These are the results from the feedback forms (both online and paper) for PyCon 2008. There were 497 respondents in all, but not every person answered every question.
Numbers in parentheses are the counts of how many times an item was mentioned.
See /Comments for the essay-type comments from the feedback forms.
Overall ratings
Is this your first PyCon?
Yes 61.2% (297) No 38.8% (188)
What days did you attend PyCon?
Friday 99.0% (488) Saturday 97.2% (479) Sunday 91.9% (453) Tutorials 43.8% (216) Sprints 30.6% (151)
How did you hear about PyCon?
django django on FreeNode 3 years ago from my son A Co-worker a friend A friend had attended. a long time ago or this time? (doesn't match answer to 1 really) Ads, Python 411 podcasts AMK's blog, I think. Probably other blogs too. Not sure which 1st. At BayPiggies meeting At Codemash BayPiggies Python Interest Group BayPiggies user group, call for papers BDFL blog Been attending for many years. Been coming for a few years Been coming for years Been coming for years. Years ago, via a friend who teaches high school computer science. Been going since 2005; I can't remember where I first heard. Been there for the last serveral years Blog Blogosphere. Chipy mailing list. Blogs blogs Blogs / Python Planet / Daily Python URL Blogs and django community Blogs and the online community. blogs, the web, etc. Buzz from the Django community c.l.p years ago Can't remember can't remember Can't remember, at some moment it became obvious it happening each year. cant remember Chaired the first three checked the website Chicago Python User's Group mailing list. ChiPy Chipy chipy ChiPy mailing list chipy mailing list ChiPy Users Group co worker Co-Worker Co-worker co-worker Co-worker who had attended a PyCon several years ago. Co-workers co-workers Co-workers at Polimetrix/YouGov Codemash Colleague Colleauge Community community community buzz Community mailinglist community/lists/whatever comp.lang.python comp.lang.python (years ago) comp.lang.python I think comp.lang.python, many blogs comp.lang.python.announce cowaorker Coworker coworker Coworker at the office Coworker suggested attending Coworkers coworkers coworkers. Daily Python URL Developer mailing list Development team django blog Django Channels Django Community Django community django mailing lists Django Project weblog Django website Don't remember don't remember don't remember, to be honest Don't remember. Don't remember. ^_^ Don't remember... Dunno. If you use python a lot, you'll hear about it. e-mail Early plone community email Employer employer Errr, common knowledge within the community. Everywhere First heard of the conference from a posting to python-announce in 2003. The posting was about a proposal deadline extension. Followed since 2006 following python blogs, lists, other online sources Friend friend Friend in the community Friend who went to pycon 2007 Friend, Boss Friend/Co-Worker Friends friends friends and coworkers friends who went before Friends, Usenet, blogs, mailing lists From a co-worker From a colleague From a friend From a friend who also attended From a person in the CHicago Python User's Group From blog and of course From Greg Neumarke of the ACM Chicago From its reputation in the community From last year's From my bosses and previous attendees From my GSoC mentor from my supervisor From other Python people on IRC and mailing lists, talking about sprints. From the company Autodesk From the head of computer science From front range pythoneers, zope lists general activity in python community General community chatter google google search Grapevine Have been a Python fan for years Have been to many prior Heard about it in europython How do you be a python nerd and *not* hear about PyCon? I come every year I don't remember I found it on the Python Web site. I know these things I live near DC, where the first ones happened, but wasn't able to attend I look forward to it every year. I've been before I've been going for years now. I've been to three previous confs Ian Bicking, Paul Winkler im in the development industry In Python Argentina In the office Internet internet IRC it's been too long to remember ;) It's common knowledge. Jeff Rush just by learning more about and using pycon - don't remember the specifics Just knew about it from past attendence Karl Norby - friend knew of it for a while, not sure how Knew the organizers known about it for years Last Year's pycon. local python user group mailing list Local user group Local User Group (dfwpython) Long Time Fan / Python Hacker... Long-time user Looked for it on the web LWN mail Mailing List Mailing list mailing list mailing lists Many sources of python information over the years... MichiPUG Most likely from the python mailing list My boss My brother Matt told me about it My business associate suggested we attend. My Co-worker my company My Manager Neal Norwitz and Guido told me to come. Newsgroup newsgroup no idea anymore not sure Not sure. Probably comp.lang.python back in 2003 on the job On the web On the web, from previous years One of our professors from school went to pycon in texas. (2006 or 2005ish?) One of the user group mailing lists Online online online media online search for python training online somewhere... Originally from Guido's blog Originally, through my employer at the time (OSAF) Originally? From the website People developing on bzr and TurboGears talked about going last year Planet Python planet python PlanetPython Plone feeds Previous attendee previous attendee Previous Attendees - word of mouth Previous PyCons previously attended python conferences PSF PSF Members mailing list, etc PyCon 07 PodCast pycon website pyhton web site pypi Python 411 Podcast python 411 podcast during 2007 (have heard about it from a few other places since then) Python blogs Python comminity Python Community Python community python community Python community newsgroups/website/planetpython Python lists Python mailing list python mailing list Python mailing lists Python Newsgroup python user group Python web site python web site Python Website Python website python website python-announce python-announce-list python-dev Python-list python-list Python-related podcasts, blogs, .... page Web Site and various Blogs, including PyCon Blog website website website? I forget wiki pages, originally python411 Read about it on the internet Recommendation searched for it a bit after getting interested in the language Some blog or another Somewhere on the intarwebs somewhere on the web teacher the community The Internet the internet The Internets the internets The interweb The Python Website This year: Ian Bicking. I've wanted to attend for a few years, though. Through a friend through the listserve (Edu SIG) through the python website Through work through work Uh... It's PyCon. User Group user group User group mailing list van lindberg various blogs various blogs of Pythonistias various Django blogs, other Python blogs and discussions via my job watch for it every year Web web web pages web search web, friends, etc. websearching, in 2004 Website website Website and colleagues Websites Who knows, it was a long time ago. Word of mouth word of mouth word of mouth between friends and family Work work Work Associate Work associate work colleague Work colleagues work mailing list work, skip montanaro Work. (dr dobbs portal) years ago on comp.lang.python
Please rate ...
very low low high very high N/A Response Average Num. respondents your overall satisfaction with PyCon 2007 in general 0.2% (1) 11.5% (56) 46.2% (226) 41.7% (204) 0.4% (2) 3.30 489 your overall satisfaction with the keynotes 3.1% (15) 29.5% (145) 46.0% (226) 14.9% (73) 6.5% (32) 2.78 491 your overall satisfaction with the talks 1.4% (7) 26.8% (130) 57.9% (281) 11.8% (57) 2.1% (10) 2.82 485 your overall satisfaction with the network 20.7% (101) 42.5% (208) 25.6% (125) 6.3% (31) 4.9% (24) 2.18 489 your overall satisfaction with the food 8.0% (39) 34.5% (168) 45.8% (223) 10.9% (53) 0.8% (4) 2.60 487 your likelihood of attending next year 2.5% (12) 10.6% (52) 42.1% (206) 42.5% (208) 2.2% (11) 3.28 489
Would you prefer a conference that took place
Only on weekdays 17.6% (82)
Includes one weekend day (starts on Sunday or ends on Saturday) 23.1% (108)
Includes two weekend days 59.3% (277)
What were your favorite talks?
