Differences between revisions 1 and 2
Revision 1 as of 2007-02-13 04:03:03
Size: 35414
Comment: mac
Revision 2 as of 2008-11-15 14:01:26
Size: 35826
Editor: localhost
Comment: converted to 1.6 markup
Deletions are marked like this. Additions are marked like this.
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|| '''Suites''' || [#suite_Standard_Suite Standard Suite] [#suite_Text_Suite Text Suite] [#suite_Extended_Text_Suite Extended Text Suite] [#suite_OmniFoundation_Scripting /OmniFoundation Scripting] [#suite_OmniGraffle OmniGraffle] ||
|| '''Commands''' || [#command_add add] [#command_assemble assemble] [#command_bold bold] [#command_close close] [#command_connect connect] [#command_count count] [#command_delete delete] [#command_duplicate duplicate] [#command_exists exists] [#command_flip flip] [#command_get get] [#command_italicize italicize] [#command_layout layout] [#command_make make] [#command_move move] [#command_open open] [#command_page_adjust page_adjust] [#command_print_ print_] [#command_quit quit] [#command_remove remove] [#command_replace replace] [#command_save save] [#command_set set] [#command_slide slide] [#command_unbold unbold] [#command_underline underline] [#command_unitalicize unitalicize] [#command_ununderline ununderline] ||
|| '''Classes''' || [#class_application application] [#class_attribute_run attribute_run] [#class_character character] [#class_color color] [#class_document document] [#class_graphic graphic] [#class_grid grid] [#class_group group] [#class_incoming_line incoming_line] [#class_item item] [#class_label label] [#class_layer layer] [#class_layout_info layout_info] [#class_line line] [#class_outgoing_line outgoing_line] [#class_page page] [#class_paragraph paragraph] [#class_point point] [#class_polygon polygon] [#class_record record] [#class_section section] [#class_shape shape] [#class_solid solid] [#class_text text] [#class_text_attachment text_attachment] [#class_window window] [#class_word word] ||

|| '''Suites''' || [[#suite_Standard_Suite|Standard Suite]] [[#suite_Text_Suite|Text Suite]] [[#suite_Extended_Text_Suite|Extended Text Suite]] [[#suite_OmniFoundation_Scripting|/OmniFoundation Scripting]] [[#suite_OmniGraffle|OmniGraffle]] ||
|| '''Commands''' || [[#command_add|add]] [[#command_assemble|assemble]] [[#command_bold|bold]] [[#command_close|close]] [[#command_connect|connect]] [[#command_count|count]] [[#command_delete|delete]] [[#command_duplicate|duplicate]] [[#command_exists|exists]] [[#command_flip|flip]] [[#command_get|get]] [[#command_italicize|italicize]] [[#command_layout|layout]] [[#command_make|make]] [[#command_move|move]] [[#command_open|open]] [[#command_page_adjust|page_adjust]] [[#command_print_|print_]] [[#command_quit|quit]] [[#command_remove|remove]] [[#command_replace|replace]] [[#command_save|save]] [[#command_set|set]] [[#command_slide|slide]] [[#command_unbold|unbold]] [[#command_underline|underline]] [[#command_unitalicize|unitalicize]] [[#command_ununderline|ununderline]] ||
|| '''Classes''' || [[#class_application|application]] [[#class_attribute_run|attribute_run]] [[#class_character|character]] [[#class_color|color]] [[#class_document|document]] [[#class_graphic|graphic]] [[#class_grid|grid]] [[#class_group|group]] [[#class_incoming_line|incoming_line]] [[#class_item|item]] [[#class_label|label]] [[#class_layer|layer]] [[#class_layout_info|layout_info]] [[#class_line|line]] [[#class_outgoing_line|outgoing_line]] [[#class_page|page]] [[#class_paragraph|paragraph]] [[#class_point|point]] [[#class_polygon|polygon]] [[#class_record|record]] [[#class_section|section]] [[#class_shape|shape]] [[#class_solid|solid]] [[#class_text|text]] [[#class_text_attachment|text_attachment]] [[#class_window|window]] [[#class_word|word]] ||

Line 17: Line 17:
 [[Anchor(command_get)]]'''reference.get()''' -- Get the data for an object.[[BR]]  <<Anchor(command_get)>>'''reference.get()''' -- Get the data for an object.<<BR>>
Line 20: Line 20:
 [[Anchor(command_save)]]'''reference.save(...)''' -- Save an object.[[BR]]
Text''] -- The file type in which to save the data.[[BR]]
  ['''in_'''=''Alias''] -- The file in which to save the object.[[BR]]
  Result: ''None''

 [[Anchor(command_set)]]'''reference.set(...)''' -- Set an object's data.[[BR]]
  '''to'''=''Anything'' -- The new value.[[BR]]
  Result: ''None''

 [[Anchor(command_print_)]]'''application.print_(...)''' -- Print an object.[[BR]]
Alias''] -- The file(s) or document(s) to be printed.[[BR]]
  Result: ''None''

'''reference.duplicate(...)''' -- Copy object(s) and put the copies at a new location.[[BR]]
  '''to'''=''InsertionLoc'' -- The location for the new object(s).[[BR]]
  ['''with_properties'''=''AERecord''] -- Properties to be set in the new duplicated object(s).[[BR]]
  Result: ''None''

 [[Anchor(command_exists)]]'''reference.exists()''' -- Verify if an object exists.[[BR]]
 <<Anchor(command_save)>>'''reference.save(...)''' -- Save an object.<<BR>>
['''as'''=''UnicodeText''] -- The file type in which to save the data.<<BR>>
  ['''in_'''=''Alias''] -- The file in which to save the object.<<BR>>
  Result: ''None''

 <<Anchor(command_set)>>'''reference.set(...)''' -- Set an object's data.<<BR>>
  '''to'''=''Anything'' -- The new value.<<BR>>
  Result: ''None''

 <<Anchor(command_print_)>>'''application.print_(...)''' -- Print an object.<<BR>>
[''Alias''] -- The file(s) or document(s) to be printed.<<BR>>
  Result: ''None''

Anchor(command_duplicate)>>'''reference.duplicate(...)''' -- Copy object(s) and put the copies at a new location.<<BR>>
  '''to'''=''InsertionLoc'' -- The location for the new object(s).<<BR>>
  ['''with_properties'''=''AERecord''] -- Properties to be set in the new duplicated object(s).<<BR>>
  Result: ''None''

 <<Anchor(command_exists)>>'''reference.exists()''' -- Verify if an object exists.<<BR>>
Line 41: Line 41:
 [[Anchor(command_delete)]]'''reference.delete()''' -- Delete an object.[[BR]]
  Result: ''None''

 [[Anchor(command_make)]]'''application.make(...)''' -- Make a new object.[[BR]]
  ['''with_properties'''=''AERecord''] -- The initial values for properties of the object.[[BR]]
  '''new'''=''Type'' -- The class of the new object.[[BR]]
-- The initial data for the object.[[BR]]
  ['''at'''=''InsertionLoc''] -- The location at which to insert the object.[[BR]]
 <<Anchor(command_delete)>>'''reference.delete()''' -- Delete an object.<<BR>>
  Result: ''None''

 <<Anchor(command_make)>>'''application.make(...)''' -- Make a new object.<<BR>>
  ['''with_properties'''=''AERecord''] -- The initial values for properties of the object.<<BR>>
  '''new'''=''Type'' -- The class of the new object.<<BR>>
['''with_data'''=''Anything''] -- The initial data for the object.<<BR>>
['''at'''=''InsertionLoc''] -- The location at which to insert the object.<<BR>>
Line 51: Line 51:
 [[Anchor(command_open)]]'''application.open(...)''' -- Open an object.[[BR]]
  [''Alias''] -- The file(s) to be opened.[[BR]]

  Result: ''None''

 [[Anchor(command_close)]]'''reference.close(...)''' -- Close an object.[[BR]]
  ['''saving'''=''k.yes | k.no | k.ask''] -- Specifies whether changes should be saved before closing.[[BR]]

  ['''saving_in'''=''Alias''] -- The file in which to save the object.[[BR]]
  Result: ''None''

 [[Anchor(command_count)]]'''reference.count(...)''' -- Return the number of elements of a particular class within an object.[[BR]]
  ['''each'''=''Type''] -- The class of objects to be counted.[[BR]]
 <<Anchor(command_open)>>'''application.open(...)''' -- Open an object.<<BR>>
] -- The file(s) to be opened.<<BR>>
  Result: ''None''

 <<Anchor(command_close)>>'''reference.close(...)''' -- Close an object.<<BR>>
  ['''saving'''=''k.yes | k.no | k.ask''
] -- Specifies whether changes should be saved before closing.<<BR>>
  ['''saving_in'''=''Alias''] -- The file in which to save the object.<<BR>>
  Result: ''None''

 <<Anchor(command_count)>>'''reference.count(...)''' -- Return the number of elements of a particular class within an object.<<BR>>
  ['''each'''=''Type''] -- The class of objects to be counted.<<BR>>
Line 64: Line 64:
 [[Anchor(command_move)]]'''reference.move(...)''' -- Move object(s) to a new location.[[BR]]
  '''to'''=''InsertionLoc'' -- The new location for the object(s).[[BR]]
  Result: ''None''

 [[Anchor(command_quit)]]'''reference.quit(...)''' -- Quit an application.[[BR]]
  ['''saving'''=''k.yes | k.no | k.ask''] -- Specifies whether changes should be saved before quitting.[[BR]]
 <<Anchor(command_move)>>'''reference.move(...)''' -- Move object(s) to a new location.<<BR>>
  '''to'''=''InsertionLoc'' -- The new location for the object(s).<<BR>>
  Result: ''None''

