Python in Education (& vice versa)
Saturday - When and where are we meeting for dinner? 6:30 ballroom- Ordering Pizza.
Meet Friday 8PM: open space rooms are filling up so Andy put us down for Kai Tak Int'l 8-11 PM
Please add any possible discussion topics and any possible conficts below.
- Dinner plans for Saturday
- Python in middle and high school
- The Rise of the Robots - RUR-ple, Guido van Robot, and (very recently) Monty Karel
- Do we need (or even want) a version of Scratch implemented in Python?
- Python in CS1 or CS0.5 or CS0
One topic of the meeting Friday might be options for a dinner on Saturday.
Dinner options:
- Local to the conference hotel
- Greektown (take the CTA blue line that goes by the hotel, walk a couple of blocks from the west edge of downtown)
- River North (blue line to clark/lake then a couple blocks north)
- If anyone is interested, I can host a visit/tour and/or meeting at the Google Office on Saturday before or after the dinner. - Jessie
Persons Interested
Feel free to list your interest in attending either of the above below:
VernCeder (both)
- Charles Severance (both might work - but something during the day might be nice as well)
- Dean Goodmanson. In for dinner on Saturday. I'll be at the Board Games social in on of the open spaces area on Friday and Saturday night. I can provide some light games if folks would like to continue chats in that environment.
Kirby Urner, checked in (rm 730), see you at Kai Tak, interested in Saturday dinner plan (
AndyHarrington, planning on both. Hearing about Google's involvement in education sounds good, too.
- Jessie Chavez, new to python but former teacher and currently at Google in Chicago.
- Johannes Woolard, Crunchy co-developer. Potentially interested in both.
Other Suggestions, Ideas, Comments
Please put any other ideas you have below.