185 40.5% Keynote: Guido van Rossum "Python 3000 And You" 90 19.7% Core Python Containers -- Under the Hood Mr. Raymond D Hettinger 83 18.2% Keynote: Brian 'Fitz' Fitzpatrick 81 17.7% The State of Django Adrian Holovaty 75 16.4% Keynote: Van Lindberg "Intellectual Property and Open Source" 67 14.7% Sights and sounds with pyglet Mr. Alex Holkner 61 13.3% Using PyGame and PySight to Create an Interactive Halloween Activity Mr. John Harrison (Insight Industries) 59 12.9% The State of PyPy Maciej Fijalkowski (merlinux GmbH) ; Ms. Laura A Creighton (Open End AB) 58 12.7% SQLAlchemy 0.4 and Beyond Mike Bayer 52 11.4% IronPython: The Road Ahead Mr. Jim Hugunin (Microsoft) 51 11.2% nose: testing for the lazy coder Jason Pellerin (Leapfrog Online) 50 10.9% Consuming HTML Ian Bicking (The Open Planning Project) 49 10.7% Keynote: Mark Hammond "Snake Charming the Dragon: the past, present and future of Python and Mozilla." 45 9.8% How Import Does Its Thing Mr. Brett Cannon 45 9.8% Developing reusable Django applications James Bennett 44 9.6% Tahoe: A Robust Distributed Secure Filesystem Brian Warner 42 9.2% Python-powered Multitouch Peter Z Wang (Enthought, Inc.) ; Mr. David Kammeyer (Enthought, Inc.); Robert Kern 42 9.2% Managing Complexity (and testing) Matt Harrison (Insight Industries) 42 9.2% Don't call us, we'll call you: callback patterns and idioms in Python Alex Martelli (Google, Inc) 41 9.0% Rich UI Webapps with TurboGears 2 and Dojo Mr. Kevin Dangoor (SitePen) 40 8.8% Introducting Agile Testing Techniques to the OLPC Project Dr. Titus Brown (Caltech / Michigan State U.) 37 8.1% PyTriton: building a petabyte storage system Jonathan Ellis (Feature50) 36 7.9% Use Google Spreadsheets API to create a database in the cloud Mr. Jeffrey W Scudder (Google) 36 7.9% Unicode In Python, Completely Demystified Mr. Kumar McMillan (Leapfrog Online) 36 7.9% Pylons and TurboGears: Working together on the web Mark Ramm 34 7.4% High performance Network IO with Python + Libevent Michael M Carter (Orbited) 34 7.4% Django: Under the Hood Marty Alchin 33 7.2% To RE or not to RE - parsing text in Python Anna M Ravenscroft (Stanford University) 32 7.0% Python in your Browser with IronPython & Silverlight Mr. Michael J Foord (Resolver Systems) 30 6.6% More Iterators in Action Jim Baker 29 6.3% Using Optparse, Subprocess, and Doctest To Make Agile Unix Utilities Noah Gift 28 6.1% Using Grok to Walk Like a Duck Mr. Brandon C Rhodes (Georgia Tech) 27 5.9% Python references and practical solutions to reference-related problems Dr. Tim Couper 26 5.7% Your Pythonic Math Class of the Future Kirby T Urner (4D Solutions) 25 5.5% Getting started with test-driven development. Mr. Jonathan Hartley (Resolver Systems) 23 5.0% MPI Cluster Programming with Python and Amazon EC2 Peter Skomoroch 21 4.6% Using Python To Teach Object-Oriented Programming in CS1 Dr. Michael H Goldwasser (Saint Louis University) ; Dr. David Letscher 19 4.2% Keynote: Chris Hagner 18 3.9% What Zope did wrong (and how it's being fixed) Lennart Regebro 18 3.9% Roll Your Own Data Persistence in Python Mr. Sean J Taylor 18 3.9% Python - all a scientist needs. Dr. Julius B. Lucks (University of California, Berkeley) 16 3.5% The REST is Easy Paul Winkler (The Open Planning Project) 16 3.5% Buffer interface in Py3K Travis E Oliphant (Enthought, Inc.) 15 3.3% Supervisor as a Platform Mr. Chris P McDonough (Agendaless Consulting) ; Mr. Mike Naberezny (Maintainable Software) 14 3.1% Using .NET Libraries in CPython Mr. Feihong Hsu 14 3.1% Case Study of Python Application Development -- Humanized Enso Jono DiCarlo (Humanized, Inc) 13 2.8% Running a Successful Usergroup Jeff Rush (Tau Productions Inc.) 13 2.8% Decorated State Machines i Mr. Rodney Drenth (Emerson Process Management) 12 2.6% The Power of Django Admin (Even For Non-Django Projects) Mr. Steven C Wilcox 12 2.6% Programming for the One Laptop Per Child laptop Mr. Charles Merriam 12 2.6% Jython on the Joint Strike Fighter Mr. George F Rice (Lockheed Martin) 11 2.4% Python in System Administration: How, When, and Why one SysAdmin uses Python Mr. Sean Reifschneider (, ltd.) 11 2.4% Case Study: Embedding Python into Counter-Strike: Source Mr. Mattie Casper 11 2.4% Building Trac Plugins Mr. Noah Kantrowitz (Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute) 11 2.4% Applying expert system technology to code reuse with Pyke Bruce Frederiksen 11 2.4% 2to3: translating Python 2 to Python 3 Mr. Collin Winter (Google) 9 2.0% Database development with Jython, SQLAlchemy, and Hibernate Mr. Frank J Wierzbicki 9 2.0% A New Compiler for Jython Jim Baker; Mr. Tobias Ivarsson 8 1.8% End-user computing without tears using Resolver, an IronPython spreadsheet Mr. Giles Thomas (Resolver Systems Ltd) 7 1.5% Crunchy: Crunching on Python Documentation Mr. Johannes Woolard (Oxford University) 6 1.3% Programming Microsoft Office using Python Wesley j Chun (CyberWeb Consulting) 6 1.3% Like Switching on the Light: Managing an Elastic Compute Cluster with Python George Belotsky (CinematX Digital) ; Heath Johns (CinematX Digital) 5 1.1% Stackless Python 101 Mr. Christian Tismer (tismerysoft GmbH) 5 1.1% Developing, Testing, and Debugging Python Applications with Wing IDE Mr. Stephan R.A. Deibel (Wingware) 4 0.9% Stackless PyPy Mr. Christian Tismer (tismerysoft GmbH) 1 0.2% Dogtail: Taking your applications for a walk Mr. Ramakrishna Reddy Yekulla (Partner / Community Engineer at Redhat )
Other (please specify)
The Web2Py talk generator tricks (tutorial) introduction to numpy (tutorial) Generator Tricks for System Programmers by David Beazley Ivan Krstic They all were wanting for greater quality of content - web2py open space talk w/ Massimo Di Pierro Lightning talk format is great. Lightning talks Plenary: OLPC Update honestly, most i saw were junk. too short, so by the time the presenter motivated the talk, time was up. and 40m/talk? that made it impossible to make sure you were at the next one at a normal time. how about starting talks on the hour. simple. The Twisted SFC membership announcement. I'm feeling The Love! Ivan Kristov - OLPC Keynote honestly, almost none of the talks i heard are worth mentioning - they were all too short (every presenter was rushed), the timing was hard to gauge (since everything started on odd times, 40m past some hours, 10 after other, etc), and quite frankly not that many presenters were well prepared. Twisted Announcement/Keynote Richard Jones' Pyglet talk (why not listed?) Lightning talks on PVote, NoonHat, and SaturdayHouse No.106, towards interactive, distributed and rapid testing Teach me Twisted open spaces session! lightening talks All of them seemed to be really really good... Halloween app some of the openspace meetings + lightning talks where really useful as just meeting people during the conference I rather enjoyed many of the lightning talks. I just wish you guys had scheduled those online and were a bit more organized with them. Ivan Krstic - OLPC update Making Client-Side Python Suck Less OLPC Update agile web testing The lightning talks and bof about metaweb/freebase Developing With repoze.zope2 "Teach Me Twisted" - Steve Holden repoze - chris mcdonough I really enjoyed the tutorial on TurboGears and Pylons. Good teachers and very informative. The Twisted BoF at 8-10 on Saturday; most keynotes v. good as well. Hallway track sunday keynote on status of OLPC Teach me Twisted I missed a lot of the talks I wanted to see... Due to volunteering, I wasn't able to focus on the talks. I hope to catch up when we get the video online. Num.106 Open space sessions, various. only attended tutorial
What 5 topics should have been covered at PyCon?