 <<Anchor(command_quit)>>'''reference.quit(...)''' -- Quit an application.<<BR>>
  ['''saving'''=''k.yes | k.no | k.ask''] -- Specifies whether changes should be saved before quitting.<<BR>>
Line 75: Line 75:
 [[Anchor(class_document)]]'''document''' -- An /OmniGraffle document
   ''[#class_item item]''
   '''modified''' (r/o) ''Boolean'' -- Has the document been modified since the last save?[[BR]]
   '''path''' ''UnicodeText'' -- The document's path.[[BR]]
   '''name''' ''UnicodeText'' -- The document's name.[[BR]]
   '''links_visible''' ''Boolean'' -- Whether link indicators are visible[[BR]]
   '''alignment_guides_enabled''' ''Boolean'' -- Whether smart alignment guides are enabled[[BR]]
   '''distance_guides_enabled''' ''Boolean'' -- Whether smart distance guides are enabled[[BR]]
   '''show_guides''' ''Boolean'' -- Whether manually set guides are visible[[BR]]
   '''page_breaks_visible''' ''Boolean'' -- Whether page breaks are visible[[BR]]
   '''magnets_visible''' ''Boolean'' -- Whether magnets are visible[[BR]]
   '''[#class_page pages]''' -- '' name | index | relative | range | test''[[BR]]
 [[Anchor(class_item)]]'''item''' -- A scriptable object.
 <<Anchor(class_document)>>'''document''' -- An /OmniGraffle document
   '''modified''' (r/o) ''Boolean'' -- Has the document been modified since the last save?<<BR>>
   '''path''' ''UnicodeText'' -- The document's path.<<BR>>
   '''name''' ''UnicodeText'' -- The document's name.<<BR>>
   '''links_visible''' ''Boolean'' -- Whether link indicators are visible<<BR>>
   '''alignment_guides_enabled''' ''Boolean'' -- Whether smart alignment guides are enabled<<BR>>
   '''distance_guides_enabled''' ''Boolean'' -- Whether smart distance guides are enabled<<BR>>
   '''show_guides''' ''Boolean'' -- Whether manually set guides are visible<<BR>>
   '''page_breaks_visible''' ''Boolean'' -- Whether page breaks are visible<<BR>>
   '''magnets_visible''' ''Boolean'' -- Whether magnets are visible<<BR>>
   '''[[#class_page|pages]]''' -- '' name | index | relative | range | test''<<BR>>
 <<Anchor(class_item)>>'''item''' -- A scriptable object.
Line 100: Line 100:
   ''[#class_color color]'' ''[#class_label label]'' ''[#class_section section]'' ''[#class_window window]'' ''[#class_layout_info layout_info]'' ''[#class_point point]'' ''[#class_grid grid]'' ''[#class_word word]'' ''[#class_page page]'' ''[#class_attribute_run attribute_run]'' ''[#class_layer layer]'' ''[#class_character character]'' ''[#class_paragraph paragraph]'' ''[#class_application application]'' ''[#class_document document]'' ''[#class_graphic graphic]'' ''[#class_text text]''
   '''class_''' (r/o) ''Type'' -- The class of the object.[[BR]]
   '''properties''' ''AERecord'' -- All of the object's properties.[[BR]]
Anchor(class_window)]]'''window''' -- An /OmniGraffle window
   ''[#class_item item]''
   '''zoomed''' ''Boolean'' -- Whether the window is currently zoomed.[[BR]]
   '''miniaturized''' ''Boolean'' -- Whether the window is currently miniaturized.[[BR]]
   '''name''' ''UnicodeText'' -- The full title of the window.[[BR]]
   '''floating''' (r/o) ''Boolean'' -- Whether the window floats.[[BR]]
   '''modal''' (r/o) ''Boolean'' -- Whether the window is the application's current modal window.[[BR]]
   '''miniaturizable''' (r/o) ''Boolean'' -- Whether the window can be miniaturized.[[BR]]
   '''visible''' ''Boolean'' -- Whether the window is currently visible.[[BR]]
   '''closeable''' (r/o) ''Boolean'' -- Whether the window has a close box.[[BR]]
   '''resizable''' (r/o) ''Boolean'' -- Whether the window can be resized.[[BR]]
   '''zoomable''' (r/o) ''Boolean'' -- Whether the window can be zoomed.[[BR]]
   '''id''' (r/o) ''SInt32'' -- The unique identifier of the window.[[BR]]
   '''bounds''' ''QDRectangle'' -- The bounding rectangle of the window.[[BR]]
   '''titled''' (r/o) ''Boolean'' -- Whether the window has a title bar.[[BR]]
   '''index''' ''SInt32'' -- The index of the window in the back-to-front window ordering.[[BR]]
   '''document''' (r/o) ''[#class_document k.document]'' -- The document whose contents are being displayed in the window.[[BR]]
   '''zoom''' ''ShortFloat'' -- Current zoom setting for this window[[BR]]
   '''page''' ''[#class_page k.page]'' -- Current page this window is viewing[[BR]]
   '''selection''' ''AEList'' -- Selected graphics[[BR]]
Anchor(class_application)]]'''application''' -- /OmniGraffle
   ''[#class_item item]''
   '''version''' (r/o) ''UnicodeText'' -- The version of the application.[[BR]]
   '''frontmost''' (r/o) ''Boolean'' -- Is this the frontmost (active) application?[[BR]]
   '''name''' (r/o) ''UnicodeText'' -- The name of the application.[[BR]]
   '''self''' (r/o) ''[#class_graphic k.graphic]'' -- Graphic clicked to start this script[[BR]]
   '''professional''' (r/o) ''Boolean'' -- Whether this application is /OmniGraffle or /OmniGraffle Professional[[BR]]
   '''demo''' (r/o) ''Boolean'' -- Is this the demo version of the application[[BR]]
   '''[#class_window windows]''' -- '' name | index | relative | range | test | id''[[BR]]
[#class_document documents]''' -- '' name | index | relative | range | test''[[BR]]
Anchor(class_color)]]'''color''' -- A color.
   ''[#class_item item]''

   ''[[#class_color|color]]'' ''[[#class_label|label]]'' ''[[#class_section|section]]'' ''[[#class_window|window]]'' ''[[#class_layout_info|layout_info]]'' ''[[#class_point|point]]'' ''[[#class_grid|grid]]'' ''[[#class_word|word]]'' ''[[#class_page|page]]'' ''[[#class_attribute_run|attribute_run]]'' ''[[#class_layer|layer]]'' ''[[#class_character|character]]'' ''[[#class_paragraph|paragraph]]'' ''[[#class_application|application]]'' ''[[#class_document|document]]'' ''[[#class_graphic|graphic]]'' ''[[#class_text|text]]''
   '''class_''' (r/o) ''Type'' -- The class of the object.<<BR>>
   '''properties''' ''AERecord'' -- All of the object's properties.<<BR>>
Anchor(class_window)>>'''window''' -- An /OmniGraffle window
   '''zoomed''' ''Boolean'' -- Whether the window is currently zoomed.<<BR>>
   '''miniaturized''' ''Boolean'' -- Whether the window is currently miniaturized.<<BR>>
   '''name''' ''UnicodeText'' -- The full title of the window.<<BR>>
   '''floating''' (r/o) ''Boolean'' -- Whether the window floats.<<BR>>
   '''modal''' (r/o) ''Boolean'' -- Whether the window is the application's current modal window.<<BR>>
   '''miniaturizable''' (r/o) ''Boolean'' -- Whether the window can be miniaturized.<<BR>>
   '''visible''' ''Boolean'' -- Whether the window is currently visible.<<BR>>
   '''closeable''' (r/o) ''Boolean'' -- Whether the window has a close box.<<BR>>
   '''resizable''' (r/o) ''Boolean'' -- Whether the window can be resized.<<BR>>
   '''zoomable''' (r/o) ''Boolean'' -- Whether the window can be zoomed.<<BR>>
   '''id''' (r/o) ''SInt32'' -- The unique identifier of the window.<<BR>>
   '''bounds''' ''QDRectangle'' -- The bounding rectangle of the window.<<BR>>
   '''titled''' (r/o) ''Boolean'' -- Whether the window has a title bar.<<BR>>
   '''index''' ''SInt32'' -- The index of the window in the back-to-front window ordering.<<BR>>
   '''document''' (r/o) ''[[#class_document|k.document]]'' -- The document whose contents are being displayed in the window.<<BR>>
   '''zoom''' ''ShortFloat'' -- Current zoom setting for this window<<BR>>
   '''page''' ''[[#class_page|k.page]]'' -- Current page this window is viewing<<BR>>
   '''selection''' ''AEList'' -- Selected graphics<<BR>>
Anchor(class_application)>>'''application''' -- /OmniGraffle
   '''version''' (r/o) ''UnicodeText'' -- The version of the application.<<BR>>
   '''frontmost''' (r/o) ''Boolean'' -- Is this the frontmost (active) application?<<BR>>
   '''name''' (r/o) ''UnicodeText'' -- The name of the application.<<BR>>
   '''self''' (r/o) ''[[#class_graphic|k.graphic]]'' -- Graphic clicked to start this script<<BR>>
   '''professional''' (r/o) ''Boolean'' -- Whether this application is /OmniGraffle or /OmniGraffle Professional<<BR>>
   '''demo''' (r/o) ''Boolean'' -- Is this the demo version of the application<<BR>>
   '''[[#class_window|windows]]''' -- '' name | index | relative | range | test | id''<<BR>>
[#class_document|documents]]''' -- '' name | index | relative | range | test''<<BR>>
Anchor(class_color)>>'''color''' -- A color.

