= IRC Meeting #12 = == Time/Location == The meeting will take place on Monday 28th May (2007-05-28) 18:00 CEST (17:00 BST, 16:00 UTC/GMT) in the #europython channel on freenode.net. ''That's 5pm UK time, 6pm in most of Western Europe.'' The suggested duration of the meeting is at most ''one hour''. == Minutes == * Bea discussed the idea of inviting people to enhance the open space experience at the conference, as suggested [[http://mail.python.org/pipermail/europython/2007-May/006403.html|in a message to the europython mailing list]]. * The response was generally positive, so she will pursue one contact to make a proposal in order to get PSF funding for travel and accommodation costs. The program chairs will deal with this. * Bea and others will look around for other likely candidates for this purpose. Bea suggested Jim Hugunin, David suggested Brett Cannon and the Jython people, Paul suggested some GNOME people. * David clarified the situation regarding Simon Willison's accommodation, and Michael sent a reminder to Guido to make sure he has somewhere to stay. Laura will receive the reimbursement claims. * We looked at the talk situation and felt that some areas/themes were underrepresented. The programme will be finalised a little later than planned while some of the organisers finish other work. We can try to get a partial programme released for the original deadline. * The WorldPay application process is still ongoing. * Sponsorship options were discussed: * Paul mailed Laura and Dario about sponsorship proposals that need to be processed. * Next week's meeting will focus on the programme, but may also cover any other issues that arise. Information about any meetings that take place will be posted to [[http://mail.python.org/mailman/listinfo/europython|the mailing list]]. == Agenda == * Registration * Status of the WorldPay application process. * Confirm arrangements for the keynote speakers. * Report on announcements and messaging (sponsors, keynotes, registration, submissions). * Status of potential sponsors. * Status of conference programmes, badges, T-shirts, conference dinner information. == Notes == See [[http://www.europython.org/sections/calendar|the calendar]] to get an idea of where we should be at this point in time.