== Details ==
 * Venue : Sarai-CSDS 29 Rajpur Road Civil Lines Delhi - 110054 India
   Ph no: 91-11-23928391, 23942199 

 There was no agenda as such this meeting being the first one.

=== Minutes ===

*Meeting started at around 2.15 Pm , we started the discuss why we were here and how we can improve on the attendance, everyone agreed on having a central location as  meeting place , IITD is one of such potential venue proposed for future meetings. 

the  points which were discussed in order to make  Python the language of choice were 

 *  Promoting Python
 *  Meetups (Regular Meetups) , find a place in center of Delhi IITD, any other suggestions welcome
 *  Finding Out Speaker in NCR for Python talks/workshops, Some suggestions we short listed from mailing list and people we
  *1) Arulalan.T -- IITDelhi - CDAT, NumPy
  *2) Rajat Khandelwal (Panda3d, Modelling engine Blender3d, ) rajatgupta59@gmail.com
  *3) Nandeep Mali <n9986.mali@gmail.com> - GameDeveloper
  *4) Amit Singh Sethi - <amit.pureenergy@gmail.com> -Scipy,Numpy
  *5) Tavish Naruka <tavishnaruka@gmail.com -realtime audio processing
  *6) Vijay shanker <deontics@gmail.com> -  web developer
  *7) Rakesh Kumar <kumar3180@gmail.com - Ghaziabad (Django )
  *8) Rohan Malhotra <yourbuddyrohan@gmail.com ( webpy )
  *9) Tarun Arora <silent.arora@gmail.com 
  *10) Vivek Khurana
  *11)Priya Kuber

  *Learning Python
  *Introduction in colleges.

  *Representing NCR in PyCon India.

  *We wish to have a Python India (Pycon India ) In NCR area by 2011.

 Started exploring the bluetooth module in python Narendra demostrated some code  , in the meantime Prof Kanan came in and st  tarted talking about his work involving Scilab and Spoken tutorials , explored Sarai then we all dispersed .


  * http://people.csail.mit.edu/albert/bluez-intro/c212.html
  * https://github.com/karulis/pybluez/wiki
  * http://lightblue.sourceforge.net/


 bluetooth.discover_devices(lookup_names = True)

 import bluetooth

 target_name = "firepower-0"
 target_address = None

 nearby_devices = bluetooth.discover_devices()

 for bdaddr in nearby_devices:
    if target_name == bluetooth.lookup_name( bdaddr ):
        target_address = bdaddr

 if target_address is not None:
    print "found target bluetooth device with address ", target_address
    print "could not find target bluetooth device nearby"

* Satyakam Goswami 
* GauravLuthra 
* Anuvrat Parashar 
* Vivek Chugh 
*  Narendra Sisodiya 
*  Arulalan 
*  Priya Kuber 
*  Nandeep Mali 
*  Prof Kannan Moudgalya