Line 174: Line 174:
 [[Anchor(class_text_attachment)]]'''text_attachment''' -- Represents an inline text attachment. This class is used mainly for make commands.
   ''[#class_text text]''
   '''file_name''' ''UnicodeText'' -- The path to the file for the attachment[[BR]]
 [[Anchor(class_text)]]'''text''' -- Rich (styled) text
   ''[#class_item item]''
 <<Anchor(class_text_attachment)>>'''text_attachment''' -- Represents an inline text attachment. This class is used mainly for make commands.
   '''file_name''' ''UnicodeText'' -- The path to the file for the attachment<<BR>>
 <<Anchor(class_text)>>'''text''' -- Rich (styled) text
Line 190: Line 190:
   ''[#class_text_attachment text_attachment]''
   '''size''' ''SInt32'' -- The size in points of the first character.[[BR]]
   '''underlined''' ''Boolean'' -- Is the first character underlined?[[BR]]
   '''baseline_offset''' ''ShortFloat'' -- Number of pixels shifted above or below the normal baseline.[[BR]]
   '''font''' ''UnicodeText'' -- The name of the font of the first character.[[BR]]
   '''superscript''' ''SInt32'' -- The superscript level of the text.[[BR]]
   '''alignment''' ''k.justified | k.right | k.left | k.natural | k.center'' -- Alignment of the text.[[BR]]
   '''text''' ''UnicodeText'' -- The actual text content.[[BR]]
   '''color''' ''
[#class_color k.color]'' -- The color of the first character.[[BR]]
   '''[#class_text_attachment text_attachments]''' -- '' index | relative | range | test''[[BR]]
[#class_character characters]''' -- '' index | relative | range | test''[[BR]]
[#class_attribute_run attribute_runs]''' -- '' index | relative | range | test''[[BR]]
[#class_word words]''' -- '' index | relative | range | test''[[BR]]
[#class_paragraph paragraphs]''' -- '' index | relative | range | test''[[BR]]
Anchor(class_attribute_run)]]'''attribute_run''' -- This subdivides the text into chunks that all have the same attributes.
   ''[#class_item item]''
   '''size''' ''SInt32'' -- The size in points of the first character.[[BR]]
   '''underlined''' ''Boolean'' -- Is the first character underlined?[[BR]]
   '''baseline_offset''' ''ShortFloat'' -- Number of pixels shifted above or below the normal baseline.[[BR]]
   '''font''' ''UnicodeText'' -- The name of the font of the first character.[[BR]]
   '''superscript''' ''SInt32'' -- The superscript level of the text.[[BR]]
   '''alignment''' ''k.justified | k.right | k.left | k.natural | k.center'' -- Alignment of the text.[[BR]]
   '''text''' ''UnicodeText'' -- The actual text content.[[BR]]
   '''color''' ''
[#class_color k.color]'' -- The color of the first character.[[BR]]
   '''[#class_text_attachment text_attachments]''' -- '' index | relative | range | test''[[BR]]
[#class_character characters]''' -- '' index | relative | range | test''[[BR]]
[#class_attribute_run attribute_runs]''' -- '' index | relative | range | test''[[BR]]
[#class_word words]''' -- '' index | relative | range | test''[[BR]]
[#class_paragraph paragraphs]''' -- '' index | relative | range | test''[[BR]]
Anchor(class_character)]]'''character''' -- This subdivides the text into characters.
   ''[#class_item item]''
   '''size''' ''SInt32'' -- The size in points of the first character.[[BR]]
   '''underlined''' ''Boolean'' -- Is the first character underlined?[[BR]]
   '''baseline_offset''' ''ShortFloat'' -- Number of pixels shifted above or below the normal baseline.[[BR]]
   '''font''' ''UnicodeText'' -- The name of the font of the first character.[[BR]]
   '''superscript''' ''SInt32'' -- The superscript level of the text.[[BR]]
   '''alignment''' ''k.justified | k.right | k.left | k.natural | k.center'' -- Alignment of the text.[[BR]]
   '''text''' ''UnicodeText'' -- The actual text content.[[BR]]
   '''color''' ''
[#class_color k.color]'' -- The color of the first character.[[BR]]
   '''[#class_text_attachment text_attachments]''' -- '' index | relative | range | test''[[BR]]
[#class_character characters]''' -- '' index | relative | range | test''[[BR]]
[#class_attribute_run attribute_runs]''' -- '' index | relative | range | test''[[BR]]
[#class_word words]''' -- '' index | relative | range | test''[[BR]]
[#class_paragraph paragraphs]''' -- '' index | relative | range | test''[[BR]]
Anchor(class_word)]]'''word''' -- This subdivides the text into words.
   ''[#class_item item]''
   '''size''' ''SInt32'' -- The size in points of the first character.[[BR]]
   '''underlined''' ''Boolean'' -- Is the first character underlined?[[BR]]
   '''baseline_offset''' ''ShortFloat'' -- Number of pixels shifted above or below the normal baseline.[[BR]]
   '''font''' ''UnicodeText'' -- The name of the font of the first character.[[BR]]
   '''superscript''' ''SInt32'' -- The superscript level of the text.[[BR]]
   '''alignment''' ''k.justified | k.right | k.left | k.natural | k.center'' -- Alignment of the text.[[BR]]
   '''text''' ''UnicodeText'' -- The actual text content.[[BR]]
   '''color''' ''
[#class_color k.color]'' -- The color of the first character.[[BR]]
   '''[#class_text_attachment text_attachments]''' -- '' index | relative | range | test''[[BR]]
[#class_character characters]''' -- '' index | relative | range | test''[[BR]]
[#class_attribute_run attribute_runs]''' -- '' index | relative | range | test''[[BR]]
[#class_word words]''' -- '' index | relative | range | test''[[BR]]
[#class_paragraph paragraphs]''' -- '' index | relative | range | test''[[BR]]
Anchor(class_paragraph)]]'''paragraph''' -- This subdivides the text into paragraphs.
   ''[#class_item item]''
   '''size''' ''SInt32'' -- The size in points of the first character.[[BR]]
   '''underlined''' ''Boolean'' -- Is the first character underlined?[[BR]]
   '''baseline_offset''' ''ShortFloat'' -- Number of pixels shifted above or below the normal baseline.[[BR]]
   '''font''' ''UnicodeText'' -- The name of the font of the first character.[[BR]]
   '''superscript''' ''SInt32'' -- The superscript level of the text.[[BR]]
   '''alignment''' ''k.justified | k.right | k.left | k.natural | k.center'' -- Alignment of the text.[[BR]]
   '''text''' ''UnicodeText'' -- The actual text content.[[BR]]
   '''color''' ''
[#class_color k.color]'' -- The color of the first character.[[BR]]
   '''[#class_text_attachment text_attachments]''' -- '' index | relative | range | test''[[BR]]
[#class_character characters]''' -- '' index | relative | range | test''[[BR]]
[#class_attribute_run attribute_runs]''' -- '' index | relative | range | test''[[BR]]
[#class_word words]''' -- '' index | relative | range | test''[[BR]]
[#class_paragraph paragraphs]''' -- '' index | relative | range | test''[[BR]]

   '''size''' ''SInt32'' -- The size in points of the first character.<<BR>>
   '''underlined''' ''Boolean'' -- Is the first character underlined?<<BR>>
   '''baseline_offset''' ''ShortFloat'' -- Number of pixels shifted above or below the normal baseline.<<BR>>
   '''font''' ''UnicodeText'' -- The name of the font of the first character.<<BR>>
   '''superscript''' ''SInt32'' -- The superscript level of the text.<<BR>>
   '''alignment''' ''k.justified | k.right | k.left | k.natural | k.center'' -- Alignment of the text.<<BR>>
   '''text''' ''UnicodeText'' -- The actual text content.<<BR>>
   '''color''' ''[
[#class_color|k.color]]'' -- The color of the first character.<<BR>>
   '''[[#class_text_attachment|text_attachments]]''' -- '' index | relative | range | test''<<BR>>
[#class_character|characters]]''' -- '' index | relative | range | test''<<BR>>
[#class_attribute_run|attribute_runs]]''' -- '' index | relative | range | test''<<BR>>
[#class_word|words]]''' -- '' index | relative | range | test''<<BR>>
[#class_paragraph|paragraphs]]''' -- '' index | relative | range | test''<<BR>>
Anchor(class_attribute_run)>>'''attribute_run''' -- This subdivides the text into chunks that all have the same attributes.
   '''size''' ''SInt32'' -- The size in points of the first character.<<BR>>
   '''underlined''' ''Boolean'' -- Is the first character underlined?<<BR>>
   '''baseline_offset''' ''ShortFloat'' -- Number of pixels shifted above or below the normal baseline.<<BR>>
   '''font''' ''UnicodeText'' -- The name of the font of the first character.<<BR>>
   '''superscript''' ''SInt32'' -- The superscript level of the text.<<BR>>
   '''alignment''' ''k.justified | k.right | k.left | k.natural | k.center'' -- Alignment of the text.<<BR>>
   '''text''' ''UnicodeText'' -- The actual text content.<<BR>>
   '''color''' ''[
[#class_color|k.color]]'' -- The color of the first character.<<BR>>
   '''[[#class_text_attachment|text_attachments]]''' -- '' index | relative | range | test''<<BR>>
[#class_character|characters]]''' -- '' index | relative | range | test''<<BR>>
[#class_attribute_run|attribute_runs]]''' -- '' index | relative | range | test''<<BR>>
[#class_word|words]]''' -- '' index | relative | range | test''<<BR>>
[#class_paragraph|paragraphs]]''' -- '' index | relative | range | test''<<BR>>
Anchor(class_character)>>'''character''' -- This subdivides the text into characters.
   '''size''' ''SInt32'' -- The size in points of the first character.<<BR>>
   '''underlined''' ''Boolean'' -- Is the first character underlined?<<BR>>
   '''baseline_offset''' ''ShortFloat'' -- Number of pixels shifted above or below the normal baseline.<<BR>>
   '''font''' ''UnicodeText'' -- The name of the font of the first character.<<BR>>
   '''superscript''' ''SInt32'' -- The superscript level of the text.<<BR>>
   '''alignment''' ''k.justified | k.right | k.left | k.natural | k.center'' -- Alignment of the text.<<BR>>
   '''text''' ''UnicodeText'' -- The actual text content.<<BR>>
   '''color''' ''[
[#class_color|k.color]]'' -- The color of the first character.<<BR>>
   '''[[#class_text_attachment|text_attachments]]''' -- '' index | relative | range | test''<<BR>>
[#class_character|characters]]''' -- '' index | relative | range | test''<<BR>>
[#class_attribute_run|attribute_runs]]''' -- '' index | relative | range | test''<<BR>>
[#class_word|words]]''' -- '' index | relative | range | test''<<BR>>
[#class_paragraph|paragraphs]]''' -- '' index | relative | range | test''<<BR>>
Anchor(class_word)>>'''word''' -- This subdivides the text into words.
   '''size''' ''SInt32'' -- The size in points of the first character.<<BR>>
   '''underlined''' ''Boolean'' -- Is the first character underlined?<<BR>>
   '''baseline_offset''' ''ShortFloat'' -- Number of pixels shifted above or below the normal baseline.<<BR>>
   '''font''' ''UnicodeText'' -- The name of the font of the first character.<<BR>>
   '''superscript''' ''SInt32'' -- The superscript level of the text.<<BR>>
   '''alignment''' ''k.justified | k.right | k.left | k.natural | k.center'' -- Alignment of the text.<<BR>>
   '''text''' ''UnicodeText'' -- The actual text content.<<BR>>
   '''color''' ''[
[#class_color|k.color]]'' -- The color of the first character.<<BR>>
   '''[[#class_text_attachment|text_attachments]]''' -- '' index | relative | range | test''<<BR>>
[#class_character|characters]]''' -- '' index | relative | range | test''<<BR>>
[#class_attribute_run|attribute_runs]]''' -- '' index | relative | range | test''<<BR>>
[#class_word|words]]''' -- '' index | relative | range | test''<<BR>>
[#class_paragraph|paragraphs]]''' -- '' index | relative | range | test''<<BR>>
Anchor(class_paragraph)>>'''paragraph''' -- This subdivides the text into paragraphs.
   '''size''' ''SInt32'' -- The size in points of the first character.<<BR>>
   '''underlined''' ''Boolean'' -- Is the first character underlined?<<BR>>
   '''baseline_offset''' ''ShortFloat'' -- Number of pixels shifted above or below the normal baseline.<<BR>>
   '''font''' ''UnicodeText'' -- The name of the font of the first character.<<BR>>
   '''superscript''' ''SInt32'' -- The superscript level of the text.<<BR>>
   '''alignment''' ''k.justified | k.right | k.left | k.natural | k.center'' -- Alignment of the text.<<BR>>
   '''text''' ''UnicodeText'' -- The actual text content.<<BR>>
   '''color''' ''[
[#class_color|k.color]]'' -- The color of the first character.<<BR>>
   '''[[#class_text_attachment|text_attachments]]''' -- '' index | relative | range | test''<<BR>>
[#class_character|characters]]''' -- '' index | relative | range | test''<<BR>>
[#class_attribute_run|attribute_runs]]''' -- '' index | relative | range | test''<<BR>>
[#class_word|words]]''' -- '' index | relative | range | test''<<BR>>
[#class_paragraph|paragraphs]]''' -- '' index | relative | range | test''<<BR>>

Line 320: Line 320:
 [[Anchor(command_underline)]]'''reference.underline()''' -- Underline some text[[BR]]
  Result: ''None''

 [[Anchor(command_unitalicize)]]'''reference.unitalicize()''' -- Unitalicize some text[[BR]]
  Result: ''None''

 [[Anchor(command_unbold)]]'''reference.unbold()''' -- Unbold some text[[BR]]
  Result: ''None''

 [[Anchor(command_ununderline)]]'''reference.ununderline()''' -- Ununderline some text[[BR]]
  Result: ''None''

 [[Anchor(command_replace)]]'''reference.replace(...)''' [[BR]]
gexp'''=''UnicodeText''] -- Regular expression to find[[BR]]
  ['''string'''=''UnicodeText''] -- String to find[[BR]]
  '''replacement'''=''UnicodeText'' -- Replacement string[[BR]]

  Result: ''None''

 [[Anchor(command_italicize)]]'''reference.italicize()''' -- Italicize some text[[BR]]
  Result: ''None''

Anchor(command_bold)]]'''reference.bold()''' -- Bold some text[[BR]]
  Result: ''None''

 <<Anchor(command_underline)>>'''reference.underline()''' -- Underline some text<<BR>>
  Result: ''None''

