#language en
Title: Allow Empty Subscript List Without Parentheses
Version: $Revision$
Last-Modified: $Date$
Author: Noam Raphael <spam.noam@gmail.com>
Status: Draft
Type: Standards Track
Content-Type: text/x-rst
Created: 09-Jun-2006
Python-Version: 2.5?
Post-History: 30-Aug-2002


This PEP suggests to allow the use of an empty subscript list, for
example ``x[]``, which is currently a syntax error. It is suggested
that in such a case, an empty tuple will be passed as an argument to
the __getitem__ and __setitem__ methods. This is consistent with the
current behaviour of passing a tuple with n elements to those methods
when a subscript list of length n is used, if it includes a comma.


The Python grammar specifies that inside the square brackets trailing
an expression, a list of "subscripts", separated by commas, should be
given. If the list consists of a single subscript without a trailing
comma, a single object (an ellipsis, a slice or any other object) is
passed to the resulting __getitem__ or __setitem__ call. If the list
consists of many subscripts, or of a single subscript with a trailing
comma, a tuple is passed to the resulting __getitem__ or __setitem__
call, with an item for each subscript.

Here is the formal definition of the grammar::

    trailer: '(' [arglist] ')' | '[' subscriptlist ']' | '.' NAME
    subscriptlist: subscript (',' subscript)* [',']
    subscript: '.' '.' '.' | test | [test] ':' [test] [sliceop]
    sliceop: ':' [test]

This PEP suggests to allow an empty subscript list, with nothing
inside the square brackets. It will result in passing an empty tuple
to the resulting __getitem__ or __setitem__ call.

The change in the grammar is to make "subscriptlist" in the first
quoted line optional::

    trailer: '(' [arglist] ')' | '[' [subscriptlist] ']' | '.' NAME


This suggestion allows you to refer to zero-dimensional arrays
elegantly. In
NumPy, you can have arrays with a different number of dimensions. In
order to refer to a value in a two-dimensional array, you write
``a[i, j]``. In order to refer to a value in a one-dimensional array,
you write ``a[i]``. You can also have a zero-dimensional array, which
holds a single value (a scalar). To refer to its value, you currently
need to write ``a[()]``, which is unexpected - the user may not even
know that when he writes ``a[i, j]`` he constructs a tuple, so he
won't guess the ``a[()]`` syntax. If the suggestion is accepted, the
user will be able to write ``a[]`` in order to refer to the value, as
expected. It will even work without changing the NumPy package at all!

In the normal use of NumPy, you usually don't encounter
zero-dimensional arrays. However, the author of this PEP is designing
another library for managing multi-dimensional arrays of data. Its
purpose is similar to that of a spreadsheet - to analyze data and
preserve the relations between a source of a calculation and its
destination. In such an environment you may have many
multi-dimensional arrays - for example, the sales of several products
over several time periods. But you may also have several
zero-dimensional arrays, that is, single values - for example, the
income tax rate. It is desired that the access to the zero-dimensional
arrays will be consistent with the access to the multi-dimensional
arrays. Just using the name of the zero-dimensional array to obtain
its value isn't going to work - the array and the value it contains
have to be distinguished.


Passing an empty tuple to the __getitem__ or __setitem__ call was
chosen because it is consistent with passing a tuple of n elements
when a subscript list of n elements is used. Also, it will make NumPy
and similar packages work as expected for zero-dimensional arrays
any changes.

Another hint for consistency: Currently, these equivalences hold::

    x[i, j, k]  <-->  x[(i, j, k)]
    x[i, j]     <-->  x[(i, j)]
    x[i, ]      <-->  x[(i, )]
    x[i]        <-->  x[(i)]

If this PEP is accepted, another equivalence will hold::

    x[]         <-->  x[()]

Backwards Compatibility

This change is fully backwards compatible, since it only assigns a
meaning to a previously illegal syntax.

Reference Implementation

Available as SF Patch no. 1503556.

It passes the Python test suite, but currently doesn't provide
additional tests or documentation.


This document has been placed in the public domain.

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