Revision 5 as of 2004-09-02 05:26:43

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# # Aren't URLs tedius? Have you ever wished you could just say the # name of a web page, and get right to it? Here's something you can # use to jump to any page in the Python Library Reference, by name, # or any page of this wiki. # # # Make a special bookmark in Firefox to do this: # # 1. Under "Bookmarks," pick "Manage Bookmarks" # # 2. Create a new bookmark, call it "Python Reference," # and set the Location to: # # "" # # Set the keyword to "python". # # 3. Put the bookmark in the "Quick Searches" folder. # # # Now, at the address bar, you can just type something like: # # python cgi # # ...and you'll be at the Python Reference CGI page. # # Or type something like: # # python FrontPage # # ...and you'll be at the front page of the wiki. # # Take care! # # # (If you're curious how this works, it's all just a bunch # of webservices and browser redirection.) # # ( You can pull down the namespace binding with the following # code, if you like, as well: # # import xmlrpclib # nameserver = xmlrpclib.ServerProxy( "" ) # nameserver.parse_description( "" ) # # You'll get back a big fat dictionary of name-URL bindings. # See for other functionality available to you. ) #

LN "this" "" LN "edit" "" LN "LibraryReference" ""

# Some things from the beginning of the Library Reference:

LN "BuiltInObjects" "" LN "BuiltInFunctions" "" LN "NonEssentialBuiltInFunctions" "" LN "BuiltInTypes" "" LN "TruthValueTesting" "" LN "BooleanOperations" "" LN "Comparisons" "" LN "NumericTypes" "" LN "IteratorTypes" "" LN "SequenceTypes" "" LN "MappingTypes" "" LN "FileObjects" "" LN "OtherBuiltInTypes" "" LN "SpecialAttributes" "" LN "BuiltInExceptions" "" LN "BuiltInConstants" ""

# Most Modules. # # Warning: The remainder of the listing was made by a crude process; # Some entries may be missing. Feel free to edit and fix. # # Also feel free to add additional aliases, like how "copy_reg" is also just "copyreg".

