= FRUncon 10: Front Range Pythoneers Unconference 2010 =

We're planning a Python Unconference.  Date: November 13, 2010, all day Saturday starting at 9:00 AM.   We will be following up with code sprints on Sunday the 14th.

To learn more about unconferences, click [[http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Unconference|here]].

Note that an unconference assumes participation by a majority of the attendees.  The more you put into it, the more you'll get out.  
Please feel free to edit this page if you'd like to contribute.

== Dates & Locations ==

Location: Inspiring Apps, on Boulder's Pearl Street mall.  Here are some pictures: [[http://www.flickr.com/photos/inspiringapps/4070432558/in/set-72157620272511461/|InspiringApps]]

Address: 1045 Pearl Street, Boulder, CO

Located just above Salt, on the corner of 11th and Pearl

Day 1 Unconference Sat November 13, starting 9:00 AM

Day 2 CodeJam Sun November 14

== Social networking ==

Proposed Twitter hashtag: #fruncon10

(Registered: http://tagal.us/tag/fruncon10 )

== Day 1 (The Unconference) ==

The unconference will be an event where everyone is welcome be part of the actual conference other then just be an attendee. All are welcome to give a speech and/or presentation about Python or the tools that you use with your Python. If you're not sure what to talk about, there are a few ideas below, or if you would like to hear someone talk about something, please feel free to add to the list.

=== Bios ===

 * Greg Holling, unconference unorganizer, is an independent consultant, mentor, and trainer based in Lakewood CO.  You can reach him at 303-274-9001, or greg (at) holling-co.com.
=== What would you like to talk about? ===
 (Note that many topics will come up *at* the conference)
 * Intro to Python or ctypes intro - ''Greg Holling''
 * Intro to Python or Using WxPython - ''Matt Boersma''
 * Leveraging redis for messaging, distributed processing, and high concurrency in python - ''James Crasta''
 * Using Py0MQ for Concurrent and Parallel Programming - ''Steve Rogers''

=== What would you like to learn about? ===

 * Introduction to Python
 * Code Katas
 * Python performance
 * scientific computing with python
    * matplotlib
    * ipython
 * unittesting
  * Mocking filesystem I/O - ''Peter Lyons''
 * Concurrent Programming in Python
     * Threads/Locks
     * GIL
     * Processes/Messages
     * Immutable Data
     * Software Transaction Memory
 * Django
 * Pyjamas

=== What would you like to do to help out with the conference? ===

 * Greg Holling: Conference organizer

''I think this section could use a list of needed tasks/help/contributions.  Not everyone knows what sort of help is needed.''

=== RSVP ===

If you are wishing to attend the unconfrence. We do ask that if you would please RSVP on the Meetup site @ http://www.meetup.com/frpythoneers/calendar/15270468/

This will help use in getting started the day of the event as well as planning for everything. Including food and drink.

== Day 2 (CodeJaming) ==