## Please edit system and help pages ONLY in the master wiki!
## For more information, please see MoinMoin:MoinDev/Translation.
#acl -All:write Default
#format wiki
#language en
= Security Policy Configuration =

`SecurityPolicy` is a config option that allows wiki admins to dynamically enable or disable certain key actions in a MoinMoin wiki, most notably editing and deleting content. See also HelpOnAccessControlLists for an easier way.

== Mechanics ==

Security restrictions in a MoinMoin wiki work by the interface defined in the `MoinMoin.security` module.
The `Permissions` class implements the basic interface for user permissions and system policy. If you want to define your own policy, inherit
from that base class, so that when new permissions are defined, you get the defaults.

Then either assign your new class to `Config.SecurityPolicy` in `wikiconfig.py` (and I mean the class, not an instance of it), or define your class as a member of `class Config` in `wikiconfig.py` and name it `SecurityPolicy`.

== Anti-Spam protection ==

If you enable the "antispam" utility your wiki will fetch the page BadContent from MoinMaster:BadContent and keep it automatically in sync. Do not edit it, because your edits will be overwritten.

    # add this within Config class, be careful with indentation:
    from MoinMoin.security.antispam import SecurityPolicy

== SSL-only Write ==

If you want for security reasons that users do not edit the wiki without using SSL you should add:

    # add this within Config class, be careful with indentation:
    from MoinMoin.security import Permissions
    class SecurityPolicy(Permissions):
        def write(self, pagename):
            # make wiki only writeable via SSL
            return (self.request.is_secure
                    and Permissions.write(self, pagename)

== Samples ==

For samples on using this mechanism, see MoinMoin:SecurityPolicy.

== See also ==

 * HelpOnAutoAdmin when you want to give some users or user groups admin rights on some pages.