Birds of a Feather Sessions
Projects and groups are encouraged to hold meetings, dinners and other activities at PyCon.
Be sure to use the Open Space Scheduling Board to confirm room availability.
Also see: Open Space
The following birds-of-a-feather sessions are being planned:
- Zope Foundation members BoF
- BeerBoF: Noble Python programmers will set off in search of the Chicago's rare "local micros". Upon encountering the beers, the coders will consume them with great vigor.
- ClimbBoF: Let's find a local climbing gym to feed our addiction and talk about Python a bit. Maybe we can meet up with the BeerBof afterwards! :)
- Trac BoF: Meet in front of La Guardia at 5pm in search of dinner, back for Q&A and hacking in La Guardia at 7pm.
- Chicago Python User Group Meeting: Thursday night 7 pm. Swing by after you check in!
- EduPython2008 : The annual BoF for discussing Python in Education... or Education in Python... or...
- EnsoBoF : [ Enso] (a Python-based command interface) is now open-source! Come learn how to develop for it and talk about its future direction. Friday AM, wherever is free -- check the physical bulletin board.
- PyConRecordingBof: the conference will leave us with a large pile of audio and video data to be edited and published. We need to form a group of volunteer editors to process all this material.
- How to start and maintain a local Python Users Group
- BuildBoF: Buildbot users and developers gather together
- TexasPythoneers Start planning the next Texas Regional Un-Conference in Austin.
- Python and Scrum Roundtable discussion regarding the impact of Python in a Scrum shop, and the contrary. Friday lunch?
- PackagingBOF : Discussion about packaging and distribution of Python libraries (eggs and distutils). Friday or Saturday.
- ScienceBOF : Discussion of Python in Science including project ideas.
- web2py meeting in room Love Int'l A at 2:10pm on Saturday.
- NetflixPrizeBOF : Discuss approaches to the Netflix prize, getting started with PyFlix, algorithm performance, etc