"C" Extensions "using python to change the world" came up in a BoF *How* people do stuff instead of *what* they do A Comparison of ORMs (Storm, SQLAlchemy, SQLObject) a debate format between rivals (pylons vs. django?) would have been cool A Guide to the Community: reporting a bug, starting a SIG, serving as a volunteer, for new people a single talk on open source best practices a survey of web frameworks about teaching CS with Python about teaching in K12 with Python about the design decisions made in Python academic applications academic research using python: AI, Graphics, Visualizations actual case studies from industy Addressing speed issues with larger projects Advanced Language Features (decorators, descriptors, metaclasses, etc.) advanced language features (metaclasses, iterators as coroutines, etc.) Advanced Python Techniques advanced talks advanced topics (where <10 minutes is spent on intro) Advanced Topics In General Advocacy Agile and Python agile development techniques Agile development, TDD Algorithm analysis Alternative Interpreters (Jython, IronPython) An overview of different python frameworks (several tracks possible: graphics, GUIs, game development, testing) - again, for programmers new to Python API Documentation Improvement Recommendations APIs (more of them, i.e. eBay, Amazon, Yahoo, Google, Facebook, etc.) aplication and code design, style guide, .. Application building - lessons learned application of ctypes Audio/Video & Streaming basic beginner how to get started with... beginners OOP best practices in development methodologies for python Best Practices in Python best practices range vs xrange, when to use list comp, inline generators, ... best practices without focusing on 3rd party packages best practices, python style best practices/software engineering (i.e. TDD, complexity talks) Better parallel and distributed programing with Python Better Stackless Python Coverage Bring your kids: Python for the young for K-12 building C extensions Building DSL's in (on top of) Python buildout Bundling standalone applications with py2exe/py2app Business Apps in Python bytecode C-API differences 2 to 3 Case Studies (Last year there was a case study on EVE Online that was great) case studies; less developer tools Chaco/Traits (Enthought) Cheese Shop CherryPy clpython coding specifics compare python with scala Comparison of Python implementations Comparisons of competing frameworks Compiler internals, including GC Complexity pitfalls (range, etc) Computer Graphics; Open GL Concurrency concurrency concurrent programming with jython Continuous Integration Contributing to core python Convincing high level management to use Python instead of expensive solution 'x' Core Features (I heard that "Core Python Containers" was a great talk) core language core language features, idioms coroutines Crazy Hacks (Think Damian Conway) creating APIs Cross platform development and testing Cross-platform desktop development with GTK ctypes Custom language implementations Cython (Sage) Dabo data mining database Database Techniques Deathmatch fight between TG vs Django & Pylons vs CherrPy debugging debugging stackless python debugging techniques other than Wing Deploying commercial apps w/ python Descriptors design patterns for modern (ajax + python framework) web apps Design Patterns in Python desktop apps Desktop/Client Systems developer/team tools distributed automated testing distributed computing Distributing software through PyPI and setuptools (esp. Py3K package handling) distutils Django Django + SQLAlchemy together Django state django's internals in more details Django, Turbogears, Pylons, Zope, etc. Do women and men use Python differently? domain-specific languages in Python Easier access to contributors to OSS projects (django, pylons, nose, etc). Maybe booth space for them easy_install education/cp4e Education: Python for college professors Education: Python for high school teachers Efficient code (aka best practices) Eggs eggs/buildout eggs/setuptools Elixir Embedded apps using python embedding embedding and extending (in C, C++, Java, C#, etc etc) Embedding in C++ using Boost.Python Embedding Python embedding python into an application Encryption evangelizing python to non-techies Expert Systems/AI Extending Acceptance of the language in the Enterprise extending Python 101 flex & python forked processes Functional/Integration Testing With Python Tools Future of client apps in Python (wx, Qt, etc.) Future of Python Future of python future of python General embedding in C++ Generating standalone executables using py2app, py2exe, Freeze, etc. GeoDjango (more than a lightning talk) geographic applications Getting started in a Python open source project Getting Started with Python: Frameworks GIS GIS Using Python GUI programming GUI Toolkit review hardware interfacing (e.g. DAQ via serial, LAN, or system USB drivers) History of Python (Retrospective) how architecture pattern X can be applied in python How I sold python to NASA Headquarters How Open Source projects work (nuts & bolts) How Python influences other languages & sw in general how to apply python to large scale problems how to best document your python code for auto generation How to breed and grow Python developers How to do different application structures in Python. How to evaluate Python technologies How to get a good job in Python How to help developers adopt python ? How to improve your programming skills, i.e. cherry pick from Code Complete/2e How to leverage Python's Strengths how to make wifi work at a conference :) How to organize complex software so it can be easily tested How to talk your company/friends into using Python how to teach python HOWTO organize/run a python project Human Interface Guidelines Ideas for future extensions of Python IDEs/editors (WingIDE, Komodo, SPE, iPython) idiomatic modern python -- a case study Import: Not internals as 2. How Import Does Its Thing, but, __import__, sys.modules, cyclic imports, etc... in-depth presentation on packaging and/or deployment individual's far-out uses for python Instant Messaging Intellectual Property and Open Source Interaction Design Intermediate Twisted intermediate/advanced level talks Internals Programming re OLPC; we didn't have a *good* talk this year. intro to c guts of python Intro to CPython extension (SWIG, raw, or anything else) Intro to generators intro to Python Intro to the GIL, mistakes learned Introductory Twisted stuff. iPython vs. the standard python prompt IPython1 IronPython Javascript toolkits Just More Spaces for Python Beginners Jython Less focus on "practical" day-to-day applications Less PR / Marketing based talks Less recruiting pitches lint Longer talks Mac OS X 10.5 applicaiton development with Python Making the most of the "with" statement managing front and back ends to pypy managing large python codebases managing python installs on debian/windows/osx Mercurial mercurial extensions Mercurial, which was ignored in favor of Bazaar meta classes Metaclasses Migrating a development team to Python mod_wsgi more 3.0 more advanced python. more generator, more iterator, more tips. more case studies more cloud computing and distributed computing more cpython internals more database more design patterns more django more education talks More for beginners more from basic datastructures, performance, usage more hardcore CS patterns - make Alex Martelli give an advanced talk more introductions to intermediate level Python programmers...such as introduction to easy_install,, eggs, etc., iterators, generators more ironpython more jython more live coding talks... more non-web based python stuff more on design patterns more on development environments more on GUIs MORE on Python 3 more panel discussions such as: More programming oriented talks More project-based talks more Pylons More real life examples and howto's rather than a presentation of their product more semantic web talks More sysadmin focused talks more systems administration More technically in depth talks More third party libraries (from pypi) More tutorials more tutorials, less talks! I'll be going to more advanced python tutorials next year more twisted instruction more visualization stuff MPI multicores and the Global Interpreter Lock My Projects themed talks for users to show what they did (like the Halloween talk) Network Applications(ie, zenoss) New and Exciting Ideas (Kamaelia, for example) new features (oft overlooked) of Python New Modules shown off new/interesting modules people haven't seen non web app frameworks non web guis (pygtk, qt) Numerical graphing numpy NumPy and SciPy numpy/scipy (tutorials don't count for us conference-only attendees) OLPC optimization strategies Optimizing performance ORM ORM comparison panel discussion other than this the talks had great coverage overall overview of available libraries for advanced topics such as generalized parsing