 <<Anchor(command_unitalicize)>>'''reference.unitalicize()''' -- Unitalicize some text<<BR>>
  Result: ''None''

 <<Anchor(command_unbold)>>'''reference.unbold()''' -- Unbold some text<<BR>>
  Result: ''None''

 <<Anchor(command_ununderline)>>'''reference.ununderline()''' -- Ununderline some text<<BR>>
  Result: ''None''

 <<Anchor(command_replace)>>'''reference.replace(...)''' <<BR>>
['''regexp'''=''UnicodeText''] -- Regular expression to find<<BR>>
['''string'''=''UnicodeText''] -- String to find<<BR>>
placement'''=''UnicodeText'' -- Replacement string<<BR>>
  Result: ''None''

ference.italicize()''' -- Italicize some text<<BR>>
  Result: ''None''

 <<Anchor(command_bold)>>'''reference.bold()''' -- Bold some text<<BR>>
  Result: ''None''

Line 353: Line 353:
 [[Anchor(command_remove)]]'''reference.remove(...)''' -- Remove the given object from the container.[[BR]]
  '''from_'''=''k.item'' -- The container from which to remove the object.[[BR]]
  Result: ''None''

 [[Anchor(command_add)]]'''reference.add(...)''' -- Add the given object to the container.[[BR]]
  '''to'''=''k.item'' -- The container to which to add the object.[[BR]]
  Result: ''None''

 <<Anchor(command_remove)>>'''reference.remove(...)''' -- Remove the given object from the container.<<BR>>
  '''from_'''=''k.item'' -- The container from which to remove the object.<<BR>>
  Result: ''None''

 <<Anchor(command_add)>>'''reference.add(...)''' -- Add the given object to the container.<<BR>>
  '''to'''=''k.item'' -- The container to which to add the object.<<BR>>
  Result: ''None''

Line 370: Line 370:
 [[Anchor(command_slide)]]'''reference.slide(...)''' -- Slide graphics by a vector amount[[BR]]
  '''by'''=''k.point'' -- The x and y amounts to shift the graphics[[BR]]
  Result: ''None''

 [[Anchor(command_layout)]]'''reference.layout()''' -- Layout some graphics, or a whole document using the document's Layout Info.[[BR]]
  Result: ''None''

 [[Anchor(command_assemble)]]'''reference.assemble()''' -- Group graphics[[BR]]
 <<Anchor(command_slide)>>'''reference.slide(...)''' -- Slide graphics by a vector amount<<BR>>
  '''by'''=''k.point'' -- The x and y amounts to shift the graphics<<BR>>
  Result: ''None''

 <<Anchor(command_layout)>>'''reference.layout()''' -- Layout some graphics, or a whole document using the document's Layout Info.<<BR>>
  Result: ''None''

 <<Anchor(command_assemble)>>'''reference.assemble()''' -- Group graphics<<BR>>
Line 380: Line 380:
 [[Anchor(command_flip)]]'''reference.flip(...)''' -- Flip graphics[[BR]]
  '''over'''=''k.vertically | k.horizontally'' -- Orientation to flip the graphic around[[BR]]
  Result: ''None''

 [[Anchor(command_page_adjust)]]'''reference.page_adjust()''' -- Change the number of pages to fit the current graphics[[BR]]
  Result: ''None''

 [[Anchor(command_connect)]]'''reference.connect(...)''' -- Draw a line between graphics[[BR]]
  ['''with_properties'''=''AERecord''] -- The initial values for properties of the line.[[BR]]
  '''to'''=''Anything'' -- Graphic or graphics to connect to.[[BR]]
 <<Anchor(command_flip)>>'''reference.flip(...)''' -- Flip graphics<<BR>>
  '''over'''=''k.vertically | k.horizontally'' -- Orientation to flip the graphic around<<BR>>
  Result: ''None''

 <<Anchor(command_page_adjust)>>'''reference.page_adjust()''' -- Change the number of pages to fit the current graphics<<BR>>
  Result: ''None''

