EuroPython 2007 Proposed Timeline

The actual proposed timeline has been decided upon as follows:

9th March

Track chairs and conference organization (roles) decided upon

16th March

Call for proposals out, Website updated and "up and running"

16th April

Keynotes announced

1st May

Registration opens

18th May

Call for proposals closed

25th May

Launch of schedule (talk abstracts accepted and notified)

31st May

Early bird registration closes

25th June

Normal registration closes

2nd July

Online registration closes

9th-11th July


12th-14th July

Post-conference sprints

Previous Observations and Speculation

What follows is just some notes about previous/other conferences and timelines.

From the conference Web site for 2006 (before it gets overwritten), plus observed administrative milestones:

17th March

Web site goes live (first sign of interest for registering/booking)

3rd April

Call for proposals (talks)

27th April

Keynote speakers announced

15th May

Paper acceptance notifications

17th May

Registration opens

26th May

Early bird registration closes

31st May

Deadline for talk summaries (proposals)

4th June

Talk schedule announced

11th June

Normal bird registration closes

24th June

Paper submission deadline

26th June

Online registration closes

30th June-2nd July

Pre-conference sprints

3rd July-5th July

EuroPython conference

4th July

Conference dinner

6th July

CERN visit

6th July-9th July

Post-conference sprints

This is a big contrast to the original IRC meeting-agreed timeline which was optimistically decided upon well in advance of the 2006 conference:

15th February

Call for Proposals


Opening online Registration (Payment issue pending!)

31st March

Deadline for proposal submissions

30th April

Prelininary Program with accepted talks

19th May

Closing Early Bird registration

3rd July-5th July

EuroPython conference

Given the panic in May 2006 about the conference status, it might be best to not let the timeline slip much later than that of 2006.


It's always fun to compare things! Comparing the above with PyCon 2007:

EuroPython 2006

PyCon 2007

Registration period prior to conference (duration)

47 days (40 days)

70 days (63 days)

Talk submission start, deadline and acceptance prior to conference (duration of submission period)

91 days, 33 days, 29 days (58 days)

161 days, 115 days, 100 days (46 days)

EuroPython2007/ProposedTimeline (last edited 2008-11-15 14:00:03 by localhost)