||'''Organization''' ||'''Platform''' ||'''Python Version''' ||'''Services Offered (Related to Python)''' ||'''Notes''' ||'''Last Update''' ||
||[[http://www.pythonanywhere.com|PythonAnywhere]] ||Linux ||2.7, 3.4, 3.5, 3.6, 3.7 ||Python hosting and online dev, MySQL ||Online hosting and development environment with free accounts.  Quickstarts for Django, web2py, Flask and Bottle, support for other web frameworks with manual WSGI config ||2018-09 ||
||[[http://www.openshift.com|OpenShift]] ||RHEL ||2.6,2.7,3.3.0 ||Django, MongoDB, PostgreSQL, MySQL, Jenkins ||Red Hat's  AutoScalling PaaS with a free tier. We have quickstarts for Django, Flask, Bottle, Twisted, and other Python projects ||2014-04 ||
||[[http://www.bitnami.org/cloud|BitNami]] ||Ubuntu, RHEL ||2.6, 2.7 ||Python/Django/Trac hosting ||Cloud-based development and production environment with free accounts. Supports Trac, Django and other Python-based applications and frameworks. Support for MySQL, PostgreSQL ||2014-04 ||
||[[http://wikiwikiweb.de/|WikiWikiWeb.de]] ||GNU/Linux ||2.1/2.2 ||Python and MoinMoin Wiki ||German Wiki hosting, offers Free Wiki hosting under special conditions (see [[http://wikiwikiweb.de/FreeWiki|there]]) ||2014-04 ||
||[[https://www.heliohost.org/|HelioHost]] ||CentOS (Linux) ||2.6.6, 2.7.5, 3.6.3 ||Python, CGI, Django, Flask, MySQL, PostgreSQL, Apache PHP, SSI, and more ||Free web hosting for Python, Flask, and Django using CGI and mod_wsgi. 1 GB of storage, and unlimited bandwidth. If you need other versions of Python just ask [[http://www.helionet.org/|support]] and they can be installed. ||2017-05-21 ||

See also: PythonHosting