## page was renamed from MacPython/FileMakerProAndDeliciousLibrary
'''Transfer data from a DeliciousLibrary XML database to a FileMakerPro database'''
from pprint import pprint
from elementtree import /ElementTree # [1]
from appscript import *
from Carbon.File import FSSpec # [2]
# /FileMaker prefs
FM_ID = 'com.filemaker.pro7'
FM_DB_PATH = '/Users/SOMEUSER/Desktop/Library.fp7' # [3][4]
FM_DB = 'Library'
FM_TABLE = 'Library'
# Delicious Library prefs
DL_DB_PATH = '/Users/SOMEUSER/Library/Application Support/Delicious Library/Library Media Data.xml' # [4][5]
# connect to the /FileMaker database
 fm = app(id=FM_ID)
except ApplicationNotFoundError:
 print "FileMaker Pro 7 application has not been found."
if not fm.databases[FM_DB].exists():
  print "Can't open source database '%s'." % FM_DB_PATH
if not fm.databases[FM_DB].tables[FM_TABLE].exists():
 print "Table '%s' doesn't exists in source database '%s'." % (FM_TABLE, FM_DB)
t1 = fm.databases[FM_DB].tables[FM_TABLE]
# open Delicious Library XML file
tree = ElementTree.parse(DL_DB_PATH)
## and transfer book records
fields = t1.fields.name.get()
for el in tree.findall('//items/book'):
 data = [ (el.get(f) or '') for f in fields ]
 rec = fm.create(new=k.record, with_data=data, at=t1)
 1. [[http://effbot.org/zone/element-index.htm|ElementTree]]
 2. ...Carbon.File.FSSpec not a good idea... will correct asap...
 3. ...will post Library.fp7 sample database asap...
 4. you have to adapt the path...
 5. [[http://www.delicious-monster.com/|DeliciousLibrary]]
/!\ '''Warning:''' you could use /ElementTree to edit the /DeliciousLibrary XML file, but don't forget it's not a database: you could corrupt your /DeliciousLibrary database in case of concurrent access. And no, /DeliciousLibrary is not (yet) scriptable :-/