 <<Anchor(command_connect)>>'''reference.connect(...)''' -- Draw a line between graphics<<BR>>
  ['''with_properties'''=''AERecord''] -- The initial values for properties of the line.<<BR>>
  '''to'''=''Anything'' -- Graphic or graphics to connect to.<<BR>>
Line 395: Line 395:
 [[Anchor(class_polygon)]]'''polygon''' -- A polygon graphic
   ''[#class_solid solid]''
   '''point_list''' ''AEList'' -- A list containing all the vertexes of the polygon[[BR]]
   '''[#class_point points]''' -- '' index | relative | range | test''[[BR]]
Anchor(class_layer)]]'''layer''' -- A layer
   ''[#class_item item]''
   '''locked''' ''Boolean'' -- are the layer's graphics locked?[[BR]]
   '''prints''' ''Boolean'' -- do the layer's graphics print?[[BR]]
   '''visible''' ''Boolean'' -- are the layer's graphics visible?[[BR]]
   '''name''' ''UnicodeText'' -- name of the layer[[BR]]
   '''[#class_polygon polygons]''' -- '' index | relative | range | test | id''[[BR]]
[#class_shape shapes]''' -- '' name | index | relative | range | test | id''[[BR]]
[#class_group groups]''' -- '' index | relative | range | test | id''[[BR]]
[#class_graphic graphics]''' -- '' index | relative | range | test | id''[[BR]]
[#class_solid solids]''' -- '' index | relative | range | test | id''[[BR]]
[#class_line lines]''' -- '' index | relative | range | test | id''[[BR]]
Anchor(class_page)]]'''page''' -- A page
   ''[#class_item item]''
   '''page_size''' (r/o) ''[#class_point k.point]'' -- Size of each page[[BR]]
   '''row_alignment''' ''k.bottom | k.middle_ | k.top'' -- Row alignment[[BR]]
   '''grid''' ''
[#class_grid k.grid]'' -- Settings for the grid[[BR]]
   '''column_spacing''' ''ShortFloat'' -- Spacing between graphics in a column[[BR]]
   '''script_canvas_color''' ''[#class_color k.color]'' -- Canvas background color[[BR]]
   '''column_alignment''' ''k.right | k.left | k.center'' -- Column alignment[[BR]]
   '''horizontal_pages''' ''SInt32'' -- Horizontal pages[[BR]]
   '''name''' ''UnicodeText'' -- Name of this page[[BR]]
   '''row_spacing''' ''ShortFloat'' -- Spacing between graphics in a row[[BR]]
   '''vertical_pages''' ''SInt32'' -- Vertical pages[[BR]]
   '''layout_info''' ''[#class_layout_info k.layout_info]'' -- Settings for automatic layout[[BR]]
   '''canvas_size''' ''[#class_point k.point]'' -- Size of the canvas (page size multiplied by number of pages)[[BR]]
   '''[#class_polygon polygons]''' -- '' index | relative | range | test | id''[[BR]]
[#class_shape shapes]''' -- '' name | index | relative | range | test | id''[[BR]]
[#class_group groups]''' -- '' index | relative | range | test | id''[[BR]]
[#class_graphic graphics]''' -- '' index | relative | range | test | id''[[BR]]
[#class_solid solids]''' -- '' index | relative | range | test | id''[[BR]]
[#class_line lines]''' -- '' index | relative | range | test | id''[[BR]]
[#class_layer layers]''' -- '' name | index | relative | range | test''[[BR]]
Anchor(class_shape)]]'''shape''' -- A graphic with a shape
   ''[#class_solid solid]''
   '''name''' ''UnicodeText'' -- name of the shape ("Rectangle", "Circle", et cetera)[[BR]]
Anchor(class_label)]]'''label''' -- A line label
   ''[#class_item item]''
   '''offset''' ''ShortFloat'' -- Distance away from the line[[BR]]
   '''fill_color''' ''[#class_color k.color]'' -- Fill color[[BR]]
   '''filled''' ''Boolean'' -- Is this label filled?[[BR]]
   '''orientation''' ''k.vertical | k.parallel | k.perpendicular | k.horizontal'' -- Orientation of the text[[BR]]
   '''text''' ''[#class_text k.text]'' -- Label text[[BR]]
   '''id''' (r/o) ''SInt32'' -- Unique identifier[[BR]]
   '''position''' ''ShortFloat'' -- Position along the line (0 is tail, 1 is head)[[BR]]
Anchor(class_point)]]'''point''' -- A point
   ''[#class_item item]''
   '''x''' (r/o) ''ShortFloat'' -- x position[[BR]]
   '''y''' (r/o) ''ShortFloat'' -- y position[[BR]]
Anchor(class_record)]]'''record''' -- A record with multiple text fields
   ''[#class_solid solid]''
   '''[#class_section sections]''' -- '' index | relative | range | test''[[BR]]
Anchor(class_layout_info)]]'''layout_info''' -- Automated layout for a page
   ''[#class_item item]''
   '''type''' ''k.vertical_hierarchy | k.force_directed | k.horizontal_hierarchy'' -- Type of layout to perform[[BR]]
   '''adjusts_pages''' ''Boolean'' -- Adjust number of pages automatically with hierarchical layout?[[BR]]
   '''shape_force''' ''ShortFloat'' -- Repulsive force of shapes in force-directed layout[[BR]]
   '''edge_force''' ''ShortFloat'' -- Repulsive force of canvas edge in force-directed layout[[BR]]
   '''random_start''' ''Boolean'' -- Start force-directed layout with shapes in random locations?[[BR]]
   '''animates''' ''Boolean'' -- Animate force-directed layout?[[BR]]
   '''line_force''' ''ShortFloat'' -- Attractive force of lines in force-directed layout[[BR]]
Anchor(class_line)]]'''line''' -- A line
   ''[#class_graphic graphic]''
   '''source''' ''[#class_graphic k.graphic]'' -- Graphic that the tail of the line is connected to.[[BR]]
   '''tail_magnet''' ''SInt32'' -- Which magnet of the source graphic the line attaches to[[BR]]
   '''line_type''' ''k.curved | k.orthogonal | k.straight'' -- Type of the line[[BR]]
   '''point_list''' ''AEList'' -- A list containing all the points of the line.[[BR]]
   '''head_scale''' ''ShortFloat'' -- Scale of line ending on the head of the line (1.0 being the normal size)[[BR]]
   '''weight''' ''ShortFloat'' -- Weighting to give this line during automatic layout.[[BR]]
   '''head_magnet''' ''SInt32'' -- Which magnet of the destination graphic the line attaches to[[BR]]
   '''destination''' ''
[#class_graphic k.graphic]'' -- Graphic that the head of the line is connected to.[[BR]]
   '''head_type''' ''UnicodeText'' -- Type of line ending on the head of the line[[BR]]
   '''tail_scale''' ''ShortFloat'' -- Scale of line ending on the tail of the line (1.0 being the normal size)[[BR]]
   '''tail_type''' ''UnicodeText'' -- Type of line ending on the tail of the line[[BR]]
   '''[#class_label labels]''' -- '' index | relative | range | test | id''[[BR]]
[#class_point points]''' -- '' index | relative | range | test''[[BR]]
Anchor(class_solid)]]'''solid''' -- Any graphic which is solid instead of a line. Includes polygons and shapes.
   ''[#class_graphic graphic]''
 <<Anchor(class_polygon)>>'''polygon''' -- A polygon graphic
   '''point_list''' ''AEList'' -- A list containing all the vertexes of the polygon<<BR>>
   '''[[#class_point|points]]''' -- '' index | relative | range | test''<<BR>>
Anchor(class_layer)>>'''layer''' -- A layer
   '''locked''' ''Boolean'' -- are the layer's graphics locked?<<BR>>
   '''prints''' ''Boolean'' -- do the layer's graphics print?<<BR>>
   '''visible''' ''Boolean'' -- are the layer's graphics visible?<<BR>>
   '''name''' ''UnicodeText'' -- name of the layer<<BR>>
   '''[[#class_polygon|polygons]]''' -- '' index | relative | range | test | id''<<BR>>
[#class_shape|shapes]]''' -- '' name | index | relative | range | test | id''<<BR>>
[#class_group|groups]]''' -- '' index | relative | range | test | id''<<BR>>
[#class_graphic|graphics]]''' -- '' index | relative | range | test | id''<<BR>>
[#class_solid|solids]]''' -- '' index | relative | range | test | id''<<BR>>
[#class_line|lines]]''' -- '' index | relative | range | test | id''<<BR>>
Anchor(class_page)>>'''page''' -- A page
   '''page_size''' (r/o) ''[[#class_point|k.point]]'' -- Size of each page<<BR>>
   '''row_alignment''' ''k.bottom | k.middle_ | k.top'' -- Row alignment<<BR>>
   '''grid''' ''[
[#class_grid|k.grid]]'' -- Settings for the grid<<BR>>
   '''column_spacing''' ''ShortFloat'' -- Spacing between graphics in a column<<BR>>
   '''script_canvas_color''' ''[[#class_color|k.color]]'' -- Canvas background color<<BR>>
   '''column_alignment''' ''k.right | k.left | k.center'' -- Column alignment<<BR>>
   '''horizontal_pages''' ''SInt32'' -- Horizontal pages<<BR>>
   '''name''' ''UnicodeText'' -- Name of this page<<BR>>
   '''row_spacing''' ''ShortFloat'' -- Spacing between graphics in a row<<BR>>
   '''vertical_pages''' ''SInt32'' -- Vertical pages<<BR>>
   '''layout_info''' ''[[#class_layout_info|k.layout_info]]'' -- Settings for automatic layout<<BR>>
   '''canvas_size''' ''[[#class_point|k.point]]'' -- Size of the canvas (page size multiplied by number of pages)<<BR>>
   '''[[#class_polygon|polygons]]''' -- '' index | relative | range | test | id''<<BR>>
[#class_shape|shapes]]''' -- '' name | index | relative | range | test | id''<<BR>>
[#class_group|groups]]''' -- '' index | relative | range | test | id''<<BR>>
[#class_graphic|graphics]]''' -- '' index | relative | range | test | id''<<BR>>
[#class_solid|solids]]''' -- '' index | relative | range | test | id''<<BR>>
[#class_line|lines]]''' -- '' index | relative | range | test | id''<<BR>>
[#class_layer|layers]]''' -- '' name | index | relative | range | test''<<BR>>
Anchor(class_shape)>>'''shape''' -- A graphic with a shape
   '''name''' ''UnicodeText'' -- name of the shape ("Rectangle", "Circle", et cetera)<<BR>>
Anchor(class_label)>>'''label''' -- A line label
   '''offset''' ''ShortFloat'' -- Distance away from the line<<BR>>
   '''fill_color''' ''[[#class_color|k.color]]'' -- Fill color<<BR>>
   '''filled''' ''Boolean'' -- Is this label filled?<<BR>>
   '''orientation''' ''k.vertical | k.parallel | k.perpendicular | k.horizontal'' -- Orientation of the text<<BR>>
   '''text''' ''[[#class_text|k.text]]'' -- Label text<<BR>>
   '''id''' (r/o) ''SInt32'' -- Unique identifier<<BR>>
   '''position''' ''ShortFloat'' -- Position along the line (0 is tail, 1 is head)<<BR>>
Anchor(class_point)>>'''point''' -- A point
   '''x''' (r/o) ''ShortFloat'' -- x position<<BR>>
   '''y''' (r/o) ''ShortFloat'' -- y position<<BR>>
Anchor(class_record)>>'''record''' -- A record with multiple text fields
   '''[[#class_section|sections]]''' -- '' index | relative | range | test''<<BR>>
Anchor(class_layout_info)>>'''layout_info''' -- Automated layout for a page
   '''type''' ''k.vertical_hierarchy | k.force_directed | k.horizontal_hierarchy'' -- Type of layout to perform<<BR>>
   '''adjusts_pages''' ''Boolean'' -- Adjust number of pages automatically with hierarchical layout?<<BR>>
   '''shape_force''' ''ShortFloat'' -- Repulsive force of shapes in force-directed layout<<BR>>
   '''edge_force''' ''ShortFloat'' -- Repulsive force of canvas edge in force-directed layout<<BR>>
   '''random_start''' ''Boolean'' -- Start force-directed layout with shapes in random locations?<<BR>>
   '''animates''' ''Boolean'' -- Animate force-directed layout?<<BR>>
   '''line_force''' ''ShortFloat'' -- Attractive force of lines in force-directed layout<<BR>>
Anchor(class_line)>>'''line''' -- A line
   '''source''' ''[[#class_graphic|k.graphic]]'' -- Graphic that the tail of the line is connected to.<<BR>>
   '''tail_magnet''' ''SInt32'' -- Which magnet of the source graphic the line attaches to<<BR>>
   '''line_type''' ''k.curved | k.orthogonal | k.straight'' -- Type of the line<<BR>>
   '''point_list''' ''AEList'' -- A list containing all the points of the line.<<BR>>
   '''head_scale''' ''ShortFloat'' -- Scale of line ending on the head of the line (1.0 being the normal size)<<BR>>
   '''weight''' ''ShortFloat'' -- Weighting to give this line during automatic layout.<<BR>>
   '''head_magnet''' ''SInt32'' -- Which magnet of the destination graphic the line attaches to<<BR>>
   '''destination''' ''[
[#class_graphic|k.graphic]]'' -- Graphic that the head of the line is connected to.<<BR>>
   '''head_type''' ''UnicodeText'' -- Type of line ending on the head of the line<<BR>>
   '''tail_scale''' ''ShortFloat'' -- Scale of line ending on the tail of the line (1.0 being the normal size)<<BR>>
   '''tail_type''' ''UnicodeText'' -- Type of line ending on the tail of the line<<BR>>
   '''[[#class_label|labels]]''' -- '' index | relative | range | test | id''<<BR>>
[#class_point|points]]''' -- '' index | relative | range | test''<<BR>>
Anchor(class_solid)>>'''solid''' -- Any graphic which is solid instead of a line. Includes polygons and shapes.
Line 560: Line 560:
   ''[#class_record record]'' ''[#class_polygon polygon]'' ''[#class_shape shape]''
   '''text_placement''' ''k.bottom | k.middle_ | k.top'' -- Placement of the text inside the solid[[BR]]
   '''gradient_color''' ''[#class_color k.color]'' -- For linear and radial fills, this is the ending color.[[BR]]
   '''fill_color''' ''[#class_color k.color]'' -- The fill color. For linear and radial gradient fills this is the starting color[[BR]]
   '''autosizing''' ''k.vertically_only | k.clip | k.full | k.overflow'' -- Autosizing behavior of the solid around the text[[BR]]
   '''image_scale''' ''ShortFloat'' -- For manual image fills, the scale of the image[[BR]]
   '''fill''' ''k.linear_fill | k.no_fill | k.solid_fill | k.radial_fill'' -- The type of fill for this solid[[BR]]
   '''gradient_angle''' ''ShortFloat'' -- Angle of a linear gradient fill.[[BR]]
   '''image_sizing''' ''k.stretched | k.manual | k.tiled'' -- How to size and display the image fill.[[BR]]
   '''gradient_center''' ''[#class_point k.point]'' -- Starting point of a radial gradient fill. (In a square from {-1,-1} to {1,1} so {0,0} is the center of the solid.)[[BR]]
   '''text''' ''[#class_text k.text]'' -- The text inside the solid[[BR]]
   '''rotation''' ''ShortFloat'' -- Rotation of the graphic in degrees[[BR]]
   '''image_offset''' ''[#class_point k.point]'' -- For manual image fills, the offset of the image in the solid[[BR]]
   '''image''' ''UnicodeText'' -- Set to a file name to load an image fill.[[BR]]
   '''magnets''' ''AEList'' -- List of magnet points. (In a square from {-1,-1} to {1,1}.[[BR]]
 [[Anchor(class_graphic)]]'''graphic''' -- A graphic
   ''[#class_item item]''
   ''[[#class_record|record]]'' ''[[#class_polygon|polygon]]'' ''[[#class_shape|shape]]''
   '''text_placement''' ''k.bottom | k.middle_ | k.top'' -- Placement of the text inside the solid<<BR>>
   '''gradient_color''' ''[[#class_color|k.color]]'' -- For linear and radial fills, this is the ending color.<<BR>>
   '''fill_color''' ''[[#class_color|k.color]]'' -- The fill color. For linear and radial gradient fills this is the starting color<<BR>>
   '''autosizing''' ''k.vertically_only | k.clip | k.full | k.overflow'' -- Autosizing behavior of the solid around the text<<BR>>
   '''image_scale''' ''ShortFloat'' -- For manual image fills, the scale of the image<<BR>>
   '''fill''' ''k.linear_fill | k.no_fill | k.solid_fill | k.radial_fill'' -- The type of fill for this solid<<BR>>
