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IOSlaves Tutorial


A small library was written to allow IOSlaves, the protocol handlers for the [ K Desktop Environment], to be written in Python using the PyQt and PyKDE modules. An example IOSlave was created for the purpose of examining multiple images contained in single files (Acorn Spritefiles) using this library and a simple Python class. Since Python works well as a "glue" language, it is hoped that the creation of IOSlaves will be made more accessible to a wider range of users, leading to a richer, more transparent user experience on the desktop.


In KDE's infrastructure, IOSlaves handle the transfer of data between applications and remote servers using common protocols such as http and ftp, but also for more mundane protocols like the file protocol for local files. Many of the mainstream protocols provided in the standard KDE distribution are implemented in C++, although some, like the finger IOSlave, rely on support scripts to handle various aspects of communication with remote servers. Since PyKDE provides Python implementations (or wrappers) for the relevant classes in the kio library, it is possible to write IOSlaves almost completely in Python; a simple C++ handling function is only required for dynamic linking purposes and to set up the interpreter.

Much of the documentation describing the creation of IOSlaves is, naturally, written to assist the C++ programmer by providing examples of the appropriate classes in use. When read alongside some of the distributed examples in the kdebase package of the KDE distribution, these tutorials provide most of the information required to write an IOSlave in Python "from scratch". However, some aspects of their operation would benefit from further description so it is useful to take this opportunity, when translating the material for a new audience, to try and provide clear and concise documentation to complement existing material. Note that I am not a implentor of IOSlaves in C++ so there may be scope for future additions and corrections to this document from KDE experts.

We will begin by describing the implementation of the Python module, since the C++ handler should be transparent in use, before discussing potential problems with IOSlaves, methods for debugging them and any known limitations to their use.


Modules and the slave class

We begin by importing the necessary modules. Some of these are needed for general interoperability with the KDE IOSlave infrastructure:

from qt import QString, QByteArray, QDataStream, IO_ReadOnly
from kio import KIO
from kdecore import KURL

Other familiar Python modules are used when performing tasks specific to this IOSlave:

import os, time, types, urllib2

import Image, spritefile

Additionally, we need to use the StringIO class and would prefer to use the C implementation:


    from cStringIO import StringIO

except ImportError:

    from StringIO import StringIO

We define a class which will be instantiated when the sprites protocol is used. This is a subclass of KIO.SlaveBase and relies on the facilities of this base class for communication with applications. At this point, it is useful to declare the MIME type and image format of the images we will be returning to applications in response to their requests; this is specific to this IOSlave but may be generally useful.

class SlaveClass(KIO.SlaveBase):

    image_mimetype = "image/png"
    image_format = "png"

The __init__ method for this class simply calls the corresponding method of the base class and initialises some variables for later use. The __del__ method currently does nothing.

    def __init__(self, pool, app):
        KIO.SlaveBase.__init__(self, "sprites", pool, app)
        = ""
        self.spritefile = None
        self.url = None
    def __del__(self):

General operations

Although the actions performed by an IOSlave will typically be closely related to its purpose, we will define the methods required by many IOSlaves and only later defined the methods which are specific to the sprites protocol.

The get method is called when an application requests an object, represented by the URL given, using the relevant protocol; in this case the sprites protocol.

    def get(self, url):

The URL must be examined and the relevant object found. To do this, we call the parse_url method which is specific to this IOSlave. For this IOSlave, it returns the possible name of a sprite within a Spritefile.

        name = self.parse_url(url)

If no appropriate sprite was found then we inform the calling application by using the error method which is inherited from the base class:

        if name is None:
            self.error(KIO.ERR_DOES_NOT_EXIST, url.path())

If, on the other hand, a sprite was found then we can check whether it exists within the current Spritefile being examined, notifying the calling application if it was not found:

        # Find the sprite within the file.
        if not self.spritefile.sprites.has_key(name):
            self.error(KIO.ERR_DOES_NOT_EXIST, name)

With the name of the sprite determined, we can retrieve an object from the Spritefile.

        sprite = self.spritefile.sprites[name]

We will be converting the sprite data into a PNG image before it is delivered to the application. The MIME type of the image is reported to the application using the mimeType method, inherited from the base class:


Using the Python Imaging Library, we create an Image object from the sprite and "save" the image in a suitable format (defined above) to a string.

        image = self.sprite_to_image(sprite)
        file = StringIO(), self.image_format), 0)
        output =

The image data is sent to the application through the use of the base class's data method. Note the use of the QByteArray for this purpose.

To report the end of the data, we must send the application an empty byte array:

We must also report that we have finished the operation by calling the base class's finished method:


To be continued...

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