= IRC Meeting #9 = == Time/Location == The meeting will take place on Monday 7th May (2007-05-07) 18:00 CEST (17:00 BST, 16:00 UTC/GMT) in the #europython channel on freenode.net. ''That's 5pm UK time, 6pm in most of Western Europe.'' The suggested duration of the meeting is at most ''one hour''. == Minutes == * Keynotes * David has notified Simon about keynoting, Steve still has to confirm with keynoter #3. * Aiste: keynoters should preferably book their own accommodation and then claim back from the organisers. * Sponsorship * Aiste is talking to Google. * Michael is yet to follow up further on his contacts. * Refinements of the [[EuroPython/2007/CallForSponsors]] were suggested: dropping certain things like entrance streamers. * Michael added a confidential sponsor contact address. * The consensus about sponsor deadlines was about a month before the conference, depending on lead times around programme production. * Registration * Special accommodation details and forms have been made available. * Food preferences for lunch and conference dinner are to be added to the registration form: vegan, vegetarian, none, other. * It was suggested that students just pay the early rate, except for "at the door". == Agenda == * Keynotes * David and Steve will report on the situation with keynote speakers. * Sponsorship * Michael to report back on his sponsorship activities. * Any other feedback? * Announcements * The text and timing of the keynote announcement, [[EuroPython/2007/CallForSponsors]] and registration announcement will be finalised. * Registration * We need to finalise the fee structure. See [[EuroPython/2007/FeeStructureAttendees]] for a comparison between fees in previous years. * The Indico "workflow" needs approving. * Any remaining theme descriptions need adding. == Notes == The things that need to be decided are mostly to do with finance and, by extension, sponsorship. If there's a formula to use to decide how much sponsors will be charged and how much attendees will pay, we need to start assigning values to some of the variables as soon as possible. We also need to decide on keynote speakers and make arrangements for their travel and accommodation. They may also need some guidance about the material they want to present, such as how long the keynote slots are. See [[http://www.europython.org/sections/calendar|the calendar]] to get an idea of where we should be at this point in time.