   '''gradient_angle''' ''ShortFloat'' -- Angle of a linear gradient fill.<<BR>>
   '''image_sizing''' ''k.stretched | k.manual | k.tiled'' -- How to size and display the image fill.<<BR>>
   '''gradient_center''' ''[[#class_point|k.point]]'' -- Starting point of a radial gradient fill. (In a square from {-1,-1} to {1,1} so {0,0} is the center of the solid.)<<BR>>
   '''text''' ''[[#class_text|k.text]]'' -- The text inside the solid<<BR>>
   '''rotation''' ''ShortFloat'' -- Rotation of the graphic in degrees<<BR>>
   '''image_offset''' ''[[#class_point|k.point]]'' -- For manual image fills, the offset of the image in the solid<<BR>>
   '''image''' ''UnicodeText'' -- Set to a file name to load an image fill.<<BR>>
   '''magnets''' ''AEList'' -- List of magnet points. (In a square from {-1,-1} to {1,1}.<<BR>>
 <<Anchor(class_graphic)>>'''graphic''' -- A graphic
Line 586: Line 586:
   ''[#class_outgoing_line outgoing_line]'' ''[#class_incoming_line incoming_line]'' ''[#class_line line]'' ''[#class_solid solid]'' ''[#class_group group]''
   '''draws_shadow''' ''Boolean'' -- Does this graphic draw its shadow?[[BR]]
   '''id''' (r/o) ''SInt32'' -- Unique identifier[[BR]]
   '''url''' ''UnicodeText'' -- Web link for this graphic[[BR]]
   '''origin''' ''[#class_point k.point]'' -- Origin of the graphic (position of the upper-left corner of the bounding rectangle)[[BR]]
   '''shadow_color''' ''[#class_color k.color]'' -- Color of the shadow[[BR]]
   '''stroke_join''' ''k.miter | k.bevel | k.round'' -- Type of join between segments of the stroke[[BR]]
   '''size''' ''[#class_point k.point]'' -- Size of the graphic (width and height of the bounding rectangle)[[BR]]
   '''thickness''' ''ShortFloat'' -- Thickness of the stroke[[BR]]
   '''page''' (r/o) ''[#class_page k.page]'' -- Page that this graphic is on[[BR]]
   '''stroke_color''' ''[#class_color k.color]'' -- Color of the stroke[[BR]]
   '''allows_connections''' ''Boolean'' -- Does this graphic allow connections to it?[[BR]]
   '''locked''' ''Boolean'' -- Is this graphic locked?[[BR]]
   '''group''' (r/o) ''[#class_group k.group]'' -- Which group (if any) this graphic is in[[BR]]
   '''draws_stroke''' ''Boolean'' -- Does this graphic draw its stroke?[[BR]]
   '''stroke_pattern''' ''SInt32'' -- Dash pattern of the stroke[[BR]]
   '''aligns_edges_to_grid''' ''Boolean'' -- When snapped to the grid does this graphic align its edges to the grid? (The alternative is to align its center to the grid.)[[BR]]
   '''layer''' ''[#class_layer k.layer]'' -- Which layer this graphic is in[[BR]]
   '''jump''' ''[#class_page k.page]'' -- Destination page of jump action[[BR]]
   '''script''' ''UnicodeText'' -- Source of attached AppleScript[[BR]]
   '''stroke_cap''' ''k.square | k.butt | k.round'' -- Type of cap at ends of the stroke[[BR]]
   '''[#class_line lines]''' -- '' index | relative | range | test | id''[[BR]]
   '''[#class_incoming_line incoming_lines]''' -- '' index | relative | range | test | id''[[BR]]
   '''[#class_outgoing_line outgoing_lines]''' -- '' index | relative | range | test | id''[[BR]]
 [[Anchor(class_group)]]'''group''' -- A grouped set of graphics
   ''[#class_graphic graphic]''
   '''[#class_graphic graphics]''' -- '' index | relative | range | test | id''[[BR]]
 [[Anchor(class_grid)]]'''grid''' -- The grid of a page
   ''[#class_item item]''
   '''major''' ''Boolean'' -- Does the grid have 'major' lines?[[BR]]
   '''visible''' ''Boolean'' -- Is the grid visible?[[BR]]
   '''draws_in_front''' ''Boolean'' -- Does the grid draw in front of all shapes?[[BR]]
   '''spacing''' ''ShortFloat'' -- Number of pixels between minor grid lines[[BR]]
   '''snaps''' ''Boolean'' -- Do points snap to the grid?[[BR]]
   '''script_major_grid_color''' ''[#class_color k.color]'' -- Color of major lines[[BR]]
   '''major_spacing''' ''SInt32'' -- The number of minor grid lines for each major line[[BR]]
   '''script_grid_color''' ''[#class_color k.color]'' -- Color of the grid[[BR]]
 [[Anchor(class_section)]]'''section''' -- One text area in a record
   ''[#class_item item]''
   '''size''' ''SInt32'' -- The size in points of the first character.[[BR]]
   '''underlined''' ''Boolean'' -- Is the first character underlined?[[BR]]
   '''baseline_offset''' ''ShortFloat'' -- Number of pixels shifted above or below the normal baseline.[[BR]]
   '''font''' ''UnicodeText'' -- The name of the font of the first character.[[BR]]
   '''superscript''' ''SInt32'' -- The superscript level of the text.[[BR]]
   '''alignment''' ''k.justified | k.right | k.left | k.natural | k.center'' -- Alignment of the text.[[BR]]
   '''text''' ''UnicodeText'' -- The actual text content.[[BR]]
   '''color''' ''[#class_color k.color]'' -- The color of the first character.[[BR]]
   '''[#class_character characters]''' -- '' index | relative | range | test''[[BR]]
   '''[#class_attribute_run attribute_runs]''' -- '' index | relative | range | test''[[BR]]
   '''[#class_word words]''' -- '' index | relative | range | test''[[BR]]
   '''[#class_paragraph paragraphs]''' -- '' index | relative | range | test''[[BR]]
 [[Anchor(class_outgoing_line)]]'''outgoing_line''' -- Outgoing line
   ''[#class_graphic graphic]''
   '''source''' ''[#class_graphic k.graphic]'' -- Graphic that the tail of the line is connected to.[[BR]]
   '''tail_magnet''' ''SInt32'' -- Which magnet of the source graphic the line attaches to[[BR]]
   '''line_type''' ''k.curved | k.orthogonal | k.straight'' -- Type of the line[[BR]]
   '''point_list''' ''AEList'' -- A list containing all the points of the line.[[BR]]
   '''head_scale''' ''ShortFloat'' -- Scale of line ending on the head of the line (1.0 being the normal size)[[BR]]
   '''weight''' ''ShortFloat'' -- Weighting to give this line during automatic layout.[[BR]]
   '''head_magnet''' ''SInt32'' -- Which magnet of the destination graphic the line attaches to[[BR]]
   '''destination''' ''[#class_graphic k.graphic]'' -- Graphic that the head of the line is connected to.[[BR]]
   '''head_type''' ''UnicodeText'' -- Type of line ending on the head of the line[[BR]]
   '''tail_scale''' ''ShortFloat'' -- Scale of line ending on the tail of the line (1.0 being the normal size)[[BR]]
   '''tail_type''' ''UnicodeText'' -- Type of line ending on the tail of the line[[BR]]
   '''[#class_label labels]''' -- '' index | relative | range | test | id''[[BR]]
   '''[#class_point points]''' -- '' index | relative | range | test''[[BR]]
 [[Anchor(class_incoming_line)]]'''incoming_line''' -- Incoming line
   ''[#class_graphic graphic]''
   '''source''' ''[#class_graphic k.graphic]'' -- Graphic that the tail of the line is connected to.[[BR]]
   '''tail_magnet''' ''SInt32'' -- Which magnet of the source graphic the line attaches to[[BR]]
   '''line_type''' ''k.curved | k.orthogonal | k.straight'' -- Type of the line[[BR]]
   '''point_list''' ''AEList'' -- A list containing all the points of the line.[[BR]]
   '''head_scale''' ''ShortFloat'' -- Scale of line ending on the head of the line (1.0 being the normal size)[[BR]]
   '''weight''' ''ShortFloat'' -- Weighting to give this line during automatic layout.[[BR]]
   '''head_magnet''' ''SInt32'' -- Which magnet of the destination graphic the line attaches to[[BR]]
   '''destination''' ''[#class_graphic k.graphic]'' -- Graphic that the head of the line is connected to.[[BR]]
   '''head_type''' ''UnicodeText'' -- Type of line ending on the head of the line[[BR]]
   '''tail_scale''' ''ShortFloat'' -- Scale of line ending on the tail of the line (1.0 being the normal size)[[BR]]
   '''tail_type''' ''UnicodeText'' -- Type of line ending on the tail of the line[[BR]]
   '''[#class_label labels]''' -- '' index | relative | range | test | id''[[BR]]
   '''[#class_point points]''' -- '' index | relative | range | test''[[BR]]
   ''[[#class_outgoing_line|outgoing_line]]'' ''[[#class_incoming_line|incoming_line]]'' ''[[#class_line|line]]'' ''[[#class_solid|solid]]'' ''[[#class_group|group]]''
   '''draws_shadow''' ''Boolean'' -- Does this graphic draw its shadow?<<BR>>
   '''id''' (r/o) ''SInt32'' -- Unique identifier<<BR>>
   '''url''' ''UnicodeText'' -- Web link for this graphic<<BR>>
   '''origin''' ''[[#class_point|k.point]]'' -- Origin of the graphic (position of the upper-left corner of the bounding rectangle)<<BR>>
   '''shadow_color''' ''[[#class_color|k.color]]'' -- Color of the shadow<<BR>>
   '''stroke_join''' ''k.miter | k.bevel | k.round'' -- Type of join between segments of the stroke<<BR>>
   '''size''' ''[[#class_point|k.point]]'' -- Size of the graphic (width and height of the bounding rectangle)<<BR>>
   '''thickness''' ''ShortFloat'' -- Thickness of the stroke<<BR>>
   '''page''' (r/o) ''[[#class_page|k.page]]'' -- Page that this graphic is on<<BR>>
   '''stroke_color''' ''[[#class_color|k.color]]'' -- Color of the stroke<<BR>>
   '''allows_connections''' ''Boolean'' -- Does this graphic allow connections to it?<<BR>>
   '''locked''' ''Boolean'' -- Is this graphic locked?<<BR>>
   '''group''' (r/o) ''[[#class_group|k.group]]'' -- Which group (if any) this graphic is in<<BR>>
   '''draws_stroke''' ''Boolean'' -- Does this graphic draw its stroke?<<BR>>
   '''stroke_pattern''' ''SInt32'' -- Dash pattern of the stroke<<BR>>
   '''aligns_edges_to_grid''' ''Boolean'' -- When snapped to the grid does this graphic align its edges to the grid? (The alternative is to align its center to the grid.)<<BR>>
   '''layer''' ''[[#class_layer|k.layer]]'' -- Which layer this graphic is in<<BR>>
   '''jump''' ''[[#class_page|k.page]]'' -- Destination page of jump action<<BR>>
   '''script''' ''UnicodeText'' -- Source of attached AppleScript<<BR>>
   '''stroke_cap''' ''k.square | k.butt | k.round'' -- Type of cap at ends of the stroke<<BR>>
   '''[[#class_line|lines]]''' -- '' index | relative | range | test | id''<<BR>>
   '''[[#class_incoming_line|incoming_lines]]''' -- '' index | relative | range | test | id''<<BR>>
   '''[[#class_outgoing_line|outgoing_lines]]''' -- '' index | relative | range | test | id''<<BR>>
 <<Anchor(class_group)>>'''group''' -- A grouped set of graphics
   '''[[#class_graphic|graphics]]''' -- '' index | relative | range | test | id''<<BR>>
 <<Anchor(class_grid)>>'''grid''' -- The grid of a page
   '''major''' ''Boolean'' -- Does the grid have 'major' lines?<<BR>>
   '''visible''' ''Boolean'' -- Is the grid visible?<<BR>>
   '''draws_in_front''' ''Boolean'' -- Does the grid draw in front of all shapes?<<BR>>
   '''spacing''' ''ShortFloat'' -- Number of pixels between minor grid lines<<BR>>
   '''snaps''' ''Boolean'' -- Do points snap to the grid?<<BR>>
   '''script_major_grid_color''' ''[[#class_color|k.color]]'' -- Color of major lines<<BR>>
   '''major_spacing''' ''SInt32'' -- The number of minor grid lines for each major line<<BR>>
   '''script_grid_color''' ''[[#class_color|k.color]]'' -- Color of the grid<<BR>>
 <<Anchor(class_section)>>'''section''' -- One text area in a record
   '''size''' ''SInt32'' -- The size in points of the first character.<<BR>>
   '''underlined''' ''Boolean'' -- Is the first character underlined?<<BR>>
   '''baseline_offset''' ''ShortFloat'' -- Number of pixels shifted above or below the normal baseline.<<BR>>
   '''font''' ''UnicodeText'' -- The name of the font of the first character.<<BR>>
   '''superscript''' ''SInt32'' -- The superscript level of the text.<<BR>>
   '''alignment''' ''k.justified | k.right | k.left | k.natural | k.center'' -- Alignment of the text.<<BR>>
   '''text''' ''UnicodeText'' -- The actual text content.<<BR>>
   '''color''' ''[[#class_color|k.color]]'' -- The color of the first character.<<BR>>
   '''[[#class_character|characters]]''' -- '' index | relative | range | test''<<BR>>
   '''[[#class_attribute_run|attribute_runs]]''' -- '' index | relative | range | test''<<BR>>
   '''[[#class_word|words]]''' -- '' index | relative | range | test''<<BR>>
   '''[[#class_paragraph|paragraphs]]''' -- '' index | relative | range | test''<<BR>>
 <<Anchor(class_outgoing_line)>>'''outgoing_line''' -- Outgoing line
   '''source''' ''[[#class_graphic|k.graphic]]'' -- Graphic that the tail of the line is connected to.<<BR>>
   '''tail_magnet''' ''SInt32'' -- Which magnet of the source graphic the line attaches to<<BR>>
   '''line_type''' ''k.curved | k.orthogonal | k.straight'' -- Type of the line<<BR>>
   '''point_list''' ''AEList'' -- A list containing all the points of the line.<<BR>>
   '''head_scale''' ''ShortFloat'' -- Scale of line ending on the head of the line (1.0 being the normal size)<<BR>>
   '''weight''' ''ShortFloat'' -- Weighting to give this line during automatic layout.<<BR>>
   '''head_magnet''' ''SInt32'' -- Which magnet of the destination graphic the line attaches to<<BR>>
   '''destination''' ''[[#class_graphic|k.graphic]]'' -- Graphic that the head of the line is connected to.<<BR>>
   '''head_type''' ''UnicodeText'' -- Type of line ending on the head of the line<<BR>>
   '''tail_scale''' ''ShortFloat'' -- Scale of line ending on the tail of the line (1.0 being the normal size)<<BR>>
   '''tail_type''' ''UnicodeText'' -- Type of line ending on the tail of the line<<BR>>
   '''[[#class_label|labels]]''' -- '' index | relative | range | test | id''<<BR>>
   '''[[#class_point|points]]''' -- '' index | relative | range | test''<<BR>>
 <<Anchor(class_incoming_line)>>'''incoming_line''' -- Incoming line
   '''source''' ''[[#class_graphic|k.graphic]]'' -- Graphic that the tail of the line is connected to.<<BR>>
   '''tail_magnet''' ''SInt32'' -- Which magnet of the source graphic the line attaches to<<BR>>
   '''line_type''' ''k.curved | k.orthogonal | k.straight'' -- Type of the line<<BR>>
   '''point_list''' ''AEList'' -- A list containing all the points of the line.<<BR>>
   '''head_scale''' ''ShortFloat'' -- Scale of line ending on the head of the line (1.0 being the normal size)<<BR>>
   '''weight''' ''ShortFloat'' -- Weighting to give this line during automatic layout.<<BR>>
   '''head_magnet''' ''SInt32'' -- Which magnet of the destination graphic the line attaches to<<BR>>
   '''destination''' ''[[#class_graphic|k.graphic]]'' -- Graphic that the head of the line is connected to.<<BR>>
   '''head_type''' ''UnicodeText'' -- Type of line ending on the head of the line<<BR>>
   '''tail_scale''' ''ShortFloat'' -- Scale of line ending on the tail of the line (1.0 being the normal size)<<BR>>
   '''tail_type''' ''UnicodeText'' -- Type of line ending on the tail of the line<<BR>>
   '''[[#class_label|labels]]''' -- '' index | relative | range | test | id''<<BR>>
   '''[[#class_point|points]]''' -- '' index | relative | range | test''<<BR>>

