#acl MarcAndreLemburg:read,write,delete,revert All:read

= Marc-André Lemburg =

Please see these links to my website and blog for details about me:

 * [[http://www.malemburg.com/|Blog "All Things Python"]]
 * [[http://www.malemburg.com/marc-andre-lemburg|About me]]
 * [[http://www.malemburg.com/summary|Things I've done for Python and the community]]
 * My company [[http://www.egenix.com/|eGenix.com]] - ''We implement business ideas - efficiently in both time and costs.'' (using Python, of course :-) )

I'm available as senior architect, project manager and consultant. I also do coaching of development teams and training. If you're interested, please have a look at these links:

 * [[http://www.malemburg.com/summary|My skills]]
 * [[http://www.malemburg.com/consulting|Consulting]]
 * [[http://www.malemburg.com/coaching|Coaching]]
 * [[http://www.malemburg.com/training|Training]]

If you want to contact me, please see [[http://www.malemburg.com/contact|my contact page]] or simply write an [[mailto:mal@egenix.com|email]].

Marc-André Lemburg