or decision-making Overview of how the python interpreter works Overview of the world: all those buzzwords in context overview of twisted and what it's good for overview of usage in companies such as google . . . Packaging Packaging and Deploying (How to fix setuptools) Packaging and distribution packaging/distribution (py2app, py2exe, etc.) Panel Discussions Panel tracks for Web, scientific, networking, embedding (and other?) w.r.t. python Parallel/Distributed Programming Parsing (little) languages with Python parsing xml Parsing XML in python Paste performance - profiling/c extensions/blah performance testing perhaps OO patterns in python, tutorial pitching python to coworkers who know only Excel and Access places we shouldnt be trying to use python Plone plone plone 2 vs plone 3 plugin development (rather than just a tutorial) plugins/eggs/etc. postrgresql and python practical examples of using ctypes Problems and Solutions from different Python Implementations Production Monitoring/Profiling (overview, not vendor pitch) Production systems and deployment process profiling Profiling and optimization Profiling and optimizing pure python Programming Advanced - More Martelli talks Psyco py2app Py3k Details - Guido's keynote was too high level PyDev tutorial PyDoc PyGame! Pygame/Pyglet pygtk PyGTK or other GUI toolkits PyGTK/desktop applications Pylons Pylons Pylons (apart from Turbogears) Pylons [Tutorial] PyMedia PyObjC pyObjC PyPy pypy applications pypy production-readiness pyqt pys60 Python & Hardware (USB, 1394, Serial, etc) Python 101 Python 2.6 and Python 3 Python 3 Python 3.0 String Formatting Python 3000 - The new features (not migration) Python advocacy to management (why use python/open source) Python Advocacy update (similar to 2007 talk) python and apache python and com interop Python and Concurrency python and IT : moving from dev to prod... python and oracle Python C API Python code walk-thru's Python debugging and profiling Python Desktop App Development python eggs Python embedded in C++ apps Python for Ruby developers Python GUI Toolkits Python in business applications Python in education Python in Mac OS X (Cocoa/Objective-C bridge) python in plone python in zope Python Internal Architecture Python internals Python job trends Python language features, tips, tricks Python Non-relational database backends Python on web Python on window python on windows Python optimization python performance Python programming python resources for beginners (maybe just a documentation survey) python to support mobile devices Python tricks python use in bioinformatics Python versioning stuck at 2.2/2.3 on many distros Python vs Ruby Python's response(s) to Ruby/Rails PythonTidy pretty printer, the first one that mostly works Pyweek game programming competition, which is cool pyWinAuto & and other test automation techniques py_interface raising political consciousness RDF readability comparison between using straight sql or sqlifying modules like sqalchemy Recent additions to standard library Related to #2: Using WSGI to get best of breed components Repoze Sandboxing python scaling techniques Scientific applications Scientific Programming Security separate out advanced and beginning talks setuptools for unix distro packagers SnapLogic SOAP ( ZSI, Soaplib ) Social aspects of python development Some Level of Survey of the Different Web Frameworks Some topic on the internals of CPython something very advanced... maybe building a custom interpreter speed differences 2 to 3. When will 3K be as fast? SQLAlchemy, Elixir, Storm, etc. sqlelixir and multiple database sessions Stackless Standard library packages state of python language development community stories of python usage in large-scale production Storm ORM Strategies for profiling threaded apps Styles and structures (TOOWTDI doesn't apply at an architectural level) Summary of Gui Extensions in Python super classes Survey of real and virtual platforms supported by Python/Jython/Ironpython/PyPy swig vs. boost swig. pyrex, etc for c extensions system and application automation with Python System design Teaching Python to Java heads Testing Testing GUIs Testing: py.test, nose, etc. text parsing Text processing in python the conference covered *lots* of ground:) Threading/multicore tinypy and python 64k for embedded stuff Tkinter tkInter widgets (HTML widgets) Topics covered were fine, speakers were not. Traits Traits.UI Transition from Java Web App Twisted twisted twisted 101.5 Twisted AMP, which nobody seems to know about under-the-hood stuff understanding scons up-to-date comparison of Templating upgrade to python 3 Usability use of python in science (Julius Lucks touched on this) user group panel discussion (too important for just a BOF) user interface fundamentals for programmers Using legacy C/C++ from Python Using Python for build and test frameworks Using python in embedded applicaions Using python to make the world a better place: synergy w/ NGO values and missio Various Python SDKs / app kits Web application deployment Web Development web frameworks web frameworks (done) Web Frameworks (Last year's panel was GREAT) Web Frameworks (not really) Web Programming in Python 101 - for those programmers who are new to the web, so they can take advantage of the web-based Python talks web scraping Web security and encryption using python webpy What features Python needs What Python can learn from other languages when to reach for 3rd party modules, and when not to Why Python appeals to "pythonistas" win32, win32com Windowing Toolkits Women in the Community work on clusters other than EC2 writing multiplatform cpython/jython/ironpython programs WSGI WSGI and Pylons (not TG) WSGI Panel -- pick 5-10 WSGI bits and discuss them WSGI/Web Frameworks WXPython WxPython wxPython Zope Zope / Plone topics missing Zope 2.9 or Plone 2.5 Zope 3 Architecture; lots of cool things inside not well known zope object database programming Zope/Zope3
Where did you stay?
Hotel 60.8% (281)
Other Hotel 19.7% (91)
Hostel 0.4% (2)
With friends 5.6% (27)
Am local resident 11.0% (56)
hotel was overbooked, I was put in the Sofitel down the road for one night Double Tree Double Tree DoubleTree with Conference Rate Sofitel
What is your maximum per-person nightly room budget for accommodations?
$75 or less 13.1% (56)
$100 26.8% (115)
$125 25.9% (111)
$150 21.2% (91)
$200 9.8% (42)
More than $200 3.3% (14)
How are you paying for your PyCon trip?
100% self-funded 32.1% (148)
100% employer-funded? 56.2% (259)
Shared expense 11.7% (54)
If shared, how?
$1000 from employer - rest is up to me 50% 50/50 ? Airfare was paid by my employer company hotel and conf; me all other expenses company paying conference entry, everything else self-funded Employer covered tutorials, conference and one night (we're local). I shared a room for more nights. Employer gave me the day off, I did the rest. employer has a fixed budget, I cover costs beyond that employer paid for conference - I payed for airfare employer paid for tutorials and conference, i paid for parking Employer paid hotel, air, and conference fee. I paid for food, other transportation and any other expenses. Employer pays registration and tutorials. I pay hotel and flights. employer up to a certain cost, my expense thereafter Employer, Self Financial Aid Financial Aid from PSF, Employer funding and self funding financial aid from pycon and me Funding via PSF hotel for conference and conference fees my employer paid, Food, sprint hotel and travel by me I am paying for sprints hotel stay, employer for main conference + tutorials I am self employed and the company paid registration and I used airline miles and hotel points I decide how much to submit I originally wasn't sure if Python would be usable in my work, but I'm picking it up to do web projects personally - I think I will put in for some reimbursement though as I got a lot of great ideas that I can use even if I'm not successful in bringing python to our systems. I paid for my food, and for lodging during sprints; registration, travel, and hotel during conference covered by school/employer I paid for the conference days, my employer paid for me to attend the Sprint. I received Python Software Foundation financial aid this year. woot. I traveled/roomed with a friend, and PSF paid my registration fees. THANKS! I used some of my grant money. My company paid for my registration My own reg, some travel covered part from university, part from pycon part through financial aid partly employee funded, part psf grant PSF paid for registration. PyCon financial aid Registration on me, lodging on employer roommate set dollar amount provided by employer (most of cost) Shared with team mates Someone blogged; I contacted. split with coworker split with employer they payed for flight & conference (i borrowered friends car) With PSF
If you got a room, are you sharing your room with others?
