For Front Range Pythoneers' current events, please see our main page.

Meeting: November 19, 2008, 6 PM - 8 PM

In Boulder at bivio.

Meeting: October 15, 2008, 6 PM - 8 PM

Chris Perkins took us into the heart of Python's new documentation generation system, Sphinx. Sphinx takes reStructuredText content and transforms it into standalone documents, websites, or even books. If you've used LaTEX, FrameMaker, or your own set of Word macros in the past, it's time to consider Sphinx. More information is available at the Sphinx website and Chris' blog.

October's meeting was in Denver at Wynkoop's Brewery.

Sprint: September 13, 2008, 9 AM - 5:30 PM

We had several dedicated jython hackers working through the Jython 2.5 alpha bug list, and we made some great progress in a few areas. A production Jython 2.5 release is planned for this fall.

Meeting: September 10, 2008, 6-8 PM

Leo Soto traveled all the way from Chile to discuss running Django on Jython. Leo talked about how to use Django under Jython, with deployment to all standard Java app servers; the common pitfalls on this setup; and we had some discussion about what can take the Python (and Django) community from the JVM, and what advantages Django development on top of Jython offers for Java projects.

Dan Ring and Christina Xu discussed the extrACT project, for which Dan is the lead developer. Currently on sabbatical from MIT, he originally hails from South Dakota and has been using Linux since he was 10. Prior to working for extrACT, he was the lead developer for Buy it Like You Mean It, a non-profit collaborative tool that promotes responsible shopping. Christina is a senior at Harvard who does a little bit of everything for extrACT (but mostly break stuff for Dan to fix). She is involved with the Harvard and MIT chapters of Students for Free Culture and was a founding organizer of ROFLCon, a conference about internet culture.

Meeting: July 16, 2008, 6-8 PM

Casey Duncan gave a presentation on writing games with pyglet and a Perlin noise library he's developing.

Meeting: June 18, 2008, 6-8 PM

Chris Perkins gave a talk on "Agile Technologies with SQLAlchemy"

Meeting: May 21, 2008, 6-8 PM

Jim Baker spoke about "Django on Jython."

Meeting: April 16, 2008, 6-8 PM

PyCon Recap!

Once again we sent a mighty posse of Pythoneers to PyCon. Now that they're safely back in Colorado, we heard from some of them about the highlights of this year's big conference in Chicago.

Meeting: March 12, 2008, 6-8 PM

PyCon preview!

Tobias Ivarsson and Jim Baker presented "the New Compiler for Jython," and Jim previewed his PyCon talk "More Iterators in Action."

Sprint: February 23, 2008

Meeting: February 20, 2008, 6-8 PM

Tentative: a PyCon talk.

Meeting: Jan 16, 2008, 6-8 PM


Sprint: January 12-13, 2008

Meeting: Dec 19, 2007, 6-8 PM

We solicit input on what sort of topics, speakers, and activities would be of interest for 2008, as well as reviewing what worked and what didn't for 2007.

Django Sprint: Dec 1 2007

Meet at Bivio to participate in the worldwide Django sprint:

Meeting: Nov 14 2007

Bring along your proposals for PyCon 2008

Meeting: Oct 17 2007

Lightning Talk Potluck!

We'll have as many short presentations as we can muster, in the style of PyCon's "Lightning Talks." We may put you on the spot, so please come prepared to say at least three sentences on some tech topic that interests you.

Django Sprint: Sept 14-15 2007

We're hosting a Front Range faction in the Django worldwide sprint this Friday and Saturday, September 14 and 15. If you would like to pitch in, please add yourself to the sprint wiki.

On Friday, we'll meet at Matt Boersma's house--801 Grant Place in Boulder--at 9. Saturday is the same time, but at bivio on 28th and Iris (where we have our monthly user group meetings). You're welcome to attend any time you can during those two days.

There are well over 100 people signed up currently, six of them from our area. We all hope you can join us in this major Django code sprint!

Meeting: Sept 19, 2007, 6-8 PM

Jim will talk about the Jython 2.5 Compiler work.

Meeting: August 22, 2007, 6-8 PM

Sprint: August 4, 2007, 9 AM - 5:30 PM

A Jython sprint. See BoulderSprint for more details.

Meeting: July 18, 2007, 6-8 PM

We had presentations on three of the leading web frameworks for Python, Django, Turbogears, and a bit on Pylons. We heard from experienced practitioners discuss the pros and cons of these frameworks. Whether you're considering adoption, would like to hear of best practice, or would like to rant about what doesn't work ;), these were a great set of talks.

Meeting: June 20, 2007, 6-8 PM

Unconference Meeting: June 16, 2007 (Sister Group Event)

The Front Range Users of Geospatial Open Source is organizing a one-day unconference event on June 16 in Boulder, Colorado (at Churchill Navigation):

We've already got a great mix of industry leaders, programmers, analysts, and scientists coming together to talk about topics like

The event is not only for GIS industry types. We welcome anybody who's innovating on any aspect of geography and location: environment, transportation, geocoding, geocaching, you name it. Python is widely used in both open source and proprietary GIS software, and will certainly be a major theme at the GeoSummit.

(From a message to the FRP mailing list from Sean Gillies.)

Meeting: Weather research with Python: May 16, 2007, 6-8 PM

IPython1 Sprint: April 28, 2007

Meeting: April 18, 2007, 6-8 PM

Meeting: March 21, 2007, 6-8 PM

PyCon: February 23-25, 2007

Audio and other presentation materials can be found here.

Meeting: February 21, 2007

Other items we talked about:

Sprint: February 3, 2007

Meeting: January 17, 2007

Topics and people attending include the following:

Sprint: January 6, 2007

Meeting: December 20, 2006

Canceled! We were going to plan the JythonSprint and see some demos. But a blizzard intervened. Fortunately, we should be able to do all of that instead in January.

Meeting: November 15, 2006

This was a fun meeting! Even if Jill's has increasingly been high decibel. But we really can't complain about the success of our venue.

Meeting: October 18, 2006

FrontRangePythoneersArchive (last edited 2009-03-18 15:57:21 by 65)