The Portland Oregon Python User Group has presentations the second Tuesday of the month, and a project hack night on the fourth Tuesday of the month. ---- <<TableOfContents>> = Next Meeting = * When: Second Tuesday of the Month, 6:30pm * Where: Urban Airship 334 NW 11th Ave Portland, OR 97209 * What: See for upcoming meetings. = Resources = * Mailing list: [[|]] * IRC: #pdxpython on Freenode * Twitter: * We have a [[|Meetup]] group with a local calendar, feeds and automated event reminders. * Need to contact an organizer? < > = Past Meetings = == 2011-2013 == * Feel free to import content from [[|Meetup]] * Nov 12, 2013 -- Battle of the Ja(y)sons * Jayson Falkner on [[|Using Django QuerySets Efficiently]] * Jason Champion on [[|Parallel Computing with CUDA and OpenCL]] == June 12nd, 2012 == * [[|Developing & Deploying "Large" Scale Web Applications]] - Matt Robenolt * Lightning Talks == November 9th, 2010 == * MOTM: ctypes - Joel Bernstein * Optimizing C Extensions - Case Van Horsen * Extending Python with Fortran - Brett Carter * Extending Python with OCaml - John Melesky == October 12th, 2010 == * STDLIB THUNDERDOOOOME!!! == September 14, 2010 == * Social at Deschutes Brewery! == June 8th, 2010 == * Michel's Monthly Module: multiprocessing (pypi) - John Melesky * Diesel - Michael Schurter * Twisted - Karl Anderson == May 11th 2010 == * Michel's Monthly Module: profile/cProfile - John Melesky * Lightning talks! * RunSnakeRun - Joel Bernstein * pyntch - Kyle Jones * branch coverage - Dan Colish * repoze.profile - Adam Lowry * pytestlogger - Jeff Schwaber * Xapian and xodb - Michel Pelletier * '''Pizza sponsored by [[|VanderHouwen & Associates]]!''' == April 13th 2010 == * Michel's Monthly Module: baker (pypi) - Chris McDonald * execnet - Kyle Jones * Discogs and Python - Jason Falone * What's New in Python 2.7? * '''Pizza & beverage was sponsored by [[|Discogs]]!''' == March 9th, 2010 == * Michel(le)'s Monthly Module: functools (Michelle Rowley) * Recap of [[PyCon|PyCon]] 2010 (Adam Lowry, Michael Schurter, Michelle Rowley) * "What I Learned at [[PyCon|PyCon]]... Last Year": lessons learned over a year of functional web testing at (Jason Kirtland) * '''Pizza & beverage was sponsored by [[|Survey Monkey]]!''' == February 9th, 2010 == * Michel's Monthly Module (dateutil) - by Michel P. himself, this month! Yay! * Cool Tools! Lightning(ish) talks about cool tools: * I Hate Passwords: ssh-copy-id, ssh config, and managing multiple keys (Chris Pitzer) * Play Nice: virtualenv, pip, ipython, with a special guest appearance from ipdb (Chris Pitzer) * bpython: a replacement for ipython, and how to integrate it with Django and virtualenv (Chris [[McDonald|McDonald]]) == January 12th 2010 == * Michel's Monthly Module (future by Jason Kirtland) * Geohash: Michel Pelletier * Psycopg2 and PostGIS: Webb Sprague * [[GeoDjango|GeoDjango]]: Tim Welch == October 13th 2009 == * Michel's Monthly Module (hashlib & hmac) by Adam Lowry * Intro to Bitten ( by John Hampton ([[|slides]]) == September 8th 2009 == * Pythonic book raffle * Michel's Monthly Module ([[ConfigParser|ConfigParser]]) by Kyle Jones * Solace by special guest Armin Ronacher * "Preeminent Python Packaging Presentation" by Michael Schurter == August 11th, 2009 == * [[|Testing in a Python World]] * '''Pizza & beer was sponsored by [[|Emma]]'''! == July 14th, 2009 == * Social meeting! == June 16th, 2009 == * Module of the Month (Michel Pelletier) * Screen Scraping (Joel Bernstein) * Glashammer (Kevin