Tools: * sdp(1) - scripting definition processor - converts sdef(5) XML into Rez(1) 'aete' resource, Cocoa Scripting .scriptSuite, or Cocoa Scripting .scriptTerminology * pbxcp - looks like a pretty useful copy tool that can strip debug symbols, preserve modes, etc * agvtool - apple generic versioning tool - may be useful if you have trouble picking development and marketing versions for your software * WSMakeStubs - Generates stubs (C++, ObjC, or AppleScript) for use with WebServices.framework from a WSDL (SOAP) file or url. * Rez(1) - compiles the resource fork of a file according to a textual description * MvMac(1) - A metadata and fork aware mv tool, but doesn't work across volumes/filesystems yet * CpMac(1) - A metadata and fork aware cp tool * DeRez(1) - decompiles a resource fork into a textual description