#acl All:read
= Requirements: Discussion =

 * Low-cost, so that PyCon will continue to make money. If the venue cost is going to rise dramatically, then it would be better to limit attendance to PyCon. 

   * ''Can we put a number on this? "Low-cost" is a bit vague, although clearly desirable -- sh'' 

   * ''In addition, some people think that "make money" is not a desirable characteristic. --Aahz''

   * ''Shall we say: the venue's cost must let the PSF charge at most $200 and still break even or earn a profit. --amk''

 * When eventually the venue does change, does it have to stay in the DC area or do we want to start moving PyCon around? 
   * ''There's nothing carved in stone, but close to DC means we can predict attendance based on past history more easily.''  
   * ''I would really like for PyCon to move, because right now you are losing all the people for whom, for whatever reason, cannot or will not go to D.C.  And there is no reason to assume that these people are smaller in number than the people who will not attend if we move it from D.C.  or indeed that the _D.C. or lose me_crowd is any more desirable than the _West Coast or lose me_ crowd or any other such.  Arguing that OSCON is on the west coast is besides the point, since OSCON is so expensive.  The current membership of PyCon organisers 2004 may be terrily biased in liking D.C., because people do tend to volunteer for 'around home'.  The people who dislike D.C. may be entirely off the radar.  lac''

   * ''Non-DC organizers are sparse, so it's easier to stick with the DC area.  --amk''

   * ''While I sympathize with folks who would want it to move closer to them, the only way I can bring 10 new python programmers
     (my students) to the conference each year is if it is in the DC metro area.  I'll be there wherever it is, though.  --jeff  
   * ''Orlando, Florida, US has bazillions of hotels and conference-able locations.  In the non-tourist season, I suspect such can be had for relatively little cost. As I live nearby, I and a few Pythonistas I know may be able to help arrange something. --ChadMiller''

= Other Related Events and Questions =

  * OSCON will likely stay on the West coast though this might be the last year for Portland.

  * I think Paul Prescod is considering having a West coast Python event. How does this relate?
  ''Not at all, though I've suggested "PyCON West" a couple of times.''