No 51.8% (231)
Sharing with a friend 27.8% (124)
Sharing with a group of friends 5.6% (25)
N/A 14.8% (66)
PyCon 2009 will be in Chicago again. Where would you like to see PyCon 2010 or a future PyCon? Enter up to 3 cities or regions:
abq Addison, Texas albuquerque Ann Arbor ann arbor, mi Any less expensive "hub" city Any major airport hub. anywhere else, near an actual urban center, not by the airport Anywhere in Europe aspen ATLANTA Atlanta Atlanta Atlanta Atlanta Atlanta Atlanta Atlanta atlanta atlanta atlanta Atlanta, GA Atlanta, GA Austin Austin Austin, TX Austin, TX Austin, TX Baltimore/DC Metro Baltimore/Washington Banglore/India/Asia bay area bay area bay area Bay Area (so I can combine this with business -> company pays flightl) Bay Area, CA Berlin Berlin Boston Boston Boston Boston Boston Boston Boston Boston Boston Boston Boston Boston Boston Boston Boston Boston Boston Boston Boston Boston Boston boston boston Boston area Boston, MA Boston, MA Boston, MA Boston, MA Boston, Ma Boston, Ma boston, MA Boston/Cambridge CA California California California California california california California/West Coast Canada Chicago Chicago Chicago Chicago Chicago Chicago Chicago Chicago Chicago Chicago Chicago Chicago Chicago Chicago Chicago Chicago Chicago Chicago Chicago Chicago Chicago Chicago Chicago Chicago Chicago Chicago Chicago Chicago Chicago Chicago Chicago Chicago Chicago Chicago Chicago Chicago chicago Chicago seemed very expensive. Chicago still Chicago! Chicago, but in or near loop. Rosemont sucks because there is almost no good food or bars nearby Chicago, IL Chicago, IL Chicago, IL Cleveland Cleveland Cleveland Cleveland Cleveland Cleveland cleveland Cleveland!!! Cleveland, OH Cleveland, OH Cleveland, OH Cleveland, OH Dallas Dallas Dallas :) DC DC DC DC Denver Denver Denver Denver Denver Denver CO USA Denver or Boulder Denver, CO Des Moines, IA Detroit East Coast East Coast East Coast East coast east coast east coast (midpoint btwn west coast and europe) east coast, but not Boston Europe Europe Hawaii Hawaii ( if PSF pays my way? ;) ) Jacksonville, FL Kansas City Kansas City Kansas City Kansas City Kansas City, MO Las Vegas Las Vegas Las Vegas Las Vegas Las Vegas!!!! London Los Angeles Madison, WI Madison, Wisconsin Mid West Midwest Midwest Minneapolis Minneapolis Minneapolis, MN Minneapolis, MN montréal! Montreal Montreal Montreal (Quebec) Mountain view, CA Nashville, TN New Orleans New Orleans, LA New Y ork New York New York New York New York New York New York New York New York New York New York New York New York New York New York New York New York New York new york new york New York City New York City New York City new york city new york downtown. New York, NY New-York Niagra Falls, Buffalo Nice, France north west northwest northwest NY NYC NYC Omaha, NE Orlando Orlando Orlando Ottawa Ottawa Pacific North-West pacific northwest Pacific NW (Seattle, Portland) Philadelphia Philadelphia Philadelphia Philadelphia Philadelphia Philadelphia, PA Portland Portland Portland Portland Portland Portland, OR Portland, OR Portland, OR Portland, OR Portland, OR Portland, OR Portland, OR portland, or Prague, Czech Republic ;) Raleigh/Durham, NC Raliegh, NC Salt Lake City Salt Lake City Salt Lake City Salt Lake City Salt Lake City, UT San Antonio, TX San Diego San Diego San Diego San Diego San Diego, CA San Diego, CA San Francisco San Francisco San Francisco San Francisco San Francisco San Francisco San Francisco San Francisco San Francisco San Francisco San Francisco San Francisco San Francisco San Francisco San Francisco San Francisco San Francisco San Francisco San Francisco San Francisco San Francisco San Francisco San Francisco San Francisco San Francisco San Francisco San Francisco San Francisco san francisco san francisco san francisco san francisco San Francisco / Bay Area San Francisco Bay Area San Francisco Bay Area San Francisco Bay Area San Francisco Bay Area San Francisco Bay Area San Francisco Bay Area san francisco bay area San Francisco, CA San Francisco, CA San Francisco, CA San Francisco, CA San Francisco, CA San Francisco, California San Fransico San Fransisco San Fransisco San Fransisco San Jose San Jose, CA San Mateo Santa Fe, NM Seattle Seattle Seattle Seattle Seattle Seattle Seattle Seattle Seattle Seattle Seattle, WA Seattle, WA Seattle, WA Seattle, WA Seattle/Portland SF SF Bay Area SF Bay Area SF Bay Area Silicon Valley silicon valley small cities. walkable, with real stuff around them. Somewhere else in Midwest Somewhere in the Midwest is great Somewhere outside the US :) somewhere warm. Somewhere with more variety of restaurants and entertainment nearby, like Dallas, but not mecessarily dallas. Southern California Southern California Southern California Southwest Springfield, Missouri St. Louis St. Louis, Missouri St. Louis, MO The west coast - LA, SF Toronto Toronto Toronto Toronto Toronto, ON Vancouver Vancouver BC Vancouver, BC Vancouver, BC, Canada Vegas - Cheap to fly to from all over Washington Washington D. C. Washington DC Washington DC Washington DC washington dc Washington, DC Washington, DC Washington, DC Washington, DC Washington, DC Washington, DC Washington, DC Wasington, D.C. West Coast West coast west coast West-coast Whereever I am going to college
Where are you from (City/State/Country)?
Abilene / Kansas / USA Addison/Texas/USA Albuquerque, New Mexico Alexandria, VA Alexandria/Louisiana/USA Allen, TX Ames, IA Ames, Iowa USA Amsterdam, Netherlands Amsterdam, the Netherlands Amsterdam/ /The Netherlands Ann Arbor MI Ann Arbor, MI Ann Arbor, MI Ann Arbor, MI Ann Arbor, MI, USA ann arbor, mi, usa ann arbor, mi, usa Ann Arbor, Michigan, US ann arbor/mi Ann Arbor/MI/USA Ann Arbor/MI/USA Annapolis, MD, USA Arlington, TX USA Arlington, VA, USA Ashburn, VA USA Athens, GA Atlanta Atlanta Atlanta, GA Atlanta, GA Atlanta, GA, Gwinnett Aurora IL USA Austin Texas Austin TX Austin, TX Austin, TX Austin, TX Austin, TX, USA Austin, TX, USA Austin, TX, USA Austin/TX/USA Australia Baltimore, MD Baltimore, MD, USA Baltimore, MD, USA Baltimore, MD, USA Bangkok/Bangkok/Thailand Barcelona/Catalonia/Europe Bay Area, CA, USA Beaumont/California/USA Beijing Beijing, PRC Bellingham, WA, USA Belmont CA Berkeley, CA Berkeley, CA USA Berkeley, California Berlin/Berlin/Germany Berlin/Berlin/Germany Beverly, Ma, USA bos Boston Boston