Turner) * Development Environments (Jeff Schwaber) * Cython (Michael Schurter) * Urban Edibles (Michael Bunsen) * XML-RPC (Igal Koshevoy) * SimpleHTTPServer (Reid Beels) == May 12th, 2009 == * Practical Distributed Version Control * bzr, git, hg, code hosting, patch reviews, more! == April 14th 2009 == * Recap of [[PyCon|PyCon]] * Planning of new == March 10th 2009 == * Short intro to PyTyrant/Tokyo Tyrant/Tokyo Cabinet by Michael Schurter * [[PyParsing|PyParsing]] examples by Brett Carter * Machine Learning topics by John Melesky == February 10th 2009 == * VPython (Kirby Urner) * Zine, the New Python Blog Software (Jason Kirtland) * Werkzeug (Adam Lowry) == January 13th 2009 == * Metaclasses (John Melesky) * deque overview (Michel Pelletier) * Tricks with dicts (Jason Kirtland) * Natural Language Processing (Monica Toth) == December 9th 2008 == * Winter Coders' Social! == November 11th 2008 == * Michel: Coroutines in Python * Michael: formencode, Django forms * Adam: WTForms * Jason: flatland == October 14th 2008 == * Python Release Party! D.I.Y. What's New in 2.6 and 3.0 * Thanks Adam, Brett, Igal, Jason, Kirby, Matt, Michel & Reid == September 9th, 2008 == * Brett: Building and Distributing Python Eggs * Mark: [[|DemocracyLab]] * Leo Soto: Django on Jython == August 12th, 2008 == * Beer and Bytecode == July 8th, 2008 == * Framework vs Toolkit! * Rami & Roman: Django * Michel: Twisted & Werkzeug == June 10th, 2008 == * Michael: Django * Igal: TurboGears & Pylons * Jason: WSGI * Michel: Twisted * Pizza courtesy of Vidoop! Books courtesy of O'Reilly! == May 13th 2008 == * Adam: [[|z3c.rml]] * Matt: Configuration files and AST transformations == April 8th 2008 == * Jason: Decorators/inspect/code generation [[|inspectexec]] * Jason: [[|sliderepl]] * Mark: [[|ipython]] * Discussion: [[AppEngine|AppEngine]] == March 11th 2008 == * Michel: [[|Mocker]] * Discussion: Testing methodologies == February 12th 2008 == * Jason: [[|virtualenv]] * Kirk: [[|PySoy]] == January 8th 2008 == * Cozy round-table discussions about [[|PySoy]], GUI frameworks, web frameworks and GUI vs. Web. == December 11th 2007 == * First annual December Coders' Bash! * Food, Beer, Games and Socializing * Geek discussions of many different geek flavors(tm) * Many thanks to Sam Keen of [[|PDXPHP]], our own Jeff Schwaber, and all the other individuals who helped put this party together for their hard work. It was an incredible turnout, and everyone had a fabulous time! == November 13th 2007 == * Brett: Converting HTML forms to PDF forms with [[ReportLab|ReportLab]] * Kirby: Open Source and Health Care / [[BarCamp|BarCamp]] Alpha * Jeff: Simplicity * Chris: Django [[NewForms|NewForms]] * Pizza provided by [[|Kavi]]! Thank you, Kavi (and Adam, and Brett)! == October 9th, 2007 == * Small group discussions- * Beginning Python, [[|ReportLab]], Mercurial, web frameworks and unit testing. == September 11th, 2007 == * Kevin defects to the Ruby Coding Dojo! * Jason: [[|PyFlakes]] * Kirby: [[|P4E]] (Programming for Everyone) * Kirby: [[|Programming the Tux Droid]] * Mark: [[|PIL Projects]] == August 14th, 2007 == * Extending Python with D via [[|pyd]] * OSCON wrap-up: [[|Python 3000]] (.ppt) and [[|Code Like a Pythonista]] == July 10th, 2007 == * Intro to debugging with PDB * Web automation with mechanize * A Python frontend for a microcontroller * SQLAlchemy in 5 (ok, 20) minutes [[|slides, video]] == June 12th, 2007 == * Social == May 11, 2007 == * Planning == May 8, 2007 == * We exist! ---- CategoryUsergroups