Google Python Sprint 2007

Tasks spreadsheet: (to edit, first use the invitation once, with your Google Account:

If you plan or hope to attend, please sign up below so we can have your badge ready at the lobby. (Googlers: please sign up so we can plan the space accordingly.)

For more information on the Chicago sprint, see

Goals and Suggested Sprint Areas

The primary focus will be on getting new features into 3.0 before the first alpha. We hope to have a solid, stable and reasonably complete 3.0a1. You can make this happen and have fun doing it! Come join us.

Tasks are now written up in an online spreadsheet:

Attendees Sign Up Here


We'll be providing lunch and dinner to our attendees and breakfast will be available from the micro-kitchens. Our guests will dine with us in our cafes for their meals.

Housing - MTV

You can book a room at The Residence Inn Palo Alto/Mountain View; ask for Google's corporate rate. If you're looking to save funds, you might consider booking a penthouse room at the property and doubling up with another attendee.

Security - MTV

Badges will be provided to all attendees. Please wear them at all times.

More on Location

Mountain View

1600 Amphitheatre Parkway, CA 94043; University Theatre - 2nd Flr, Building 40

Directions: [WWW] Guests are welcome to arrive any time after 9:30 AM.

(Non-Googlers: please go to the Building 40 reception and let the receptionist know you are here for the Python Sprint and you will receive a badge.)


Chicago Sales & Engineering Office, 20 West Kinzie St., Chicago, IL 60610

More info:

Come Prepared!

Please come prepared so we won't have to waste time helping everybody with their setup. Bring a laptop (preferably running Linux or OSX; we have limited svn setup experience for other systems, esp. Windows). Make sure svn is installed: -- Check Hasans Blog Entry on subversion for help with other systems.

For Python 2.6, check out the head branch; see (use the instructions for anonymous checkout unless you already have developer privileges).

For py3k, check out the "py3k" branch. Also read PEPs 3000-3999.

In either case, make sure you have at least built and tested it once so you are familiar with the process. It's something like "./configure; make; make test" in the appropriate directory. (For Py3k, half a dozen tests typically fail -- a goal of the sprint will be to fix these.)


Are you guys on IRC, Google Talk, or something like that? Answer: no IRC AFAIK; some individuals can be IM'ed in gmail chat, e.g.,

Various Freenode IRC channels appear to be unused: #py3k, #pysprint, #sprynt, etc.. I could register one if there was interest, but it's not strictly required. --pfein on irc://

I suspect #python-dev would be sufficient. -- SkipMontanaro

Chicago folks can check out #py3kchicago on Freenode. -- Paul Smith

GoogleSprint (last edited 2010-08-21 07:58:49 by 173-164-217-69-SFBA)