Boston MA USA Boston MA USA Boston, CT Boston, MA boston, ma Boston/MA/USA Boston/MA/USA Boulder, Colorado, USA Braunschweig, Germany Brooklyn, NY USA brooklyn, NY, USA Brooklyn/NY/USA Buenos Aires, Argentina Buenos Aires, Argentina Buenos Aires, Argentina. Buffalo Grove / Illinois / USA Burlington Ontario, Canada Cairo, Egypt Calgary, AB, Canada Calgary, Alberta, Canada Calgary/Alberta/Canada Canton, OH Carrboro, NC champaig, IL usa Champaign, IL Champiagn, IL, US Chapel Hill, NC chapel hill, nc Chesapeake, VA Chesapeake, Virginia Chicago Chicago Chicago Chicago Chicago Chicago Chicago Chicago Chicago Chicago Area Chicago IL Chicago IL chicago il Chicago IL USA Chicago, IL Chicago, IL Chicago, IL Chicago, IL Chicago, IL Chicago, IL Chicago, IL Chicago, IL Chicago, IL Chicago, IL Chicago, IL Chicago, IL Chicago, IL Chicago, IL Chicago, IL US Chicago, IL USA Chicago, IL USA Chicago, IL USA Chicago, IL USA Chicago, IL, US Chicago, IL, USA Chicago, IL, USA Chicago, IL, USA Chicago, IL, USA Chicago, IL, USA Chicago, IL, USA Chicago, IL, USA Chicago, IL, USA Chicago, Il, USA Chicago, Il, USA Chicago/IL/US Chicago/IL/USA Chicago/IL/USA Chicago/IL/USA Chicago/Illinois/USA Cieszyn/Poland Clarkston, WA, USA Cleveland Cleveland Cleveland Cleveland, OH Cleveland, OH Cleveland, OH Cleveland, OH USA Cleveland, Ohio Columbia, SC, USA Columbus, Indiana, USA (45 miles SSE of of Indianapolis) Columbus, OH, USA Concord/CA/USA Conway, AR Corning/NY/USA corvallis, or Crystal City, MO 63019 CT, USA Cupertino, CA dallas Dallas, Texas Dallas, TX Dallas, TX Dallas, TX Dallas, TX Dallas, TX, USA Dallas,TX dayton, oh DC DC Denver, CO Denver, CO, USA Denver, Colorado, USA Denver/Colorado/USA Derry, NH, US Des Moines/Iowa/USA Des Plaines, IL USA Detroit Downers Grove, IL USA Durham, NC, US Eden Prairie, MN, USA El Cerrito, CA, USA Elkhart, IN Elmhurst/IL/USA Europe Evanston, IL evanston, IL Evanston, IL, USA Evanston/IL/USA Fairfax, VA Farmington Hills / MI / USA FL France France Ft Wayne, IN Gainesville, FL Garland, Texas, USA Garneill, Montana, USA Gent/Belgium Germany Glenelg/MD/Howard Goshen/IN/USA Greenbelt, Maryland, U.S Halifax, Nova Scotia, Canada Halifax/Nova Scotia/Canada Halle / Saxony-Anhalt / Germany Hartford, WI, USA Hartford/CT/USA Herndon, VA Hilo, Hawaii Honolulu/Hawaii/USA Houston, TX, USA Houston/TX/USA Hyderabad/India Iceland Indiana, USA Indianapolis,IN USA Indianapolis/Indiana/USA Ireland Israel Israel Kennett, MO, USA La Honda, California LA, CA Lansing, MI, US Lansing, MI, USA lansing, michigan, usa Larchmont/New York/USA Las Vegas Lawrence, KS Lawrence, KS Lawrence, KS Lewiston, Idaho, USA Lewiston, Idaho, USA LIMA/PERU Linköping, Sweden Little Rock/AR/USA London, UK London/England/UK London/UK Los Angeles Los Angeles, CA Los Angeles/CA/USA Los Angeles/CA/USA Lyon//France Madison, WI Madison, WI Madison, WI, USA Madison, WI, USA Madison, WI, USA Madison, WI, USA Madison, Wisconsin Madison/WI/USA Marshalltown, IA, USA Maryland McHenry/IL/USA Melbourne, VIC, Australia Memphis, TN - USA Mexico City, Mexico Michigan Michigan, US Milwaukee, WI Milwaukee, WI, USA Milwaukee, Wisconsin US Minneapolis minneapolis, mn Minneapolis, MN, United States Minneapolis, MN, USA Minneapolis, MN, USA Moline, IL, US Montréal/QC/Canada Montreal Montreal/QC/Canada Montreal/Quebec/Canada Montreal/Quebec/Canada (refer to #13 :) ) Morenci, Arizona, USA Mount Airy, MD (USA) Mountain View/CA/ USA Naperville, IL (30 minutes from Chicago) Nashville, TN Nashville, TN, USA Near Philadelphia, PA, USA new hampshire New Jersey New York New York New York / NY / USA New York / NY / USA New York City New York City New York City New York City, NY New York City, NY, USA New York, New York, USA New York, NY New York, NY New York, NY New York, NY, USA New York, USA Newport News, VA Norfolk, VA North Canton/Ohio/US Northern Ireland (but live in Philadelphia, PA) Norway Norway NY Oak Park, IL, US Oakland, CA Odenton, MD, USA Ogden, UT Omaha, NE Omaha, Ne orange park/florida/usa Orem/UT/USA Originally, Texas. Now San Francisco Orlando, FL, USA Oshkosh / WI / USA Ottawa/ON/Canada Ottawa/Ontario/Canada Palatine, IL USA Palo Alto Palo Alto, CA Palo Alto, CA, US Paris / France Pasadena, CA Pasadena/CA/USA Peoria, IL USA Philadelphia Philadelphia, PA Philadelphia/Pennsylvania/USA Pittsburgh, PA Pittsburgh, PA Pittsfield, Il. USA Pleasant Hill, Illinois, USA Portland, OR Portland, OR, US Portland, OR, USA Portland/OR/US Potomac, MD, USA Poughkeepsie, NY, USA Prague, Czech Rep., Europe Prague//Czech Republic Puebla/Puebla/México Raleigh, NC, USA Redlands, CA; USA Richmond, VA Rochester NY USA Rochester, NY Rockwall, TX, USA Royal Oak, MI Sacramento, CA, USA Salt Lake City, Utah, USA San Antonio, TX San Antonio, TX, US San Antonio, TX, USA San Antonio/ Texas/ United States of America San Bernardino, CA USA San Diego San Diego CA USA San Diego, CA San Diego, CA USA San Diego, CA, USA San Francisco San Francisco San Francisco San Francisco San Francisco / CA / USA San Francisco, CA San Francisco, CA San Francisco, CA San Francisco, CA San Francisco, CA San Francisco, CA San Francisco, CA San Francisco, CA USA San Francisco, CA, USA San Francisco, CA, USA san francisco, ca, usa San Jose, CA San Jose, CA, US San Jose/CA/USA Santa Cruz, CA santa fe / new mexico / usa Santa Fe, NM Sao Paulo, Brazil Saratoga Springs, Utah, USA Seattle Seattle Seattle WA Seattle, WA Seattle, WA Seattle, WA Seattle, WA Seattle, WA Seattle, WA Seattle, WA, USA Seattle/WA/USA Seattle/Wa/USA Shrewsbury, PA, USA Silicon Valley, California silicon valley/ca/usa Sleepy Hollow, NY South Bend/Indiana/US Springfield, Missouri State Center, IA USA Sunnyvale, CA Sweden Sydney Sydney/NSW/Australia Tampa, FL, USA Taylor Mill, Ky, USA Texas Texas The UK TORONTO Toronto Toronto Canada Toronto, Canada Toronto/ON/Canada Tromsø/Norway Tromsø/Norway Tulsa, OK UK UK United Kingdom US Utah utah Utica, New York Vancouver BC Vancouver, BC, Canada Vancouver, BC, Canada Vilnius/Lithuania Virginia Vista, CA, USA Waco, Texas, USA Walnut Creek/CA/USA Washington DC washington dc washington dc Washington, DC Washington, DC Washington, DC Washington, DC Washington, DC washington, dc Washington/DC/USA Winnipeg, Manitoba, Canada
Is there a Python user group in your area?
Yes 58.9% (269)
No 15.8% (72)
Not sure 25.4% (116)
If yes, what is the name of your local group?
