The London Financial Python User Group (affectionately, LFPUG) has been started in November 2009. Over the last several years, the Python/Numpy/Scipy toolset has steadily grown in popularity among quants. It now plays an important role in the trading and visualization systems throughout the financial industry. A number of London-based quants, traders, and other financial professionals have asked Enthought to set up a “Financial Python” user group.

Beginning in November 2009, Enthought started to organize a monthly event where people can meet and discuss Python’s use in the financial sector (best practices, new technologies, etc.).

If you’d like to be kept informed about the details of these events, join us on the LinkedIn group or contact Didrik ( ) by e-mail. There is a "high" traffic mailing list for those who are interested about getting the latest information.

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Table of Contents:

Next Meeting

* 19 March 2014 * Program:

* Places are strictly limited to 40 on a first come first served basis. To reserve your place please register here : * Venue: Bank of America, 5 Canada Square, London E14 5AQ

Previous meetings

Lightning talks


LondonFinancialPythonUserGroup (last edited 2014-05-19 03:19:51 by DaleAthanasias)