Stephan Deibel suggested that the PSF could use some printed material to hand out at conferences. (This page overlaps the [[evangelism support materials]] page.) = Brochure = Brief introduction & overview; perhaps a single 8.5x11 page folded twice. ''The design should work for A4 size too, since that is the European standard'' - SH == Outline == * PSF intro: "is a non-profit founded in XXX, with goal of XXX" * What does the PSF do? * Holds rights to Python * Manages * Organizes the PyCon conferences * Supports Python development * Who runs the PSF? * Board of directors * List them, giving sentence-long bios * Committees * How to donate to the PSF? * For more information: links, address = Posters = Facundo Batista suggested a big poster with a big logo and the Zen of Python. Maybe the quick reference could be turned into a poster, too. = CDs = Not sure what should go on a CD? * The code, plus a copy of the web site? * A bootable Linux distribution w/ lots of Python toys (like the PythonCd).