Python 2.4 added the `-m` option to execute modules as scripts ([[|Python documentation]]). [[|PEP 338]], adopted in Python 2.5, adds the ability to execute modules in the search path. = Executable Standard Library Modules = The following standard library modules work as command-line tools: * `python3 -m http.server` - Start a web server, serving files from the current directory ([[|full docs]]). * `python -m json.tool path/to/data.json` - Validate and pretty-print JSON. Omitting the path will read from standard input ([[|full docs]]). * `python -m pdb` - Run a script in the debugger, starting post-mortem debugging on unhandled exceptions ([[|full docs]]). * `python -m timeit -s 'import string' '"x" in string.lowercase'` - Run some setup code (`import string`), and then run test code many (1,000,000 times) to time execution of the code. ([[|full docs]]) = Writing Executable Modules = Here's a sample executable Python script: {{{ #!/usr/bin/env python def main(): import sys for pos, arg in enumerate(sys.argv): print('Argument %d: %s' % (pos, arg)) if __name__ == '__main__': main() }}} If this file is importable as mylib.script, then running `python -m mylib.script foo bar` will output: {{{ Argument 0: /full/path/to/mylib/ Argument 1: foo Argument 2: bar }}} The starting line `#!/usr/bin/env python` is used in UNIX-like shells. If the script is given execute permissions, then it can also be executed directly. `python` may still point to Python 2.x on some systems, and in this case `python3` can disambiguate. A fully-featured script should use a library to parse the command line, such as [[|argparse]]. See the [[|source for json.tool]] for a fuller example.