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Links to Python information in German.


Community (wikis, mailing lists, newsgroups etc.)

German language Wiki

A German-language newsgroup: de.comp.lang.python.

German Python mailing list

A German-language IRC channel: on IRCnet.

German language Python forum A German Python Board for Python programmers. The first German board for newbies and all others!

General information pages

An Einfuehrung (introduction) and Beispiele (examples).

A German page for newcomers and oldtimers, maintained by Peter Gerlach.

Python for Windows Script Collection, a growing Python Script Collection for Windows.

Pythonmania, a German site with a growing collection of tutorials and how-tos.

A one-page Python/PHP phrasebook (114K PDF).

Programming in Python: german tutorial including links, faq and a simple Tkinter introduction, maintained by Walter Spiegel.

Another German language Python tutorial.

Articles & presentations

"Das Python 3.1-Tutorial auf Deutsch" is an ongoing community effort to translate the Python 3.1 tutorial. It is maintained as a Mercurial repository at BitBucket.

"Das Python-Tutorium" is a German translation of the Python 1.5.2 Tutorial. The translation was performed by Dinu Gherman.

"Perl und Python - Zwei Skriptsprachen im Vergleich" is a comparison of Perl and Python by Stefan Schwarzer.

Python Scripte zur Dokumentenkonvertierung: Hauptsächlich zum Thema PDF.

"Danny Yoo's: Ein Tag Spielerei mit IDLE" - a gentle introduction to IDLE, translated by Gregor Lingl.

"Beschränkung aufs Wesentliche - Wie Python arbeitet", an article in the German magazine iX by Rainer Fischbach.

"Objektbeschwörung. Python: objektorientierte Scriptsprache fürs World Wide Web", another article for the German magazine iX by Tobias Himstedt.

More Python articles for the German magazine iX:

GSM /GPS module with Python engine on board and free of charge test server based on Google Maps

Video Tutorials

*"Python from kids series" Kids show how to use RurPle, Easygui, pydoc and DrPython. All 3 videos of this series are very short and are in German language with English subtitles.

*" Introductory Python series]" This series aims to convey the absolute basics of programming and python to beginners to programming.


"A Byte of Python (deutsche Übersetzung)" is the German translation of Swaroop C H's A Byte of Python for Python 2.x.

"Einstieg in Python", by Thomas Theis, is a German book teaching Python for beginners. Galileo Press.

"Python - kurz & gut, 2. Auflage" is the German translation (by Dinu Gherman & Christian Tismer) of Mark Lutz's "Python Pocket Reference" and covers Python 2.2. O'Reilly Germany.

"Programmieren lernen" is a translation of Alan Gauld's Learning to Program.

"Einfuehrung in Python" is a translation of "Learning Python" by David Ascher & Mark Lutz into German by Christian Tismer for O'Reilly Germany.

"Mit Python Programmieren" by Tobias Himstedt and Klaus Mätzel. Dpunkt Verlag (1999).

Python for Kids - Gregor Lingl's book introducing Python to kids in middle and high school.

"Das Python-Buch" by Martin von Loewis and Nils Fischbeck. Addison-Wesley Germany.

"Python Standard-Bibliothek" is the translation of "Python Standard Library" by Fredrik Lundh into German by Christian Tismer & Dinu C. Gherman. O'Reilly Germany.

"Python Referenz" is a translation of the "Python Essential Reference", 1st ed., by David Beazley into German by Dinu Gherman. M+T Verlag Germany.

"Python & XML" is the translation of "Python and XML" by Christopher A. Jones & Fred L. Drake, Jr. into German by Dinu Gherman. O'Reilly Germany.

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