#format rst

 PyCon 2008

PyCon 2008 Will be held in Chicago at the `Crowne Plaza Chicago O'Hare hotel <http://www.crowneplazaohare.com/>`__:

| March 12 (Wednesday) setup from 18:00
| March 13 (Thursday) Tutorials
| March 14-16 (Friday-Sunday) Conference/Talks
| March 17-20 (Monday-Thursday) Sprints

(`Crowne plaza floor plan <http://www.crowneplazaohare.com/floor_plan.htm>`_ & `PDF capacity chart <http://www.crowneplazaohare.com/pdfs/capchart.pdf>`_).

| `PyCon web site <http://us.pycon.org/2008/>`_
| `PyCon home at python.org <http://www.python.org/community/pycon/>`_

PyCon 2008 Wiki Pages

* `Sprint Accomplishments`_

* `Attendee Notes`_ (addenda to http://us.pycon.org/2008/about/notes/)

* `Volunteer Signup`_

* `Open Space <PyCon2008/OpenSpace>`_ (`Open Space Talk Titles <PyCon2008/OpenSpaceTalkTitles>`__)

* `Sprint Signups`__

  __ PyCon2008/SprintSignups

* `Birds of a Feather <PyCon2008/BirdsOfAFeather>`_

* `Room Sharing`__

  __ PyCon2008/Room_Sharing

* `Organizers' Meetings`__ agenda and info.

  __ PyCon2008/OrganizersMeetings

* Staff__

  __ PyCon2008/Staff

* `Talk Subjects`_ - Want to talk but not sure what to talk about?

* `Bid requirements`_ (see its "`Further Info`__" section).

  .. _bid requirements:
  __ http://wiki.python.org/moin/PyConPlanning/BidRequirements#further-info

* Cities that bid:

  * Boston, organizer SJ Klein - sj at laptop .org

  * `Chicago <http://chipy.org/ChiPyCon_2008_Bid>`__

  * Cleveland

  * `San Francisco <SanFrancisco>`__ organizer - Alvin Wang

