCon 2009 and did not receive a T-shirt (or want an extra), please add your name, email, and shirt size below.

* Dan Ryder <dryder_20850 at yahoo dot com>, men's L for a colleague at White Oak who couldn't attend.
* Michael Foord <michael at voidspace dot org dot uk>, men's L
* Skip Montanaro <skip at pobox dot com>, men's XL - got there too late to get one...
* Aahz <aahz@pythoncraft.com> men's L staff shirt (have regular shirt already)
* Ivan Krstic <pycon at in.radian.org> men's L staff shirt

Have Extra Shirts

If you have extra PyCon 2009 shirts, please add your name, email, and the quantities & sizes below.  If there's enough here to cover the list above, we won't need to order any more shirts.  PyCon/PSF will pay for shipping.