## A quick note to anyone creating a homepage:
## Please only do so if you're providing or promoting Python-related
## content or if you have signed your name on another page (and want
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## by other pages or which do not provide significant new content will
## be deleted.
== Alexandro Colorado ==
Email: <<MailTo(jza AT SPAMFREE oooes DOT org)>>

 . Skype: Jzarecta
 . Jabber: jza at jabber org
 . Gtalk: jzarecta at gmail org

Python enthusiast since 2001, worked on projects such as [[https://wiki.openoffice.org/wiki/Python|PyUNO]] ([[http://openoffice.org|Apache OpenOffice]]) and other related python technologies like OpenERP. Dwels con social networks communities like [[https://www.facebook.com/groups/learnpython.org/|Facebook's LearningPython.org]], and [[http://www.linkedin.com/groups?gid=25827|Linkedin's Python group]].

Participate in communities such as:

 * [[http://python.cabal.mx/|Python Cabal]]
 * [[http://www.python.org.mx/|Python Mexico]]
 * [[http://python-hispano.org/|Python Hispano]]
