= Mochi Sprint at EuroPython 2015 = [[https://github.com/i2y/mochi|Mochi]] is a new functional language that is written in Python 3 and compiles down to Python 3. It provides interesting functional feature while keeping two-way compatability with Python 3 (CPython and PyPy). There was a [[https://ep2015.europython.eu/conference/talks/functional-python-with-mochi|talk]] about Mochi at EuroPython 2015. The [[http://www.python-academy.com/talks/europython2015/Functional%20Python%20with%20Mochi.slides.html|talk slides]] and the [[https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Pv7Whze78ac|video]] (start at 2:20:30) give more details. == Potential Sprint Topics == === Documentation === * Start documentation for syntax * Start documentation for builtin functions * Create a tutorial * Create a simple sample application written in Mochi === Language Features === * Support for Python 3.5 * Replace a part of the builtin functions with toolz/cytoolz or a similar module (This may reduce documentation cost for builtin functions.) === Testing === * More tests ([[https://github.com/i2y/mochi/blob/master/doc/TESTS.rst|testing guide]]) === IPython Notebook Kernel === * --(Fix stderr (should go to notebook to not only to console))-- * Include kernel source into Mochi source * Add support for magic functions * Add call tips and help with "?"