(OmniGraffle Professional.app terminology, generated from /Applications/Graphisme/OmniGraffle Professional.app)


Standard Suite Text Suite Extended Text Suite /OmniFoundation Scripting OmniGraffle


add assemble bold close connect count delete duplicate exists flip get italicize layout make move open page_adjust print_ quit remove replace save set slide unbold underline unitalicize ununderline


application attribute_run character color document graphic grid group incoming_line item label layer layout_info line outgoing_line page paragraph point polygon record section shape solid text text_attachment window word

Standard Suite

Common classes and commands for most applications.


  • reference.get() -- Get the data for an object.

    • Result: Anything -- the reply for the command

    reference.save(...) -- Save an object.

    • [as=UnicodeText] -- The file type in which to save the data.
      [in_=Alias] -- The file in which to save the object.
      Result: None

    reference.set(...) -- Set an object's data.

    • to=Anything -- The new value.
      Result: None

    application.print_(...) -- Print an object.

    • [Alias] -- The file(s) or document(s) to be printed.
      Result: None

    reference.duplicate(...) -- Copy object(s) and put the copies at a new location.

    • to=InsertionLoc -- The location for the new object(s).
      [with_properties=AERecord] -- Properties to be set in the new duplicated object(s).
      Result: None

    reference.exists() -- Verify if an object exists.

    • Result: Boolean -- the reply for the command

    reference.delete() -- Delete an object.

    • Result: None

    application.make(...) -- Make a new object.

    • [with_properties=AERecord] -- The initial values for properties of the object.
      new=Type -- The class of the new object.
      [with_data=Anything] -- The initial data for the object.
      [at=InsertionLoc] -- The location at which to insert the object.
      Result: ObjectSpecifier -- the reply for the command

    application.open(...) -- Open an object.

    • [Alias] -- The file(s) to be opened.
      Result: None

    reference.close(...) -- Close an object.

    • [saving=k.yes | k.no | k.ask] -- Specifies whether changes should be saved before closing.
      [saving_in=Alias] -- The file in which to save the object.
      Result: None

    reference.count(...) -- Return the number of elements of a particular class within an object.

    • [each=Type] -- The class of objects to be counted.
      Result: SInt32 -- the reply for the command

    reference.move(...) -- Move object(s) to a new location.

    • to=InsertionLoc -- The new location for the object(s).
      Result: None

    reference.quit(...) -- Quit an application.

    • [saving=k.yes | k.no | k.ask] -- Specifies whether changes should be saved before quitting.
      Result: None


  • document -- An /OmniGraffle document

    • Parent: Properties:
      • modified (r/o) Boolean -- Has the document been modified since the last save?
        path UnicodeText -- The document's path.
        name UnicodeText -- The document's name.
        links_visible Boolean -- Whether link indicators are visible
        alignment_guides_enabled Boolean -- Whether smart alignment guides are enabled
        distance_guides_enabled Boolean -- Whether smart distance guides are enabled
        show_guides Boolean -- Whether manually set guides are visible
        page_breaks_visible Boolean -- Whether page breaks are visible
        magnets_visible Boolean -- Whether magnets are visible

      • pages -- name | index | relative | range | test

    item -- A scriptable object.

    window -- An /OmniGraffle window

    • Parent: Properties:
      • zoomed Boolean -- Whether the window is currently zoomed.
        miniaturized Boolean -- Whether the window is currently miniaturized.
        name UnicodeText -- The full title of the window.
        floating (r/o) Boolean -- Whether the window floats.
        modal (r/o) Boolean -- Whether the window is the application's current modal window.
        miniaturizable (r/o) Boolean -- Whether the window can be miniaturized.
        visible Boolean -- Whether the window is currently visible.
        closeable (r/o) Boolean -- Whether the window has a close box.
        resizable (r/o) Boolean -- Whether the window can be resized.
        zoomable (r/o) Boolean -- Whether the window can be zoomed.
        id (r/o) SInt32 -- The unique identifier of the window.
        bounds QDRectangle -- The bounding rectangle of the window.
        titled (r/o) Boolean -- Whether the window has a title bar.
        index SInt32 -- The index of the window in the back-to-front window ordering.
        document (r/o) k.document -- The document whose contents are being displayed in the window.
        zoom ShortFloat -- Current zoom setting for this window
        page k.page -- Current page this window is viewing
        selection AEList -- Selected graphics

    application -- /OmniGraffle

    • Parent: Properties:
      • version (r/o) UnicodeText -- The version of the application.
        frontmost (r/o) Boolean -- Is this the frontmost (active) application?
        name (r/o) UnicodeText -- The name of the application.
        self (r/o) k.graphic -- Graphic clicked to start this script
        professional (r/o) Boolean -- Whether this application is /OmniGraffle or /OmniGraffle Professional
        demo (r/o) Boolean -- Is this the demo version of the application

      • windows -- name | index | relative | range | test | id
        documents -- name | index | relative | range | test

    color -- A color.

Text Suite

A set of basic classes for text processing.


  • text_attachment -- Represents an inline text attachment. This class is used mainly for make commands.

    • Parent: Properties:
      • file_name UnicodeText -- The path to the file for the attachment

    text -- Rich (styled) text

    • Parent: Children: Properties:
      • size SInt32 -- The size in points of the first character.
        underlined Boolean -- Is the first character underlined?
        baseline_offset ShortFloat -- Number of pixels shifted above or below the normal baseline.
        font UnicodeText -- The name of the font of the first character.
        superscript SInt32 -- The superscript level of the text.
        alignment k.justified | k.right | k.left | k.natural | k.center -- Alignment of the text.
        text UnicodeText -- The actual text content.
        color k.color -- The color of the first character.


    attribute_run -- This subdivides the text into chunks that all have the same attributes.

    • Parent: Properties:
      • size SInt32 -- The size in points of the first character.
        underlined Boolean -- Is the first character underlined?
        baseline_offset ShortFloat -- Number of pixels shifted above or below the normal baseline.
        font UnicodeText -- The name of the font of the first character.
        superscript SInt32 -- The superscript level of the text.
        alignment k.justified | k.right | k.left | k.natural | k.center -- Alignment of the text.
        text UnicodeText -- The actual text content.
        color k.color -- The color of the first character.


    character -- This subdivides the text into characters.

    • Parent: Properties:
      • size SInt32 -- The size in points of the first character.
        underlined Boolean -- Is the first character underlined?
        baseline_offset ShortFloat -- Number of pixels shifted above or below the normal baseline.
        font UnicodeText -- The name of the font of the first character.
        superscript SInt32 -- The superscript level of the text.
        alignment k.justified | k.right | k.left | k.natural | k.center -- Alignment of the text.
        text UnicodeText -- The actual text content.
        color k.color -- The color of the first character.


    word -- This subdivides the text into words.

    • Parent: Properties:
      • size SInt32 -- The size in points of the first character.
        underlined Boolean -- Is the first character underlined?
        baseline_offset ShortFloat -- Number of pixels shifted above or below the normal baseline.
        font UnicodeText -- The name of the font of the first character.
        superscript SInt32 -- The superscript level of the text.
        alignment k.justified | k.right | k.left | k.natural | k.center -- Alignment of the text.
        text UnicodeText -- The actual text content.
        color k.color -- The color of the first character.


    paragraph -- This subdivides the text into paragraphs.