(Rochester PUG is 2 hours away) AFPy afpy APUG APUG (Austin PUG) Austin PUG Austin Python User Group Austin Python User's Group Austin Python User's Group (APUG) Austin Python Users Group bay area piggies? Bay Area Pyggies Bay Piggies bay piggies BayAreaPiggies BayPIGgies BayPiggies Baypiggies baypiggies BayPIGies Berlin User Group Boston Python User group cambridge python Cambridge Python Meet-up Cambridge Python Meetup Cambridge Python Meetup Group Chicago Chicago Pyhon Users Group Chicago Python Users Group (ChiPy) chicago python users' group Chips ChiPy Chipy chiPy chipy ClePy Clepy Dallas and Fort Worth Groups DC ZPug dczpug and baconpig DFW Python DFW Pythoneers DFW Pythoneers ( dfwpython dfwpythonusers django-cat Don't currently attend Don't remember Dutch python users group Front Range Pythoneers GruPy-SP Honolulu Coders Houston PUG Houston Python Meetup Group IndyPy LCSC Computer Science Club Lewis Clark State College Computer Science Club. (although we're not strictly python due to the small town we're based in) London Python Users Group maybe Orlando (50 miles away) MichiPUG Michipug michipug MichPUG mipug Montréal-Python Montreal Python MontrealPython montrealpython MPUG New York Python Meetup Group Northern VA Python Meetup NYC Python NYC Python Users Group NYC Python; NYLUG Python Workshop NYPUG Omaha Python Users Group OPy - Oklahoma Python User Group Ottawa Python Author's Group PDXPUG Portland Python User Group portland python users group Portland Pythoneers PyAr PyAR2 PyAR2 ("Pi R Squared") PyATL PyAtl PYATL??? PYDEV PyGTA Pykonik ( Python Argentina Python Ireland Python Meetup python uk PythonMexico PyWM Rochester Python Programmers SeaPIG SeaPig SeaPy Seattle Python Interest Group SLUG SoCal Piggies Socal Piggies socal-piggies St. Louis Python Users Group seems to be defunct SyPy There was a DC Zope/Python group. Not sure if it's still active. TriZPUG trizpug Utah Python User Group Utah Python Users Group UtahPython utahpython VanPyZ Winnipeg Python Users Group aka Zope/Python Users Group of DC (ZPUGDC) zpug dc ZPUG-DC ZPUG-DC (also, forming BACON-PIG in MD) ZPUGDC zpugdc
If you do attend a user group, estimate your monthly user group attendance:
0 0.5 1 1 or 2 per year 10 10 - 15 10 to 15 10-15 10-15 per meeting 10-20 10-30 10/12 12 14 15 15-20 18 20 20-30 people 22 24 25 3 times per month 3-4x per year 30 30-60 33 35 3x year 4 4 hours 4 or so 4-6 40 40% 5 TIMES PER MONTHS 5-10 5-8 50 50-100 50-100 depending on the speaker 50? 6 6-8 every two weeks 60; varies from 30 to 200 8 8 to 10 8-10 8-12 9 < 1/mo <10 >100 Almost never. Commuting from Berkeley to Google on a Thursday at rush hour is AWFUL. approximately 100 don't attend every month (there's 1 meeting/month) every once in a while going for my first one next week! have not attended Haven't attended yet Haven't attended yet, but I hope to soon. i don't attend often, but 20-25 showed last time i went I make it to roughly 50% of the meetings I rarely attend low Monthly meetings. N/A n/a next to nothing No nope Not yet attended Once every couple of months -- meetings are monthly, and I make some of them. twice a year Uncertain (have only attended the March meeting at PyCon) unknown varies was 10, dropped dead a few months ago we have 7-10 people at a meeting. ~35 ~50
Would you be interested in attending half-day (3-hour) tutorials next year?
Yes 65.8% (290)
No 34.2% (151)
If yes, please list 3 tutorial subjects you would like to attend.
1/3 django & 1/3 turbogears & 1/3 everybody else: help me make an informed choice 2D/3D frameworks a data structures course, for those transitioning from newb to intermediate/advanced (using trees, recursion, hash tables etc) Abstract Base Classes administration, setting up test / production environments, deployment walkthrough adv python advanced advanced anything, really advanced concurrency or optimization Advanced Django Advanced Django Advanced Django Advanced Django Advanced django advanced django advanced django advanced django (cookbook style) Advanced iterators / generators advanced Mako Advanced Matplotlib Advanced OO Advanced plotting with matplotlib or chaco Advanced Programming Techniques Advanced PyDoc and alternatives (e.g. ePyDoc) Advanced Pylons Advanced Pylons advanced pylons Advanced PyOpenGL Advanced Python advanced python - web applications Advanced python idioms Advanced Python Iterator / Container Techniques Advanced Python Programming Advanced Python syntax usage (Decorators, Context Managers) Advanced Python techniques advanced python techniques advanced python topics advanced SQLAlchemy Advanced Techinques Advanced Techniques Advanced techniques, esp metaclasses (although Secrets of the Framework Creators was great) advanced testing advanced tutorials in web programming/databases Advanced uses of Jython Advanced webpy programming by Aaron Swartz or similar person Agile programming AJAX and [one of the Python web frameworks] AJAX, comet, etc. An In-Depth Architectural Review of the OLPC/XO any kind of advanced Python techniques anything Anything database related. Anything Django Anything Django related. Anything from Beezley anything from David Beazley again Anything new and bleeding edge ! anything on Django anything with graphics and sound, event-based anything with math and python application deployment Ask Mark Hammond to do a pyxpcom tutorial Async Programming asynchronous/twisted programming automated & white box qa Automated Testing automatic program translators automating sysadmin tasks as much as possible Becoming a Python Dev: Tools, Techniques and Tips beginner database Beginner Topics best practices and why Python is a popular language best practices for ... (parsing/pluggable webapp/RPC based app/GUI app) Best practices in Python developement Best Practices/Design Patterns biopython Boost.Python build a simple web app with multiple web frameworks Building a WordPress clone with Django Building Command Line Tools in Python building GUI apps Building Plugins (Eggs) Building/hacking/fixing/debugging the IronPython codebase buildout C programming and Python CherryPy Advanced Cherrypy/WSGI client side development Client side web UI (Dojo etc...) Cocoa application programming with Python code lab Code quality Code testing coding specifics collections Comet comet Common Best Practices/Patterns in developement community code review of some voted for open source project . a best practised should be educational and do some good compare compiler development techniques Compilers Concurrency concurrency Concurrency in action Concurrency Survey Concurrent programming with jython Consuming and Parsing Web Pages Contributing to the python language contributing to ubuntu with python Core Python Development CPython Source Code cross-platform development ctypes cython Dabo DATA MODELING Data processing data processing data visualization Database access Databases and Python DBA pet hates with web apps and how to write DBA-friendly apps dealing with large datasets Debugging Python, with *real* Examples, NOT a topic survey! Debugging/profiling python decimal decorators Deploying python web applications Deployment management: from developer to sysadmin Design pattern Design Patterns (e.g., OOP, functional programming) designing web applications to handle high loads Desktop Application Development - GUI Desktop applications (wxPython? pyQt? Dabo?) Detailed Examination of Performance Testing in Python Developing GUI Apps in Python developing on core developing tools (e.g. for engineers, finance, office) quickly developing web servers Digital asset management tools using FUSE-python and databases Distributed and/or concurrent programming (and/or Stackless stuff) Distribution of python libraries DJango Django Django Django Django Django Django Django Django Django Django Django Django Django Django Django Django Django Django Django Django Django Django Django Django Django Django Django django django django django django django django django django Django (non-code review) Django + AJAX django anything Django business apps Django Code Lab Django Development Django Framework Django intermediate Doing something *practical* with pypy or stackless Dynamic web development: AJAX and comet Effective PyObjC eggs Eggs/SetupTools/DistUtils (I missed the eggs tutorial) elixir envisage Event driven design Exploring the Python universe: frameworks, etc. extension modules (using ctypes and a C module) extra-advanced Pylons, with audience-requested topics sent in advance facebook application development Fast Python: tips, tricks, tools, and techniques for speeding up your code full text search in python Functional programming in Python (or different programming paradigms most Pythonistas are unlikely to play with much) Functional Testing Tools Fundamentals of Python Testing game programming game programming Game/Entertainment/Media/Audio Manipulation gaming & media related (pyglet) maybe on using python together with current gaming engines GASP General Python general python tips and tricks Generators generators generators/iterators Getting the most out of WSGI GIS GIS and Python good patterns vs. bad patterns for web development graphics frameworks graphics with Python Grok grokking pypy Gui Applications in Python (one or two popular designs) GUI building GUI Development GUI development GUI Toolkits GUI/UI Application Building Hacking PyPy Hands on Pair Programming hardware