LN "PythonRuntimeServices" "" LN "sys" "" LN "gc" "" LN "weakref" "" LN "fpectl" "" LN "atexit" "" LN "types" "" LN "UserDict" "" LN "UserList" "" LN "UserString" "" LN "operator" "" LN "inspect" "" LN "traceback" "" LN "linecache" "" LN "pickle" "" LN "cPickle" "" LN "copy_reg" "" LN "copyreg" . LN "shelve" "" LN "copy" "" LN "marshall" "" LN "marshal" . LN "warnings" "" LN "imp" "" LN "pkgutil" "" LN "code" "" LN "codeop" "" LN "pprint" "" LN "repr" "" LN "new" "" LN "site" "" LN "user" "" LN "builtin" "" . "builtin" . LN "main" "" . "main" . LN "future" "" . "future" . LN "string" "" LN "re" "" LN "struct" "" LN "difflib" "" LN "fpformat" "" LN "StringIO" "" LN "cStringIO" "" LN "textwrap" "" LN "codecs" "" LN "encodings.idna" "" LN "unicodedata" "" LN "stringprep" "" LN "pydoc" "" LN "doctest" "" LN "unittest" "" LN "test" "" LN "test.test_support" "" LN "math" "" LN "cmath" "" LN "random" "" LN "whrandom" "" LN "bisect" "" LN "heapq" "" LN "array" "" LN "sets" "" LN "itertools" "" LN "ConfigParser" "" LN "fileinput" "" LN "xreadlines" "" LN "calendar" "" LN "cmd" "" LN "shlex" "" LN "os" "" LN "os.path" "" LN "dircache" "" LN "stat" "" LN "statcache" "" LN "statvfs" "" LN "filecmp" "" LN "popen2" "" LN "datetime" "" LN "time" "" LN "sched" "" LN "mutex" "" LN "getpass" "" LN "curses" "" LN "curses.textpad" "" LN "curses.wrapper" "" LN "curses.ascii" "" LN "curses.panel" "" LN "getopt" "" LN "optparse" "" LN "tempfile" "" LN "errno" "" LN "glob" "" LN "shutil" "" LN "locale" "" LN "gettext" "" LN "logging" "" LN "signal" "" LN "socket" "" LN "select" "" LN "thread" "" LN "threading" "" LN "dummy_thread" "" LN "dummy_threading" "" LN "Queue" "" LN "mmap" "" LN "anydbm" "" LN "dbhash" "" LN "whichdb" "" LN "bsddb" "" LN "dumbdbm" "" LN "zlib" "" LN "gzip" "" LN "bz2" "" LN "zipfile" "" LN "tarfile" "" LN "readline" "" LN "rlcompleter" "" LN "posix" "" LN "pwd" "" LN "grp" "" LN "crypt" "" LN "dl" "" LN "dbm" "" LN "gdbm" "" LN "termios" "" LN "TERMIOS" "" LN "tty" "" LN "pty" "" LN "fcntl" "" LN "pipes" "" LN "posixfile" "" LN "resource" "" LN "nis" "" LN "syslog" "" LN "commands" "" LN "hotshot" "" LN "timeit" "" LN "webbrowser" "" LN "cgi" "" LN "cgitb" "" LN "urllib" "" LN "urllib2" "" LN "httplib" "" LN "ftplib" "" LN "gopherlib" "" LN "poplib" "" LN "imaplib" "" LN "nntplib" "" LN "smtplib" "" LN "telnetlib" "" LN "urlparse" "" LN "SocketServer" "" LN "BaseHTTPServer" "" LN "SimpleHTTPServer" "" LN "CGIHTTPServer" "" LN "Cookie" "" LN "xmlrpclib" "" LN "SimpleXMLRPCServer" "" LN "DocXMLRPCServer" "" LN "asyncore" "" LN "asynchat" "" LN "formatter" "" LN "email" "" LN "mailcap" "" LN "mailbox" "" LN "mhlib" "" LN "mimetools" "" LN "mimetypes" "" LN "MimeWriter" "" LN "mimify" "" LN "multifile" "" LN "rfc822" "" LN "base64" "" LN "binascii" "" LN "binhex" "" LN "quopri" "" LN "uu" "" LN "xdrlib" "" LN "netrc" "" LN "robotparser" "" LN "csv" "" LN "HTMLParser" "" LN "sgmllib" "" LN "htmllib" "" LN "htmlentitydefs" "" LN "xml.parsers.expat" "" LN "xml.dom" "" LN "xml.dom.minidom" "" LN "xml.dom.pulldom" "" LN "xml.sax" "" LN "xml.sax.handler" "" LN "xml.sax.saxutils" "" LN "xml.sax.xmlreader" "" LN "xmllib" "" LN "audioop" "" LN "imageop" "" LN "aifc" "" LN "sunau" "" LN "wave" "" LN "chunk" "" LN "colorsys" "" LN "rgbimg" "" LN "imghdr" "" LN "sndhdr" "" LN "ossaudiodev" "" LN "hmac" "" LN "md5" "" LN "sha" "" LN "mpz" "" LN "rotor" "" LN "Tkinter" "" LN "Tix" "" LN "ScrolledText" "" LN "turtle" "" LN "rexec" "" LN "Bastion" "" LN "parser" "" LN "symbol" "" LN "token" "" LN "keyword" "" LN "tokenize" "" LN "tabnanny" "" LN "pyclbr" "" LN "py_compile" "" LN "compileall" "" LN "dis" "" LN "distutils" "" LN "al" "" LN "AL" "" LN "cd" "" LN "fl" "" LN "FL" "" LN "flp" "" LN "fm" "" LN "gl" "" LN "DEVICE" "" LN "GL" "" LN "imgfile" "" LN "jpeg" "" LN "sunaudiodev" "" LN "SUNAUDIODEV" "" LN "msvcrt" "" LN "_winreg" "" LN "winsound" ""

# Default to the PythonInfo wiki, as a matter of convenience.

NS "PythonInfo" "" . "PI" . . "wiki" . . "TheWiki" .

# for caching name servers


# Bring people back here in the event that something was missing.


# }}}

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