    • Parent: Properties:
      • size SInt32 -- The size in points of the first character.
        underlined Boolean -- Is the first character underlined?
        baseline_offset ShortFloat -- Number of pixels shifted above or below the normal baseline.
        font UnicodeText -- The name of the font of the first character.
        superscript SInt32 -- The superscript level of the text.
        alignment k.justified | k.right | k.left | k.natural | k.center -- Alignment of the text.
        text UnicodeText -- The actual text content.
        color k.color -- The color of the first character.


Extended Text Suite

Extended functionality for text.


  • reference.underline() -- Underline some text

    • Result: None

    reference.unitalicize() -- Unitalicize some text

    • Result: None

    reference.unbold() -- Unbold some text

    • Result: None

    reference.ununderline() -- Ununderline some text

    • Result: None


    reference.italicize() -- Italicize some text

    • Result: None

    reference.bold() -- Bold some text

    • Result: None

/OmniFoundation Scripting

OmniFoundation scripting support.


  • reference.remove(...) -- Remove the given object from the container.

    • from_=k.item -- The container from which to remove the object.
      Result: None

    reference.add(...) -- Add the given object to the container.

    • to=k.item -- The container to which to add the object.
      Result: None


Omni Graffle Script Suite


  • reference.slide(...) -- Slide graphics by a vector amount

    • by=k.point -- The x and y amounts to shift the graphics
      Result: None

    reference.layout() -- Layout some graphics, or a whole document using the document's Layout Info.

    • Result: None

    reference.assemble() -- Group graphics

    • Result: k.group -- the reply for the command

    reference.flip(...) -- Flip graphics

    • over=k.vertically | k.horizontally -- Orientation to flip the graphic around
      Result: None

    reference.page_adjust() -- Change the number of pages to fit the current graphics

    • Result: None

    reference.connect(...) -- Draw a line between graphics

    • [with_properties=AERecord] -- The initial values for properties of the line.
      to=Anything -- Graphic or graphics to connect to.
      Result: k.line -- the reply for the command


  • polygon -- A polygon graphic

    • Parent: Properties:
      • point_list AEList -- A list containing all the vertexes of the polygon

      • points -- index | relative | range | test

    layer -- A layer

    • Parent: Properties:
      • locked Boolean -- are the layer's graphics locked?
        prints Boolean -- do the layer's graphics print?
        visible Boolean -- are the layer's graphics visible?
        name UnicodeText -- name of the layer

      • polygons -- index | relative | range | test | id
        shapes -- name | index | relative | range | test | id
        groups -- index | relative | range | test | id
        graphics -- index | relative | range | test | id
        solids -- index | relative | range | test | id
        lines -- index | relative | range | test | id

    page -- A page

    • Parent: Properties:
      • page_size (r/o) k.point -- Size of each page
        row_alignment k.bottom | k.middle_ | k.top -- Row alignment
        grid k.grid -- Settings for the grid
        column_spacing ShortFloat -- Spacing between graphics in a column
        script_canvas_color k.color -- Canvas background color
        column_alignment k.right | k.left | k.center -- Column alignment
        horizontal_pages SInt32 -- Horizontal pages
        name UnicodeText -- Name of this page
        row_spacing ShortFloat -- Spacing between graphics in a row
        vertical_pages SInt32 -- Vertical pages
        layout_info k.layout_info -- Settings for automatic layout
        canvas_size k.point -- Size of the canvas (page size multiplied by number of pages)

      • polygons -- index | relative | range | test | id
        shapes -- name | index | relative | range | test | id
        groups -- index | relative | range | test | id
        graphics -- index | relative | range | test | id
        solids -- index | relative | range | test | id
        lines -- index | relative | range | test | id
        layers -- name | index | relative | range | test

    shape -- A graphic with a shape

    • Parent: Properties:
      • name UnicodeText -- name of the shape ("Rectangle", "Circle", et cetera)

    label -- A line label

    • Parent: Properties:
      • offset ShortFloat -- Distance away from the line
        fill_color k.color -- Fill color
        filled Boolean -- Is this label filled?
        orientation k.vertical | k.parallel | k.perpendicular | k.horizontal -- Orientation of the text
        text k.text -- Label text
        id (r/o) SInt32 -- Unique identifier
        position ShortFloat -- Position along the line (0 is tail, 1 is head)

    point -- A point

    record -- A record with multiple text fields

    • Parent: Elements:
      • sections -- index | relative | range | test

    layout_info -- Automated layout for a page

    • Parent: Properties:
      • type k.vertical_hierarchy | k.force_directed | k.horizontal_hierarchy -- Type of layout to perform
        adjusts_pages Boolean -- Adjust number of pages automatically with hierarchical layout?
        shape_force ShortFloat -- Repulsive force of shapes in force-directed layout
        edge_force ShortFloat -- Repulsive force of canvas edge in force-directed layout
        random_start Boolean -- Start force-directed layout with shapes in random locations?
        animates Boolean -- Animate force-directed layout?
        line_force ShortFloat -- Attractive force of lines in force-directed layout

    line -- A line

    • Parent: Properties:
      • source k.graphic -- Graphic that the tail of the line is connected to.
        tail_magnet SInt32 -- Which magnet of the source graphic the line attaches to
        line_type k.curved | k.orthogonal | k.straight -- Type of the line
        point_list AEList -- A list containing all the points of the line.
        head_scale ShortFloat -- Scale of line ending on the head of the line (1.0 being the normal size)
        weight ShortFloat -- Weighting to give this line during automatic layout.
        head_magnet SInt32 -- Which magnet of the destination graphic the line attaches to
        destination k.graphic -- Graphic that the head of the line is connected to.
        head_type UnicodeText -- Type of line ending on the head of the line
        tail_scale ShortFloat -- Scale of line ending on the tail of the line (1.0 being the normal size)
        tail_type UnicodeText -- Type of line ending on the tail of the line

      • labels -- index | relative | range | test | id
        points -- index | relative | range | test

    solid -- Any graphic which is solid instead of a line. Includes polygons and shapes.

    • Parent: Children: Properties:
      • text_placement k.bottom | k.middle_ | k.top -- Placement of the text inside the solid
        gradient_color k.color -- For linear and radial fills, this is the ending color.
        fill_color k.color -- The fill color. For linear and radial gradient fills this is the starting color
        autosizing k.vertically_only | k.clip | k.full | k.overflow -- Autosizing behavior of the solid around the text
        image_scale ShortFloat -- For manual image fills, the scale of the image
        fill k.linear_fill | k.no_fill | k.solid_fill | k.radial_fill -- The type of fill for this solid
        gradient_angle ShortFloat -- Angle of a linear gradient fill.
        image_sizing k.stretched | k.manual | k.tiled -- How to size and display the image fill.
        gradient_center k.point -- Starting point of a radial gradient fill. (In a square from {-1,-1} to {1,1} so {0,0} is the center of the solid.)
        text k.text -- The text inside the solid
        rotation ShortFloat -- Rotation of the graphic in degrees
        image_offset k.point -- For manual image fills, the offset of the image in the solid
        image UnicodeText -- Set to a file name to load an image fill.
        magnets AEList -- List of magnet points. (In a square from {-1,-1} to {1,1}.

    graphic -- A graphic

    • Parent: Children: Properties:
      • draws_shadow Boolean -- Does this graphic draw its shadow?
        id (r/o) SInt32 -- Unique identifier
        url UnicodeText -- Web link for this graphic
        origin k.point -- Origin of the graphic (position of the upper-left corner of the bounding rectangle)
        shadow_color k.color -- Color of the shadow
        stroke_join k.miter | k.bevel | k.round -- Type of join between segments of the stroke
        size k.point -- Size of the graphic (width and height of the bounding rectangle)
        thickness ShortFloat -- Thickness of the stroke
        page (r/o) k.page -- Page that this graphic is on
        stroke_color k.color -- Color of the stroke
        allows_connections Boolean -- Does this graphic allow connections to it?
        locked Boolean -- Is this graphic locked?
        group (r/o) k.group -- Which group (if any) this graphic is in
        draws_stroke Boolean -- Does this graphic draw its stroke?
        stroke_pattern SInt32 -- Dash pattern of the stroke
        aligns_edges_to_grid Boolean -- When snapped to the grid does this graphic align its edges to the grid? (The alternative is to align its center to the grid.)
        layer k.layer -- Which layer this graphic is in
        jump k.page -- Destination page of jump action
        script UnicodeText -- Source of attached AppleScript
        stroke_cap k.square | k.butt | k.round -- Type of cap at ends of the stroke


    group -- A grouped set of graphics

    • Parent: Elements:
      • graphics -- index | relative | range | test | id

    grid -- The grid of a page

    • Parent: Properties:
      • major Boolean -- Does the grid have 'major' lines?
        visible Boolean -- Is the grid visible?
        draws_in_front Boolean -- Does the grid draw in front of all shapes?
        spacing ShortFloat -- Number of pixels between minor grid lines
        snaps Boolean -- Do points snap to the grid?
        script_major_grid_color k.color -- Color of major lines
        major_spacing SInt32 -- The number of minor grid lines for each major line
        script_grid_color k.color -- Color of the grid

    section -- One text area in a record

    • Parent: Properties:
      • size SInt32 -- The size in points of the first character.
        underlined Boolean -- Is the first character underlined?
        baseline_offset ShortFloat -- Number of pixels shifted above or below the normal baseline.
        font UnicodeText -- The name of the font of the first character.
        superscript SInt32 -- The superscript level of the text.
        alignment k.justified | k.right | k.left | k.natural | k.center -- Alignment of the text.
        text UnicodeText -- The actual text content.
        color k.color -- The color of the first character.


    outgoing_line -- Outgoing line

    • Parent: Properties:
      • source k.graphic -- Graphic that the tail of the line is connected to.
        tail_magnet SInt32 -- Which magnet of the source graphic the line attaches to
        line_type k.curved | k.orthogonal | k.straight -- Type of the line
        point_list AEList -- A list containing all the points of the line.
        head_scale ShortFloat -- Scale of line ending on the head of the line (1.0 being the normal size)
        weight ShortFloat -- Weighting to give this line during automatic layout.
        head_magnet SInt32 -- Which magnet of the destination graphic the line attaches to
        destination k.graphic -- Graphic that the head of the line is connected to.
        head_type UnicodeText -- Type of line ending on the head of the line
        tail_scale ShortFloat -- Scale of line ending on the tail of the line (1.0 being the normal size)
        tail_type UnicodeText -- Type of line ending on the tail of the line

      • labels -- index | relative | range | test | id
        points -- index | relative | range | test

    incoming_line -- Incoming line

    • Parent: Properties:
      • source k.graphic -- Graphic that the tail of the line is connected to.
        tail_magnet SInt32 -- Which magnet of the source graphic the line attaches to
        line_type k.curved | k.orthogonal | k.straight -- Type of the line
        point_list AEList -- A list containing all the points of the line.
        head_scale ShortFloat -- Scale of line ending on the head of the line (1.0 being the normal size)
        weight ShortFloat -- Weighting to give this line during automatic layout.
        head_magnet SInt32 -- Which magnet of the destination graphic the line attaches to
        destination k.graphic -- Graphic that the head of the line is connected to.
        head_type UnicodeText -- Type of line ending on the head of the line
        tail_scale ShortFloat -- Scale of line ending on the tail of the line (1.0 being the normal size)
        tail_type UnicodeText -- Type of line ending on the tail of the line

      • labels -- index | relative | range | test | id
        points -- index | relative | range | test

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