= Code = Welcome to [[JAM]]'s code page. Here you can find programs that were '''originally''' written by [[JAM]]. I have now made this page Open Source. Anybody is free to edit these programs. Please do not vandalize this page. I hope to soon have .pyc files ready for those who do not like to mess around with source code. I hope that the programs improve from here on out. If you make a change to one of the programs in this section of the Wiki, please be sure to tell everybody that you made a change by posting a notice at [[JAM/Code/Changes]]. = Programs = * [[JAM/Code/PlatformFinder]] - Shows you what platform you're using. * [[JAM/Code/HypotIO]] - An I/O interface for the ''hypot(x, y)'' function of the math module. * [[JAM/Code/ComPYiler]] - Compiles every .py file in your Python directory. ---- CategoryDistutilsCookbook