## page was renamed from MacPython/Terminology
## page was renamed from MacPython/GrowlOhDotSixTerminology
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''(GrowlHelperApp.app terminology, generated from /Library/PreferencePanes/Growl.prefPane/Contents/Resources/GrowlHelperApp.app)''

|| '''Suites''' || [[#suite_Growl|Growl]]  ||
|| '''Commands''' || [[#command_notify|notify]] [[#command_register|register]]  ||
|| '''Classes''' || [[#class_Image|Image]] [[#class_Picture|Picture]]  ||

== Growl  ==
AppleScript for the Growl Notification System

=== Commands ===

 <<Anchor(command_notify)>>'''application.notify(...)'''  -- Post a notification to be displayed via Growl<<BR>>
  '''with_name'''=''Text'' -- name of the notification to display<<BR>>
  '''title'''=''Text'' -- title of the notification to display<<BR>>
  '''description'''=''Text'' -- full text of the notification to display<<BR>>
  '''application_name'''=''Text'' -- name of the application posting the notification.<<BR>>
  ['''image_from_location'''=''InsertionLoc''] -- Location of the image file to use for this notification. Accepts aliases, paths and file:/// URLs.<<BR>>
  ['''icon_of_file'''=''InsertionLoc''] -- Location of the file whose icon should be used as the image for this notification. Accepts aliases, paths and file:/// URLs. e.g. 'file:///Applications'.<<BR>>
  ['''icon_of_application'''=''Text''] -- Name of the application whose icon should be used for this notification. For example, 'Mail.app'.<<BR>>
  ['''image'''=''k.Image''] -- TIFF Image to be used for the notification.<<BR>>
  ['''pictImage'''=''k.Picture''] -- PICT Image to be used for the notification.<<BR>>
  ['''sticky'''=''Boolean''] -- whether or not the notification displayed should time out. Defaults to 'no'.<<BR>>
  ['''priority'''=''SInt32''] -- The priority of the notification, from -2 (low) to 0 (normal) to 2 (emergency).<<BR>>
  Result: ''None''    

 <<Anchor(command_register)>>'''application.register(...)'''  -- Register an application with Growl<<BR>>
  '''as_application'''=''Text'' -- name of the application as which to register.<<BR>>
  '''all_notifications'''=''list of Text'' -- list of all notifications to register.<<BR>>
  '''default_notifications'''=''list of Text'' -- list of default notifications to register.<<BR>>
  ['''icon_of_application'''=''Text''] -- Name of the application whose icon should be used for this notification. For example, 'Mail.app'.<<BR>>
  Result: ''None''    

=== Classes ===