interfacing haufe.eggserver High Performance Python High-performance interactive scientific visualization highly distributed web apps with python How to (hack|contribute to) Python source How to build RESTful web services how to create testing and/or organize code for testing in complex software How to find and use documentation and libraries How to integrate Python with C# and Java how to slim down your python code - reduce its memory footprint / processing time how to test How to use the testing tools in Python. How to write C extensions implementing algorithms in python interactive web, ajax, silverlight... intermediate and advanced programming Intermediate Programmer Topics Intermediate Programming - "Python 201" Intermediate to Advanced Twisted Intermediate/advanced Twisted Intro to Zope/Plone Introduction to DoJo Introduction to SQLAlchemy Introduction to Unit Testing in Python Iron Python Iron Python IronPython IronPython IronPython IronPython IronPython Ironpython IronPython / .NET iterators, generators, list comprehensions, and first order functions Jonathan Hartley's real-world test-driven development talk expanded Jython Jython Learning WSGI and best practices Machine learning with Python magic corners of python (magic methods, metaclasses) Making Products for Plone making use of pypy managing actual projects in an enterprise Marketing your Open Source Python Application matplotlib matplotlib matplotlib Meta classes Metaclass Tricks and Hacks metaprogramming more More Django more Django and web topics More in depth python aspects for novices - GIL, Generators, etc. more OLPC (networking, graphics, etc) most of the tutorials this year looked interesting, but they're way too expensive for me to attend. MPI Multimedia with Python multiplatform Python development (jython/ironpython/pypy &c) Music applications Network modeling with python Network Programming and Python network programming in python (pycurl / libpcap) Networking New style objects non-web-centric integrated testing (nose, figleaf, py.test, gui testing, etc.) nose testing NumPy NumPy Numpy numPy numpy NumPy / SciPy numpy/scipy NumPy/SciPy Advanced Numpy/Scipy/Matplotlib object orientation for the procedurally oriented Object Relational Mappers OLPC OLPC OLPC olpc / xo development OLPC something OOP 101 in Python (like this year's talk on CS1 Python) optimization Optimizing Python Code OPTIMIZING STRUCTURES Options for generating standalone executables and installers for Python apps OptParse, Subprocess Orbited Orbited orbited ORM ORM Systems ORM Systems ORMs OS deployment P3K Packaging and Deployment of Your Python Application packaging python Packaging Python Applications Packaging Python Apps Packaging python apps composed of MANY libraries Parallel and Distributed Programming Parallel/Distributed Programming Parsers & Text Processing Patterns (OO, Functional, etc...) performance engineering with python Plone plone3 Plotting with matplotlib and pylab PLPython (Postgres Python procedural language) Portability patterns (for Linux/Unix/Microsoft-OSes/ Apple-OSes) porting to py3k practical concurrency approaches Practical Guide to Python 3000 Migration Practical uses for PyPY (perhap for embedded application?) Preparing lesson plans for OLPC games/apps Production Monitoring Py3k py3k PyDev PyGame Pygame Pygame PyGame/Pyglet Pygames PyGlet Pyglet Pyglet Pyglet pyglet Pyglet or PyGame Pyke Pylons Pylons Pylons Pylons Pylons Pylons Pylons pylons pylons Pylons/TurboGears2 PyMPI or MPI4PY (whichever one is leading the way) PyObjC pyobjc pyopengl PyPy pypy pyqt Pyrex Pyro (Python Robotics Toolkit) PyS60 related Python & XPCOM Python - beyond the basics Python - good coding practices Python 101 Python 101 (maybe I won't need it by then though :) Python 102 Python 102 / 201 type Python 2.6 / 3k Python 3 Python 3.0 for Python 2.* experts: porting and greenfield dev't Python 3.0! Python 3000 Python 3000 Python 3k python 3k Python and GIS Python and GUIs (pygtk, wxwidgets, qt, etc) Python and Window Python Best Practices/Tips and tricks from experts Python client-side graphics widgets and packages Python Cookbook Master Chefs Python Core internals Python data driven webprocessing python decorators Python for domain-specific languages python for embedded systems Python for financial analysis python for kids -- next year my kids will be 10 Python for Programmers Python for the System Administrator Python Http models pros/cons(modpy, wsgi, etc.) python in Plone Python in system administration python in the browser (silverlight, jython, mozilla 2) Python in the cloud: developing & deploying Python on SaaS python in Zope Python Internals Python internals Python internals python internals python internals Python internals - how it's put together Python master class Python Objects under the hood python optimization python performance python performance Python programming Technique Python tools (using various libraries, and complete packages) Python tricks of the trade python VS other languages - what is done how elwhere - closures, macros and how do these translate to python Python webapp deployment python wrappers for C++, C Python-driven PDF generation PyWin32 in relation to MS Office PyXPCOM PyXPCOM PyXPCOM Quick one-off web applications R (statistics package) refactoring with python regular expression in action Rest REST web services rich client application development Rpy idioms, tricks, hacks, ... Running Django sites (admin / debug) perspective SA Advanced Scientific applications Scientific Computing Scientific Computing scientific distributed computing SciPy Scipy, Numpy, Enthought Tool Suite Scraping web content screen scraping screen scraping See talk suggestions. Drop the cost though, have me get my own lunch, etc. Selling Python to upper management instead of solution 'x' setting up buildbot setuptools & other packaging tools slqalchemy SMOOTH PERFORMANCE OF SYSTEMS software quality ones (automated testing & deployment) - advanced techniques! Software testing sql / database access SQL Alchemy SQL Alchemy SQL Alchemy SQL Alchemy SQL Alchemy sql alchemy SQL Alchemy Advanced SQLAlchemy SQLAlchemy SQLAlchemy SQLAlchemy SQLAlchemy SQLAlchemy SQLAlchemy SQLAlchemy SQLAlchemy sqlAlchemy sqlalchemy sqlalchemy SqlAlchemy - Secrets of the Masters Stackless Stackless stackless Stackless Python Stackless Python stackless python Stackless!!! Starting out with Objects Static analysis tools Steps to write a good Python prgm -- and Why survey of avialable AI techniques and libraries survey of best non-XML parsing libraries SWIG SWIG and ctypes SWIG master class swig wrapping sysadmin system administration tasks and tools systems administration Systems Administration Techniques taking advantage of multiple cpus or multiple nodes of a cluster Teaching Python Ten "batteries" and why they are great. Test Code Coverage Metrics test frameworks of Python FOR non Python code test-driven development testdriven development in apps using databases Testing testing testing testing (simular what you had this year) Testing / Test Driven Development Testing Ajax web applications. testing frameworks Testing systems. Testing with WSGI_Intercept, Twill, etc Testing, TDD Testing/Unit Testing text parsing (i.e. the re module) text parsing in python TinyERP too early to say tools & techniques for testing & code coverage Trac Traits, Chaco or Enthought Tool Suite Turbo Gears Turbo Gears TurboGears TurboGears Turbogears Turbogears turbogears / django Turbogears or other web framework TurboGears2 turbogears? Twisted Twisted Twisted Twisted Twisted Twisted Twisted Twisted Twisted Twisted Twisted Twisted Twisted Twisted Twisted Twisted Twisted Twisted twisted twisted twisted twisted twisted twisted twisted twisted twisted twisted twisted Twisted (advanced, hands-on workshop) Twisted Web programming Twisted, if not too basic UI Development under-the-hoods on popular frameworks/libraries Unit Testing Unit testing Unit testing crash course Using authkit with pylons Using Dbsprockets with pylons using iterators Using OpenGL from Python Using Python in elementary and Jr. High schools (both in curriculum and extra curricular) using python with Windows Using Stackless Using the C API to access some library (as a case study) Using Twisted Using WSGI war stories/case studies WEB Web Basics Web Development Web Development (with UI components, Silverlight, Flash, etc.) Web Frameworks Web frameworks web frameworks web frameworks (django, turbogears, pylons) Web Frameworks/Innovations Web Scraping web scraping WEBWEB WEBWEBWEB What ever David Beazley feels like. ;) | real-world state machine programming | using python AST module to do interesting things | etc. win32 management WingIDE Would consider whatever appears writing a daemon Writing a python interpreter - a starting peek under the hood (what is involved in making something like IronPython or Pypy?) Writing C extensions writing containers for python (e.g. "how can I extend Python collections with a skiplist, or an RB-tree?") Writing extensions for Python WSGI WSGI WSGI WSGI wsgi wsgi WSGI: when to make middleware, making consumable WSGI apps/middleware wxPython wxPython WxPython GUI development wxPython layout techniques XML XML handling XML Processing XML/APIs/ReST zope Zope 3 Zope Development Zope/Grok
How can we improve PyCon next year?
See /Comments.
Do you have any other comments about PyCon 2008?
See /Comments.