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Birds of a Feather Sessions

Projects and groups are encouraged to hold meetings, dinners and other activities at PyCon.

**Be sure to use the Open Space Scheduling Board to confirm room availability.**

Also see: `Open Space`_

The following birds-of-a-feather sessions are being planned:

* `Zope Foundation <http://foundation.zope.org>`_ members BoF
* `BeerBoF`_: Noble Python programmers will set off in search of the Chicago's rare "local micros".  Upon encountering the **beers**, the coders will consume them with great vigor.
* `ClimbBoF`_:  Let's find a local climbing gym to feed our addiction and talk about Python a bit.  Maybe we can meet up with the BeerBof afterwards! :)
* `Trac <http://trac.edgewall.org>`_ BoF: Meet in front of La Guardia at 5pm in search of dinner, back for Q&A and hacking in La Guardia at 7pm.
* `Chicago Python User Group <http://chipy.org>`_ Meeting: Thursday night 7 pm. Swing by after you check in!
* `EduPython2008`_ : The annual BoF for discussing Python in Education... or Education in Python... or...
* `EnsoBoF`_ : [http://www.humanized.com Enso] (a Python-based command interface) is now open-source!  Come learn how to develop for it and talk about its future direction.  Friday AM, wherever is free -- check the physical bulletin board.
* `PyConRecordingBof`_: the conference will leave us with a large pile of audio and video data to be edited and published.  We need to form a group of volunteer editors to process all this material.
* How to start and maintain a local Python Users Group
* `BuildBoF`: Buildbot users and developers gather together
* `TexasPythoneers`_  Start planning the next Texas Regional Un-Conference in Austin. 
* `Python and Scrum`_ Roundtable discussion regarding the impact of Python in a Scrum shop, and the contrary.  Friday lunch?
* `PackagingBOF`_ : Discussion about packaging and distribution of Python libraries (eggs and distutils).  Friday or Saturday.
* `ScienceBOF`_ : Discussion of Python in Science including project ideas.
* `web2py meeting <http://mdp.cti.depaul.edu/examples/static/web2py_comics.pdf>`_ in room Love Int'l A at 2:10pm on Saturday.
* `NetflixPrizeBOF`_ : Discuss approaches to the Netflix prize, getting started with PyFlix, algorithm performance, etc 

.. add your BoF session above


CategoryPyCon2008_ CategoryPyCon_